Magic Sword

16 cunning

"Oh, it turned out to be the Rose Knight Barbado Knight, the knight who claimed to have killed the steel dragon with one punch? He really looks like a brave warrior. Compared with Oga's sudden silence, Sophie did not have that scruples, or she was happy to see this situation and said slightly.

Only Hughes felt that this sentence was endless. He looked curiously at Barbado, and then cast an inexplicable look at Sophie, "Ha?"

Of course, no one pays attention to the confused Hughes.

Other people were happy or worried about waiting for Sius's reaction to see Barbado's reaction, but his reaction was so disappointing that even the people who killed him couldn't recognize him. He was really beaten into a fool! Zig flew a lot at ease about this situation. He was about to continue his Huairou policy. When he slowly persuaded him, Barbado, who strode from behind, suddenly jumped into the air and punched the one standing in the middle, "Dead!"

Without waiting for the people on Oga's side to react and block it, the murderer who was very** to kill immediately reacted and counterattacked rudely.

A familiar and strange feeling surged into his heart when they hit each other. Hughes' figure staggered in mid-air. With the strength of the other party's heavy fist, a light one fell to the ground.

"Bang." The dagger in his hand broke into many pieces and fell to the ground. The murderer looked at the shape of the fragments on the ground. "There's another disgusting guy."

"Not bad... Alas? Why aren't you dead?" In fact, at this time, Barbado saw clearly who had just made a move with him. Originally, he wanted to praise the other party. When he saw the other party, he was stunned. However, he quickly reacted and squinted Danfeng's eyes and revealed, "No, you have to die for me, or I will lie about the war!" He waved his fist and hit Hughes in the face again.

FALSe about the war? Hughes didn't understand what riddle this group of guys were playing, but he definitely couldn't take this punch. He subconsciously dodged from the side.

But this time, I didn't wait for Hughes's action to complete. A thunderbolt fell first and hit Barbado's head. No matter how rough and thick he was, he could not resist the impact of electric current on the nerves. His huge body fell to the ground and splashed a piece of dust. Seeing that he twitched like epilepsy on the ground, it was estimated that he would not be able to regain his strength for a while.

"You!" When Ilin saw that her person was beaten, she raised her staff and wanted to cast a spell. In this situation, even the battle is more likely to win on your side. And no one has the same idea as him, and several other rose knights who came with Barbado also put on an attack posture.

"Wait!" Zigfei raised his sword flat and stopped his subordinates who wanted to do it. He knew that if he could behead the enemy commander here again, it was likely to be reversed, but on the other hand, the other party could rush over with such a thorn. If she hadn't been contemptated, she had already made arrangements. Now the commanders of the two armies are face to face, beheaded or beheaded, which is not an easy topic to choose, and if they are really attacked by the Gabor people as she said...

Just hesitated for a second, and Siegfei made a decision, "Retreat."

"Your Excellency!" Ilin and Elini protested at the same time. They saw that Xius was enough to affect the overall fighting power. If this was left to the other party, it would be endless.

Zigfei glanced at Hughes, "Mr. Hughes, the magic sword I know will not yield to anyone, and so will His Majesty Oga." He said this quite rebelliously, but all the people present acquiesced. Then, he turned his eyes to Sophie, "His Royal Highness is amazing at learning force, and I hope to see your demeanor on the battlefield again."

This sentence is purely superficial politeness. Sophie just nodded slightly without saying a word.

Watching Zigfei and others stand up Barbado and leave, Ilin reluctantly glanced at Hughes and caught up with him. Only Elini stayed. She needed to fight with the Oga army, but she did not have the obligation to obey its orders. Everything according to her own judgment is one of the privileges of the Dragon Gun Knight. And now in her heart, this person's time ability is obviously much more critical than Xilin's battle situation.

"Don't you leave? Or do you want me to kill you and then take him away? Sophie's holy cyan eyes spit out ablatant chill. The immature dragon gun knight didn't see it at all. He gently tapped the handle of the knife with metal gloves inlaid with blue glazed patterns, making a rattling sound, like a warning, more like a deterrent.

"I won't let you take him away," Elini put on a posture of preparing to fight. "In front of the three strongest systems, the elemental system and the magic system are not worth mentioning at all. Don't think that you can despise the magic gun if you have the means to avoid retrograde cause and effect."

At this time, Hughes, who had been hanging aside just now, said very unpleasantly, "Hey, you guys are chatting happily, aren't you?" The person concerned had a problem, and the two girls here turned their attention to Hughes, waiting to see what he wanted to say.

"I just want to know what happened to me before, or I will die." The bloody murderer tilted his neck and snapped the joints of his fingers.

"Are you just a killing machine in this state after all?" Sophie stared thoughtfully at Hughes, holding the handle of Ray cut's knife in her backhand, "Dragon Gun Knight, do this! Let's see which one of us kills or subdues him first and takes him away. It's okay to die or live.

"Alle!" Elini replied simply. For her, if Sius dies, there will be no problem. So is the memory of being peeped, and so is the shame in the barracks before...

On the left is the crown prince of Qianlongya with the sword king's knife, and on the right is the dragon gun knight who must kill the magic gun. In the face of these two girls who can ride thousands, the only sword in the killer's hand was also smashed in the battle just now. The situation seems to be very unfavorable! In the face of this dead situation, Hughes still laughed and laughed recklessly and rampantly, completely disrespecting the crisis in front of him.

When she saw his signature smile, Elini felt a little nervous. Quickly dispelled the haze in her heart. She desperately warned herself that he was unarmed and the battle was bound to win. Now that he knows his details, it is absolutely possible to subdue him.

The ten-year-old hard ice on Sophie's face could not see any shaking, but her hands holding the sword were not coordinated and slightly raised, and it seemed that her confidence was not so firm.

"Why, don't you do it?" The murderer showed a boring expression, "In that case, I'll do it!"

While the words fell, the murderer disappeared in place. The two tightened their bodies at the same time and didn't know who his opponent was.

After a second of silence, Sophie shouted, "No!" The blue thunder and lightning instantly covered hundreds of meters, shining the night like day. But there is no shadow of Hughes.

He actually ran away? With the disappearance of thunder and lightning, Elini's tense nerves gradually relaxed. In addition to her anger, she felt a little relieved: it turned out that this guy was also afraid!


"The fool just fought with those two crazy women." His figure disappeared at night, and Hughes was sitting on a raised hilly stone. There was no light around him, and the moonlight was quite dim. Therefore, if you don't drink too much at night, basically no one will come to such a pile of rocks, otherwise no one will collect the body if you walk inadtentionally and fall to death. This is the battlefield. Who will drink too much to walk on the battlefield?

He thought so, but as soon as he sat down and didn't recover much physical strength, there was a sound of military boots kicking on the rocks in the south.

Hughes immediately stabilized his breathing and pricked up his ears to listen to the footsteps. He hasn't learned the ability of a listener. Hughes wanted to know how many people came.


The murderer smiled bloodyly. I don't know what happened to the girl who discharged, but if she used a gun, there would be a chance to kill her!

He slowly approached the target with his body and tiptoe. Judging from the sound, the other party did not seem to notice and was still walking forward. There is no weapon in his hand, but Hughes doesn't care. There are countless ways to unscrew the other party's neck.

In the dim moonlight, the walking figure 30 meters away can be faintly seen. Hughes calculated the accurate position, gently jumped up and flew across 30 meters of space and fell behind the man.

He covered his mouth with no surprise, and he wanted to twist the other party's head off directly.

But the accident happened, not because Hughes' movements were not fast enough and fierce enough, but because this person was much smaller than expected. After covering his mouth, when he was about to hold his body and twist it again, he suddenly held his whole body in his arms. In addition, the other party's mouth was suddenly covered. He was shocked and leaned back. His whole body fell into Hughes's arms and lost his center of gravity.

The person who was hugged also reacted quickly after the initial surprise, grabbed Hughes' wrist, and took advantage of his petite figure to quickly turn around and capture it when he was still falling down.

Hughes landed behind his back and fell into the pile of stones. His head coincidentally hit a stone, and then his consciousness began to blur...

In the blur, there was also a voice that attacked the man: "Which rat attacked us... Alas? Sius? Alas? Is it really you? We didn't drink too much and dream! Ah, it's bleeding! Sorry, woo-woo, don't die! It's not easy to see you..."

Let that bastard solve this kind of thing! This made Hughes extremely irritable, but a little relieved cry became his last memory before he fell into darkness.