Magic Sword

02 old man

The flag of Sa Pruss, which is already obvious, is floating in the wind. This huge building, which has been built for less than a hundred years, still looks as complete and reliable as it was before because it has not experienced many wars. Giving up the evaluation of the tall building in front of her, Elizabeth turned around and quietly glanced at the teenager who had been wearing a straw hat and lowered his head.

Who the hell are they? The princess's usual curiosity kept scratching her heart and had some doubts about Barbado's warning, but anyway, the other party is also a knight who has experienced the battlefield. These aspects still rely on his experience, which have been fully verified and affirmed in previous trips.

Finally, she couldn't help scratching and asked, "Civilian, what did you do before?" Obviously, it was not for Hu Chiyo to answer this time, so her eyes fell straight on Xiusi.

Barbado frowned and did not try to interfere. Although he hoped that more is better than less, after all, the immediate one is the master, and he is not afraid of what the other party can do, so Barbado did not stop Elizabeth's obvious trouble-maker.

Xius still didn't know that the other party was calling him, so naturally there was no response. Hu Chiyo had already sat beside Xiusi at this time. She carefully patted Xiusi's leg, "Brother, what about the military master asking you!"

"Ah?" Six subconsciously wanted to look up. Halfway, he remembered that this action was dangerous and lowered his head, "Oh, I used to work in agriculture." This is the line he discussed with Chiyo before.

"That's it!" Elizabeth nodded in a pretentious posture, and then bluntly exposed Xius' lie. "I just took a closer look at your hand. The cocoons in your thumb joint are the most common. This kind of person usually uses swords the most! Do you have any special farm tools like swords?

Hearing what the other party said, Hu Chiyo also knew that his side had been detected, but it was not a hindrance. The military god girl smiled slightly, "Well, there is indeed a farm tool very similar to the sword in our hometown, but this farm tool is not used for ploughing, but just helping others do something when necessary."

Although it was sophistry, it also made Elizabeth understand each other's meaning.

Killer. Barbado just hummed a little and continued to be his stuffy gourd, but on the contrary, Elizabeth showed an interested expression.

"Oh? Then I really want to know how your remuneration and rules are calculated!" She didn't pay attention to the vague explanation that she was a killer. The emperor's view of good and evil is quite weak, and power is what dominates everything. This is the concept that Elizabeth has integrated into her soul since her memory. The killer is just a tool of the emperor's family.

Hu Chiyo was really surprised to get such a reaction. She thought that the other party would avoid it like avoiding the plague. Even if it doesn't look like that, it will be as disdainful as that big man, so it's right not to pay attention to it. This woman's identity is definitely not simple. After making the above judgment quickly, Chiyo shook his head slightly, "Sorry, this kind of thing can't be said."

Elizabeth really showed a very disappointed expression. She did not force it. She nodded and stopped talking, but no one else did not notice the cold moment in her eyes when she turned her face.

That kind of superior and confident posture, even disdain to continue to be arrogant... The Wang family? The samurai girl habitually mentioned her wine gourd and took a sip of it. The lack of intelligence was enough for her to continue to speculate, but at this point, it should be inseparable. This woman should be a relative of the emperor, at least a descendant of the prince. The superior generally doesn't care about the minors, so you just need to lower your posture and lower it again. Of course, if the other party is the kind of person who is happy and angry...

With a plan in his heart, Hu Chiyo carefully touched the dragon tooth sword hidden in the cloth, and the imperial relatives were just a human life.

It's not far away to see it. However, after a while, the Bersas Pass, which was under martial law, appeared in front of the crowd, and there was a long queue of refugees waiting to enter the customs before the checkpoint. This is not surprising. After all, there is a war there, and it is impossible to switch as usual. At least a detailed inspection should be done to prevent suspicious people from sneaking into the plug, so this kind of timed switch released people.

"Do we have to wait here too?" Elizabeth looked at the hundreds of meters in front of her and twisted her eyebrows. In fact, when people around see them consciously dodge, everyone knows that when this kind of person comes, it's basically time to switch.

"Let's go straight there!" Barbado looked at the compatriots who made way and formed a road in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little sad, but his current task is to send this little aunt to a safe place first.

If it's someone else, they will take advantage of others and follow them! Hu Chiyo stopped very at ease. As long as he didn't pass with them, his only worry was...

"Wouldn't you come together?" Elizabeth turned around with an infinitely gentle smile.

Hysi continued to bow his head and say no. Hu Qiandai didn't show his face on the surface, but he kept shouting badly in his heart, "Well, military master, don't want it. The little one should wait in line here slowly!" You can't go there together. When you get to the door, you will be in an absolutely weak state!

Elizabeth still smiled so gently, "It doesn't matter. Let's come together!" Isn't it good to pass early?"

If it's someone else, they may really be deceived by this gentle smile, "Thank you for your great kindness. I really can't stand it." There was no other way. Chiyo began to bow and bent his head deeply to his knees, hoping to get through.

"My kindness can't be picked up by the roadside! Do you want to refuse?" Elizabeth's expression remained unchanged, but the words in her mouth changed.

Knowing that the other party was still under pressure, Chiyo gritted his teeth and pulled Seus to jump down from the carriage. He knelt on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head: "Master, you are very kind. I really dare not."

This woman bullies people too much. Although Barbado came up with this idea, he is now on Elizabeth's side, not to mention that the killer is not worthy of sympathy. Although it is not decimized by Elizabeth, it will not lose her face.

However, there is a person who will never kneel down.

Xiusi stood straight and didn't even bend his waist no matter how Tiger Chiyo pulled it.

"Oh, it seems that your companion doesn't think so!" The smile on Elizabeth's face finally expanded to the point that she had completely lost her smile, leaving only malice. The crowd couldn't help retreating. Barbado's eyebrows twisted into a group, but they also looked at it without saying a word. Elizabeth enjoys this feeling, which can dominate the fate of others on a whim, which is exactly the same as his brother: she likes to play with other people's bad tastes and enjoys it.

Hu Chiyo gritted her teeth. She knew that this matter would no longer be settled. In this case...

"Alas? Isn't this Xiu? Why are you here now?" Suddenly, a voice interrupted the tense atmosphere, and everyone turned their eyes to the speaker. With long golden wavy hair and spring-blue eyes, Hu Chiyo's eyes widened. She never thought she could see her here.

"Who are you?" After being interrupted, Elizabeth hung her eyes unhappily and squinted at the woman who looked like a small aristocrat in the countryside, and didn't pay attention to her and the dozen behind her at all.

The woman nodded slightly, "You two are the knights of the Imperial Rose Knights! I'm Lucia Kerrigan, and now I'm temporarily working on behalf of my husband Viscount Kerrigan to take care of a matter of Belsus. These two are my servants. I don't know how to provoke the two knights?

"They..." Elizabeth was about to simply say that they were killers. Suddenly, she stepped on the instep of the stature and was severely knocked by Barbado. She was already very unhappy and immediately lost her temper. She stared at the big man and shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

"I'm the captain, Rose Knight Ilin. It's wartime now. Don't make trouble. Do you hear me?" Barbado, who had been silent since just now, suddenly became angry. His phoenix eyes were wide open, and with that shark-like mouth, he looked really scary.

No matter how Elizabeth is a royal family, first of all, she is a girl. Elizabeth was indeed scared by such a stare. She bit her lips unwillingly, but also knew that if she really angered the little nobles in these places at this time, she might really be bullied by dogs. Moreover, her identity is still a secret for the time being, and she can't use it to suppress these people. In this way, it's just I swallowed this breath.

She looked at Xiusi unwillingly, looked at Lucia with very bad eyes, and finally nodded to Barbado.

Lucia saw that the other party had made concessions and smiled gently, "Then thank you for raising your hand. This is the concubine's kindness. Please accept it." With that, he lost a look to the follower, and the follower hurriedly sent a bag of heavy gold marks.

Barbado did not reach out to answer, which is his personal principle. Elizabeth was different. She reached out and took the bag of gold marks. "I will remember this matter." After saying that, he rode his horse first to the gate.

Lucia, who did not know the identity of the other party, just smiled and did not show any superfluous feelings, and she did not look at Xius from beginning to end.