Magic Sword

04. Agreement

Sius silently looked at the girl in front of him without kissing or leaving. That's how he looked at the other party and didn't know what to say.

Under the leisurely moonlight, the girl's face turned into a hazy luster, which was so crystal clear. The tears trembling on the eyelashes are as helpless as butterflies in the wind. Looking at Yiren, the teenager brewed for a long time and said, "If it is the mistake I made before, I hope there can be compensation. It's just that you want me to know the whole story.

You don't understand... Lucia opened her eyes disappointedly, and the huge sense of emptiness gave her an idea of wanting to die once. She just wanted to say so, but her words stopped again. After carefully chewing what Xius had just said, the cheeks of pear blossoms and rain suddenly smiled. Yiren, who was weak just now, changed his posture of pinching his waist with his hands and immediately turned into an expression of a little devil, "That's what you said! Don't go back on your word. Since you want to listen, I will tell you! You went to find other women behind my back, and I almost ignored being raped, left me alone, and deliberately pissed me away! How do you think you will compensate me?"

This crime fell down, and Xius was completely confused. He didn't expect that he was so heinous. Is this still a human being? Er, is this true?" The teenager still couldn't believe it, so he reconfirmed.

"Of course it's true! Do you think I'm lying?" Lucia stood up and stared at Xius with wide eyes, and the two looked at each other. Facing the pair of blue eyes with no flaws at all, Xius is getting weaker and weaker.

"Well, well, I promise you whatever you say." Seus, whose scalp was numb, stammered, but didn't realize that the other party was waiting for this sentence.

After receiving the other party's promise, Lucia smiled even more strangely. She stretched out her slender left hand in front of Seus, as if she were waiting for the princess to kiss her hand. "Okay, since you say so, do you want me to be my slave all your life and follow my orders. Are you willing?"

Facing this bright and white hand, Xius couldn't help smiling bitterly, "This is a little difficult to force people!"

"Well, it's so insincere, then don't say anything about compensation." Lucia turned her head and pretended to be disdainful.

"Well, okay, okay, I promise you, as long as you don't let me do anything unreasonable." The panicked but helpless, Xius had no choice but to agree.

"Then take this as an appointment and never go back on it!" The back of the girl's smooth hand shook in front of Xius.

Sius smiled bitterly. He took this hand, bowed down and kissed it. "As an appointment, I will never regret it."

After getting this sentence, Lucia smiled very brightly, which made Susis a little creepy. "Okay! Very good. Anyway, don't say anything unreasonable. In fact, you have done a lot, so there is no difference between this one. But you still have to remember today's promise and never forget it!"

The other party's words made him quite ashamed. Xiusi suddenly had the illusion of falling into a trap, but the gentleman's words were difficult to catch up with, and he still nodded affirmatively, "I will."

is just a nod, but it feels extremely reassuring. Lucia, who was smiling just now, felt that her face was hot, and her heart began to jump spontaneously and couldn't cover it.

This dead bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard, bastard... Although he cursed, in fact, he didn't know who he was cursing, but inexplicably, he felt relieved. If he didn't answer just now, he really didn't know how to face him.

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly winked at Susi, "I really want to see what kind of expression you will be when you recover your memory." Lucy, who had faded the disguise, still had tears in the corners of her eyes, but now she smiled happily.

For this, Sus could only be stunned and didn't know how to answer.

In the quiet corridor of the courtyard at night, the figure flashed by and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

At night, in Chiyo's room.

"So, you became her slave?" Chiyo was sitting on his ** cross-legged at this time, and sitting opposite her was the dejected Xius.

ius nodded silently. He didn't know how to explain this kind of thing, and lowered his head to avoid the eyes of Hu Qiandai.

"Then we will also become her slaves..." As a result, after staring at Xiusi for a long time, Chiyo came to such a conclusion and then fell into **.

"Are you drunk?" Only then did Xiusi find that Chiyo's usual red little face was a little too bright today.

Hu Chiyo reluctantly stood up and threw a big smile to Xiusi. "It's a little, but it doesn't matter." She forced herself down from ** so that she could wake up and regain some consciousness from her sleepiness. "What should we do in the future?"

"I don't know." Sius lowered his head and answered uselessly.

After getting this answer, Chiyo couldn't help sighing. Although Sus is still Sus, he felt that her whole body became cowardly after losing his memory, which made her a little sad. "Although we are a little wayward, we still like the previous Xius." Taking advantage of the wine, Chiyo accidentally said what was in his heart.

The unintentioned person was intentional. When Susus heard this, he frowned and retorted slightly: "I was completely a demon before. Why do you like such a person?" What comes out of Elini and Lucia is that he is a cruel and extremely evil devil, so he will feel very disgusted with Hu Chiyo's words.

"Ha ha," the girl smiled carelessly, "Then why do you think we and that woman will help you without hesitation? If you are really a complete demon, why do you still miss you in your heart when she is married?

Sius was stunned. He really didn't think of this. Why? Why do girls show that expression when they see themselves? Kuran is, Tiger Chiyo is, Lucia is also...

"Well..." Suse was going to ask something more, but when she looked up, she found that Chiyo had fallen again **, but this time, she had snored slightly.

Sius was stunned and then smiled. He went over and picked up the petite girl and stuffed her into his quilt. Looking at Chiyo's slightly red face, Xiusi couldn't help pinching it on a whim. The girl shook her head slightly resisting, full of cuteness. Fiancee... The teenager gently stroked the long hair on the girl's cheek. After pecking on the little red apple, he turned around and blew the lamp and left, but did not find that the red face that had been kissed had become more red.

The morning light in early summer is warm, and there is no coldness in spring. Hu Chiyo is still sleeping on it and drinks a lot at night. I don't think he can get up until noon.

And Xiusi, who had already got up for a long time, habitually waved his dragon teeth downstairs. It was neither swordsmanship nor swordsmanship. In fact, he was just practicing casually.

This small building, which is regarded as a guest room, is just the tip of the iceberg of Kerrigan's assets in Ibison. In fact, almost all the shops on this street are under the name of the Kerrigan family. Open to the door of the street, you can see a three-story building opposite, which is where Count Kerrigan lives. Xius didn't like to be watched him practice his sword, but last night Lucia said that she would see him every morning when she got up and opened the window, so she asked him to open the door as long as she was in the courtyard, even if she didn't think it was not good.

This is an affair with the viscountess! And he still has a fiancee... Sus, who waved his dragon teeth, was a little distracted. This kind of situation was not right, and the situation of retreating made him feel strange.

At this time, suddenly, more than a dozen people with various weapons rushed in. The first person to come in said no words and was stabbed to the head of Xius.

Because of distraction, Sus's reaction slowed down. He was stunned for a moment, and it was not until the palm-wide machete had arrived in front of him that Xius subconsciously stretched out his hand, pinched the blade in his hand, and then instinctively kicked him on the other party's stomach. As soon as the men who rushed in fiercely entered the door, they were hit to the ground by the guy who flew back from the front and rolled into a ball at the door one by one.

"Ouch! Damn, this is a hard point!" When the people who came in fell together like straw, Xiusi saw that these guys had a sign, a shield and a sword, which was the badge of the mercenary union.

The other party was very weak. Xiusi felt that this group of people had fallen before he tried hard, so he was not in a hurry to fight back in self-defense. "Are you mercenaries?"

Ah? Yes, yes, we are mercenaries!" 80% of the previous professions as mercenaries are local hooligans, ruffians and gangsters, so the ability to steer the wind is practiced. Seeing that this task was basically hopeless, he immediately changed from grandfather to grandson. "Some people don't like you, so let us teach you a lesson. We are just entrusted by others. What hatred you have actually has nothing to do with us."

Sius blinked and said that he hadn't messed with anyone recently? Why would anyone teach themselves a lesson?" Who asked you to come here?"

"Well, uncle, you know our rules. This kind of thing can't be said. I can't ruin the reputation of mercenaries." The leader is right-to-be, and he hangs the archway righteously as a bitch.

Although he doesn't understand what the rules are in the other party's mouth, Suses thinks it's better not to force others to do this kind of thing.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to let the group of people go, suddenly there was a scream outside the door, "Chu!"