Magic Sword

07 Mountain Dragon

"Repair, repair, wake up! There is something wrong with Chiyo!" At this time, Lucia, who was the weakest of the three, had no choice but to wake up Xius.

Ah? Ah! What's wrong?"

"That, over there!" Lucia pointed to the forest that the bird frightened, "There's something over there!" Chiyo is over there!"

The ground shook again, and the branches trembled with the earth. Xius did not care to listen to Lucia's explanation and plunged into the dense forest.

When the Sius left, Lucia found that she had been left here. Do you want to go and have a look? After hesitating for a moment, the girl decided to wait for them to come back.

And when he just woke up, his nerves were still a little short-circuited. After two displacements, when he saw the huge dragon beast in front of him, his whole body was cold sweating and instantly drove away the little confusion.

A big, very large dragon.

The trees in the jungle that cover the sky and the sun are probably more than a hundred years old, and the height is at least about 40 meters. However, this dragon can actually crush almost half of the trees on the hill at a start. The dragon seemed to carry a small hill on its back with moss-like green plants. The dragon moved and a large number of trees fell under its claws. But Xius doesn't have time to care how big the dragon is.

"Chiyo! Chiyo! Where are you?"

"I'm here!" The sound came from above, and Xius raised his head and found that Chiyo climbed on the dragon like a monkey, because the sword in his hand was inserted into the rock peak of the dragon's body to avoid being thrown down by the dragon.

Seeing that Chiyo was fine, Susis breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to tell Chiyo to be careful not to fall down. When he went down to save her, he found that the huge dragon stopped moving. The dragon head, which was relatively small, was facing Xius, and a pair of small yellow eyes were looking at him, although he didn't know what he was thinking. But those eyes are definitely not goodwill.

I don't know why, Sus suddenly came up with the idea that this guy came to find himself and was also to provoke. This idea made Sius feel quite puzzled, and he didn't know it. Why did he stare at himself so much?

But the dragon obviously did not intend to explain. He raised one of his paws and then slapped him hard on the ground.

In an instant, Susi, who sensed the crisis, instinctively jumped up. Just as he jumped up, dozens of ground thorns almost appeared close to the soles of his feet. If he didn't avoid it just now, he would have died miserably.

Since the other party took action, he gave up the idea of a peaceful solution. He pulled out the dragon's teeth and cut them on the dragon's face dozens of meters apart.

The crisp golden sound, the beaten dragon blinked his eyes, didn't understand what had happened, and looked around to see where the attack came from.

I don't care. Let's save people first. Xiusi quickly made a wise choice. When he was riding the dragon in a daze, he quickly made several continuous displacements and landed next to Huchiyo and grabbed the collar of the samurai girl. Before she could react, she pulled her and the sword off the dragon.

"Are you all right?" Xiusi hid on a tree behind the dragon's body, and it was Chiyo who was rescued swinging back and forth in his hand.

"Wow, let us down! Put us down!" It's probably very uncomfortable to be held in the air with four feet! Chiyo struggled like a chopper that was only pinched.

"Oi, okay! Don't move!" Theus carefully put the girl on the branch.

Knowing that her buttocks were hit by a real object, the girl was calming down, "Oh, it's really unlucky that even this kind of thing that was almost hit by Fu Yuelong can fall on us." The girl sat on the branch with her cheeks in her arms, facing the huge dragon in front of her, and did not panic at all.

"Floating Yuelong?"

"It is a rare ancient dragon species. This head should be small, with a length of more than 100 meters, and the adult Fuyue dragon is 1,000 meters long. Usually, when flying, it looks like a mountain floating in the sky, so it is called Fuyuelong. Chiyo explained unhurriedly.

"Can this thing fly?" Xiusi stared at the dragon with an unbelievable length of at least 150 meters, nearly 100 meters wide, with a raised back of 40 or 50 meters and eight claws. It looked like an alien squid dragon. "This guy doesn't even fly much wings?"

"Except for a few people living underground, Gulong can fly," Chiyo shrugged his shoulders slightly in response to Xiusi's question. "It is said that Fuyuelong is of both customs and earth. We didn't believe that this guy could fly before it almost hit us."

Xiusi looked at Chiyo speechlessly and could only look at her silently with his eyes. He was almost hit by the rare Gulong seed. Ordinary people can't do it for ten lifetimes!

The samurai girl didn't care about the pitiful eyes of Xius. She patted the dust on her body and stood up, "Let's go!"

"Is this guy okay with it?"

"Because the body is huge, Fu Yuelong's reaction is very slow. It is said that it will take about a minute for the sword to be inserted into the skin to feel the pain. We are behind it now. When he finds us again, it will probably be tomorrow morning." Chiyo easily borrowed several forces from the bumps of the trunk and fell to the ground smoothly.

Sius nodded ignorantly and jumped off the tree. But at the moment he landed, Fu Yuelong's huge body suddenly moved, and his claws on his back seemed to have been triggered, and he suddenly pulled it this way.

"Get down!"

Chiyo was the first to react and rushed to push Sus down. In shock, Xiusi raised his head and saw a strange picture in his eyes: both Chiyo and Fuyuelong's claws became very, very slow, as if the world's clockwork was blocked by something...

What happened? The expanding claws in front of him were almost stagnant, and Chiyo's body was also suspended in mid-air. Xiusi looked at himself and couldn't move, as if the time of everything but his consciousness had been stagnated.

It's just that this is only in one thought.

Then, Seus felt that everything was 'living' again, and the mossy dragon claws kept approaching. He subconsciously jumped up and dodged, and grabbed the tiger Qiandai hanging in mid-air on the way.

"Alas?" The girl who was swaying in her hand again looked at the ground flatten by the dragon's claws and looked at the ground below, "It's so fast..."

"Didn't you say it reacts slowly?" The second time, he threw the girl on the branch and thought that Chiyo was talking about Fu Yuelong so fast, and asked with a little resentful tone.

Chiyo pulled the corners of his mouth, scratched the back of his head with a little awkwardness, and didn't care about Sus's misunderstanding. "Is this the first time we've seen such a dragon?"

"What should I do now?"

"What should I do... Well, it didn't attack until you fell to the ground!" The girl recalled a little and keenly found the key to the matter. She casually folded a small branch from the tree and threw it on Fu Yuelong's protruding head, but Fu Yuelong continued to look around for the target that had just been lost without real awareness. It should have targeted you, and his vibration on the ground seems to be very **. It should be that it will be found as soon as you land.

Theus was stunned.


"Because Xiu's body has the smell of beasts," Chiyo said here and moved his eyes to Xius. "Your breath scared the weak away, but it also attracted the powerful. This is also a matter of course!"


The dull teenager smelled his body stupidly. What is the smell of the beast?

"Okay, I can't smell it." Seeing him like this, the samurai girl couldn't help laughing, "The question now is how to leave. You can't stay in the tree like a monkey!"

"Then beat it away!" Moses gave a very direct answer.

The girl couldn't help covering her forehead, "This is Gu Long. We don't have a weapon that can break its defense at all. How can we hurt it?"

"Well, too. So how about escaping?"

"What about Lucy? She can't jump around the tree like us.


The two had to stay on the tree and look at the huge Fu Yuelong in front of them blindly. They felt stupid but made them helpless.

At this time, Chiyo's eyes inadvertently swept the dragon teeth on Xius' waist, and then an idea came out of his mind, "Ah! We thought of it! We have a way to deal with it!"

Ah? What's the solution?

"Dragon teeth! Isn't that sword long and long? You can deal with such a big guy with hanging!"

When his eyes lit up, Xiusi suddenly realized, "I'll try."

Seus jumped on the floating Yuelong's body, and the huge dragon immediately reacted, as if the tentacles-like claws pulled directly over. However, this speed still does not pose a threat. Xiusi inserted the dragon's teeth into the dragon's body, turned over and dodged dozens of meters away. The dragon's tooth soft sword was grasped by him like a white belt. Then, in a second, more than a dozen consecutive displacements were made around the dragon claws drawn by Fuyuelong, and the sword body was wrapped around the claws of the floating Yuelong.

"Receed!" The soft sword was like a white bandage, which was suddenly tightened. Although the head of the sword had been pulled out of the floating Yuelong, it could not pull its claws out of the tightened soft sword.

Although Xiusi lost his memory, he was not stupid enough to think that his power could break the dragon's claws, so he moved to another claw and circled from above.

With the reverse pull of the front and rear claws, the sword body of the dragon's teeth immediately cut into the claw that was only wrapped in Fu Yuelong.

"It worked!" The girl who was watching outside the field shouted excitedly.

A huge roar ran through the mountain jungle, scaring Lucia, who was waiting in place, to tremble all over.

Don't have an accident, don't have an accident, don't have an accident... The girl who regretted that she couldn't help but was worried closed her eyes and prayed, but did not find a dark shadow behind her...