Magic Sword

09 Magic to Restore Amnesia

Hearing this, all three people present were stunned.

Let's not talk about the situation at all. For the two girls who know the origin of Xius, what does the mother of Xius mean...

Lucia, who was originally wary, was stunned directly, and her mouth unconsciously became 'O' type "Mom...Mom?"

"Well, I have a child who was fostered at Count Dover's house in Farsas for some reason 16 years ago. Moses was the name I gave him at the beginning." Betty looked at the confused Teus with a slight hesitation and continued to explain to Lucia, "At that time, Count Dow Vere promised to take him as his fourth son and raise him. I once gave half of the badge to the count and gave it to the child when he became an adult..."

At this point, Betty's face was even more sad, "Why is he here now? Why did you come here? And it seems that he has awakened. What's going on?

The two girls looked at each other in condolence. With their understanding of Sus, what the woman said was all in China. Lucia, in particular, also knew that Sius went to Bambo to identify an old incomplete badge. Presumably that's what Betty said! No matter what Tiger Chiyo thinks, Lucia, who had been saved by Betty, already believed Betty's words eight points. The only thing I can't believe is that this woman looks too young. If it had been 16 years ago, she should have been at least 30 years old. But looking at her appearance, I called her Miss at the beginning.

The identity of the other party changed, and Lucia's way of speaking became cautious. She carefully took over: "Madam, that's it. Farsas was destroyed in the war between Oga and Parsa, Count Daupher has died, and Susus lost his memory in the disaster.

Hearing the news of the death of his old friend, the sadness on Betty's face was even heavier, "Is he dead, alas?" She shook her head slightly and cheered up, "Well, I know you don't believe me, but can you let me see this child? I may have something to do with his memory loss.

Hearing this, first of all, Xiusi's face showed a happy look. He wanted to recover his memory all the time. The incompleteness of amnesia was not something that he could not experience; Lucia was mixed, because if Xius really recovered his memory, then their previous contradictions must be solved immediately. It happened; Hu Chiyo's reaction was quite subtle. She looked at Betty curiously and didn't say anything or laugh.

I couldn't help looking at Sius a few more times before Betty turned around and said, "Come with me."

Sius himself was very happy, but when he made a decision, he hesitated and kept looking at the two girls to see how they decided.

"Let's go." Chiyo simply pushed him, and Xius looked back at Lucia uneastained.

The latter nodded and stepped forward and took his arm. "Let's go, you will know everything when you recover your memory."

Follow Betty through the hall of the castle and walk all the way to the room on the second floor. The room was cleaned. Except that the walls look too old and the decoration on the top of the corridor is too different from the modern style, which makes people feel quite strange.

After crossing the corridor on the second floor, the four people came to a gold-encrusted gate that had fallen off. Betty pushed the door, and a smell of ink mixed with dry air gushed out.

"This is the study. If I remember correctly, there should be a way to retrieve my memory." As she spoke, Betty waved gently, and all the magic lights in the study were lit in an instant.

The three of them looked at the study in surprise. No, or a library is more suitable. The huge library extends up in a concentric cylinder, and there are all kinds of books along the wall. Even if there is a magic lamp, it is still too dark to see the top.

Seeing the expressions of the three, Betty smiled and explained, "This study has applied the magic of space extension. Although it looks like a room outside, in fact, the space inside is much larger. Don't go anywhere. Wait there for a while and I'll find something."

"Oh!" The three of them have been attracted by the mystery of the castle, and their reactions are a little dull.

Betty didn't blame, but smiled. She walked to the bookshelf in the outer circle of concentric circles, walked along the stairs fixed on the bookshelf, and walked to the fourth floor. Betty stopped and looked for it in a row of book files. Hu Chiyo walked curiously to the edge of the bookshelf in the inner circle and pulled out a black book.

"Huh? Why haven't you seen this text? The well-informed samurai girl saw the strange words on the black book and found that she couldn't even understand the title of the book.

At this time, Betty's voice came from above, "The books in the inner circle are all dragon texts, most of the books in the outer circle are universal texts, and some of them are elf texts."

"Longwen? Wow, is there really a dragon clan? Hu Chiyo, who was eager to learn, quickly opened the book, but found that the book could not be opened.

"Yes," Betty's voice was a little sad. "Long Wen's books are all spells, and there is no way to open the book without the correct solution."

Knowing that what he had done was futile, Chiyo had to put the book back, "Then Mrs. Betty, why are there so many books here?"

"Because this is the legacy of the dragon clan!" With this, Betty had come down from above with a book in her arms. She sighed, with a trace of helplessness and sadness, and slowly walked to Xius, "Let's not talk about this, this Walton's Memory Axis describes the technique that can restore memory. This place is locked by space. The casting will destroy this place. Let's go out first!"

"Oh." Xiusi nodded. He was a little excited, but he didn't know what he should do.

Hu Chiyo reluctantly took another look at this huge library and went out with others.

"Oh, Mrs. Betty, why is there a dragon heritage here?" The unresolute Tiger Chiyo intends to break the casserole and ask to the end.

In fact, Lucia was thinking from the beginning that if this was really the mother of Sius, the first impression was very important, so she never spoke. Seeing Hu Chiyo's continuous questioning, she couldn't help scolding, "Chiyo!"

"Ha, it's okay. When Susi's memory recovers, I will tell you everything that needs to be said." Betty smiled and didn't care.

As Betty went up to the third floor, the collapsed part of the castle could be seen here. A stone directly opposite the stairs inserted through the window, but it should have collapsed for too long, and the stone that should have been sharp has become quite smooth. After going up to the third floor, Xius and the others found that the third floor was an empty floor. There was no room corridor, but a hall larger than the first floor.

"This is the place used for banquets, but now its only function is to do casting experiments. Let's go there!" Betty waved her hand to light up the magic lamp and explained slowly. She led the three people to an area with a magic array in the middle of the hall.

"Well, can you really recover your memory?" Lucia asked carefully. She really couldn't imagine how magic could help people recover their memories, which was simply unheard of.

Faced with Lucia's doubts, Betty smiled, "Walton's Memory Axis was written by a magician named Walton Allard before the Creation. Do you know the history before the Creation?"

Needless to say, the two girls shook their heads at the same time. Now the history recorded in the book is only the history of the magic era and the unknown divine war. As for the time before the creation of God, it was completely unheard of.

"Has the truth of history been buried so much?" The beautiful woman shook her head and sighed for a moment, and then said, "The Age of Creation was a golden age of magic. A talented magician named Bobbert Bicesters established the theoretical foundation of the three most basic and strongest systems. It is an unrivaled book called Cognition Theory, and this book The formula is based on this theory.

"Well, I'm sorry, madam, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I don't understand what you're talking about." Lucia rubbed her temple and stuffed a bunch of unheard of nouns into her mind, making her feel very confused.

"Well, do you know the three strongest systems?" Betty smiled bitterly, as if she wanted to explain from the beginning.

Lucia shook her head, "I only know the six series of elements, Chiyo, do you know?" Chiyo also shook his head.

"That's right," Betty shook her head and explained, "The elemental system is only the last part of magic. The three strongest systems are the fantasy system, the space-time system, and the non-system. The elemental system is just a mixture of fantasy and space-time systems, and it is only a mass-energy system. A branch is too one-sided.

In the face of such an explanation, the two girls could only shake their heads blankly, but they still couldn't understand.

"Forget it, it takes me too long to explain this clearly. Let's talk about the formula first! Simply put, this technique is corrected for everyone's subjective time memory axis," so the three people on the opposite side still looked blank. Betty was helpless and could only say another way: "You can understand memory as a line, because people will forget, so this line is incoherent. However, it does not mean that forgetting is completely lost. There will be two other lines on this line: one is the timeline of people, from life to death, which is a complete record without interruption; the other line is the world axis, which records everything in the whole world, but we can only see that it belongs to us. A small part of myself. And this technique is to extract the records in the timeline and map them to the human memory axis.