Magic Sword

13 The approaching tide

Drink Ellie, Betty slowly raised her head and looked at Xiusi for a long time before sighing, "It's my fault not to raise a child. I don't think I can ever make up for it..."

"I forgive you, but these are my business." Interrupting Betty, Xius still looks indifferent, or he doesn't know how to deal with people labeled as biological parents!

Betty looked at Xius silently, and she suddenly smiled, "Yes, you have grown up, but I still regard you as the child in my heart. It's my fault. I can't help but impose the shadow in my heart on you."

"Hmm." Sius just nodded so silently, and then turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, Betty stopped Xius and said, "Son, wait a minute."

Unidentified, Shuston paused and turned around to see what Betty said. Betty looked up at Ellie, "Ellie, how long have you been following me?"

"Four years, madam." Ellie bowed and saluted, and her respect for Betty was from the bottom of her heart.

"Well," Betty nodded and then asked, "I want to ask you something, okay?"

"Madam, please tell me that Ellie will do it." Ellie didn't realize what Betty was going to say at this time.

Reached out and stroked Ellie's short blonde hair, and Betty sighed slightly, "Can you take care of him by my side?"

"Ah?" Ellie was stunned when she heard this. How could she take care of this cold bad guy by herself?

"Don't you want to?"

Betty's secluded rhetorical question, the resentful appearance made people look quite worried, which made Ellie panic, and she quickly bent down to change her mind:

"No, I dare not! But madam, what should you do?

"I don't need you to worry here. You just need to take more care of this child for me."

Betty stood up and slowly walked to Ellie to help her up. "You are an excellent child, and I don't want to be tied to me all my life. Take this opportunity to go out!" Besides, isn't there Annie?"


The maid named Ellie lowered her head silently. Betty patted her shoulder and walked to Xius. She stretched out her hand and rubbed the teenager's face and was speechless. For a long time, knowing that she couldn't stop her son from leaving, she whispered, "I don't know what you're going to do, but I still hope that if you are tired one day, you can still think of me, where your mother is, and where is home."

"Hmm." The indifferent teenager nodded, but in fact, he didn't know whether he could come back after such a visit.

The sun soon rose very high. Under Betty's eyes, the three of them left the castle with Ellie, who went into the jungle and was still wearing a maid's costume. Before leaving, Sus said nothing more, but waved his hand from afar and left.

After entering the jungle, Ellie took the lead in opening the way. This straightforward maid is quite talented. I don't know how many blades there are in her sleeves. As long as she waves the blade, it will come out and chop all the thorns and branches in front of her. At most, three blades emerge from one hand at the same time. This made Chiyo very curious about what was contained in her sleeve. After all, there were not many people who could block her strange power. The maid could do it without grasping it with her hand, but the blade device she used to tighten was enough to make Chiyo curious.

It's a pity that Ellie's impression of Sus is really bad, so she doesn't care about Sus at all. By the way, Chiyo and Lucia are equally unpleasant. Anyway, as long as she is a good maid, she has no value for this kind of person.

Sius didn't care about it, so she walked forward alone. Betty said that Ellie is responsible for the things that must go out in the castle, and she is very familiar with how to get out of the jungle.

After walking for a long time, the four of them finally walked on a path. Although it was still rugged and difficult to walk, it was hundreds of times better than walking by themselves.

"Where does this road come from?" Xius feels that the time is almost up. If he doesn't hurry to the place where he can rest, he will probably sleep out again tonight.

"I don't know, young master. I just know that there is a road in front of this road that can directly reverse Belsas." Ellie, who had a rigid face, answered stiffly.

"How far is it?"

"I should be able to arrive tonight." Ellie did not use any vague words, but answered very clearly.

After calculating the distance silently, he felt that his idea was feasible. He reached out and pulled Qiandai and said, "Come up."

"Alas?" Chiyo was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Xius meant and obediently climbed to Xius' back. Then he stretched out his hand to Lucia. When the girl saw Chiyo's movements, she naturally understood what was going on. She walked generously to Xius, pulled the hand around her waist, and demonstrologically rubbed Xius with her chest under the gaze of Hu Qiandai, causing the big cat to open its teeth and claws.

Ellie also understood what Xiusi wanted to do, but in her eyes, she felt a little powerful and showed off everywhere. So when she saw Sius reaching out to her, she shook her head very simply, "I have my own acceleration skills."

Seeing her like this, Xiusi naturally won't say anything more. Since she said she was going straight along this road, she would be able to wait as long as she waited there!

Thinking so, Susie nodded his head. Ellie silently nod, made a gesture of invitation, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

This posture is quite provocative, giving people the feeling that: you run first! Let's see how fast you can run. For this. Hu Chiyo, the only one of the three who noticed the details of her movements, said nothing but looked at Ellie sadly.

Can anyone step out of hundreds of meters in one step? It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine how a person who walks leisurely but disappears in front of you in a blink of an eye can do such a thing. Xius didn't know how they did it. All he knew was to directly compress the space distance under his feet and turn 100 meters into one meter. With just one step, he was already 100 meters away.

Ellie only felt that the three people in front of her were gone in the blink of an eye. When she hurried to look for it, she only saw a blurred figure on the road ahead, which disappeared like a phantom.

Then Ellie, who helped me and chased him desperately, saw the three of Susie, who seemed to have been waiting for a long time at the town gate before sunset, which made her full of fire, but there was no reason to send it out.

"Finally, I'm going to stay in the hotel." Xiusi is still half-dead, but his actions are quite arbitrary. However, the most annoying thing about Ellie is that the two brainless women behind him still followed her heartily.

Looking at the three backs that had already walked into the town, Ellie bit her lips and stamped her feet, and followed quite reluctantly. People in the past looked curiously at the maid costume she was wearing and noticed the sight of others. Ellie stared back fiercely with her two-color pupils and was frightened by the passers-by. Hurry to lower your head and continue to walk your own way.

The early summer evening is very cool, at least in this town on the edge of the Belsaas Mountains.

After the two left, soon came a group of knights riding horses

The leader was a blonde knight girl, whose armor wrapped her beautiful figure in it, which made the person who paid special attention to her figure curves a little disappointed. Of course, the girl did not notice this: "Oh, fortunately, I arrived before the evening, and I was almost exhausted. Oh, Dea, you used to be I have studied in Belsas. Do you know which hotel is the best in this place?

The questioner is also a girl, completely different from the knights behind her. The girl has strange long silver hair, and her red eyes also show her noble blood. To the girl's question, she just replied, "Sorry, Your Highness, there are many such towns in the Belsa Mountains. I don't know which hotels are the best."

"Oh, don't you know? Then let's find any one. Anyway, I'm just an ordinary rose knight now. Saying this, the girl's attitude is still so funny and casual.

So someone immediately expressed their dissatisfaction, "I have never seen such an annoying knight in my life..." A big knight who stood behind the girl who did not ride a horse whispered.

"Bar, shut up! If it had been me before, you would have died a thousand times!"

"If it weren't for me, you would have died a thousand words..."

"All right, let's go in quickly!" After drinking and starting to quarrel again, Claudia had a slight headache. Previously, my father left some relationships and transferred himself to the safer Beelsas Pass. Unexpectedly, he became the nanny of the princess, and also added a civilian knight who had a good relationship with her. How can this troublesome combination turn to yourself? Claudia, who was depressed in her imagination, could only hold her sigh in her heart. These two, one is the imperial princess, and the other is a strong knight who killed the magic sword Sius.

Thinking of this, Claudia glanced at Barbado with imperceptible cold eyes. Although she had come out from them that Xius was not dead, it was difficult for her to have any affection for Barbado with this name.

Thinking of this, the girl began to struggle again: that guy is not me, why worry about him...

Claudia and her party were talking about each other. They didn't notice a group of people in black and wiped past them in a very orderly manner.

"Your Excellency, according to intelligence, the target should arrive in this town in the evening."

"Then go and get ready."

Yes! For the glory of God."