Magic Sword

06 A trap that is not a trap

Alfilorenz, the god of time and space. According to Betty, it was the great god who saved the world. Like Lucia and others, in fact, Seus had never heard the name of this god before.

Because stealing other people's memories, Xius quickly found out the reason why they wanted to hunt down themselves from this memory that did not belong to him: the god had been lost.

The loss of the gods is, in short, dead.

The power of a dead god appears in a human body again, and the church, as a sacred institution, naturally has to take its own alien back for research. As for the object of research, it is the power of time. In their action plan, they especially explained whether the other party has the power to interfere with time. In this regard, Xius sneered. If he really has the power to turn back time and space, will he be chased everywhere by these guys? Stagnation time is simply an unimaginable force against the sky, not to mention the backflow.

In his mind, Xius recalled the time when he grabbed the magic gun on Oga's campus. At that time, he really felt that something in his body paused, and he didn't know what it was.

But if, if you can really control the power of time, even if you reverse time and space, you will save Flora. Xiusi silently clenched his fist, and the past shadow flashed in his mind.

He is standing in an inconspicuous shadow on the roof of the largest Bradbrook Church in Belsaas. A little depressed, he looked at the sky. The clouds in the sky were very white, as white as the flowers next to his mother's tombstone that year. But now the mother has 'lived', and the person who accompanied her to visit the grave has left forever.

This kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen again. The eyes of the teenager who was still stained with blood on his sleeves showed a cold murderous intent, and he clenched the dagger in his sleeve: "No matter how cruel the means are, he will not hesitate."

The church was full of divine waiters in divine waiters, hanging high upside down on the roof of the church corridor. Susus carefully observed these quite upright and serious divine agents. In fact, as the nobleman of Oga, Teus knew the inside story of such a few people: the church is the third country on the continent. Although this huge country has no territory, it has about 10 billion believers, as well as this strong paladin knight and agent. The Oga royal family strongly resists theocracy, so Edward is the Oga royal family, but he does not have a religious name like Claudia, or he does not want to admit the grace of God! Even so, many nobles threw himself into the arms of the church for various reasons, including the family of the six gods of Oga.

This is why Susi didn't kill directly according to his previous habit. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a Longtan Tiger Cave. In the church that can even do such things as resurrection, with a small magic swordsman, he may not be able to beat the other party's gatekeeper.

At this time, Xius found the target he had been waiting for: a young god servant who looked similar to him walked through the corridor.

Well, that's him. Xius, who perched in the shadow, climbed the beam and followed the young priest.

followed him to a chapel, and the young maid stopped and saluted the man standing under the cross with his back to him.

"Andre's Divine Servant." That's what the young god attendant said

At the moment he heard the name, Xius felt the needle-like malice, but he did not escape immediately because his intuition told him that it was too late.

The young man with his back to him and the young servant turned around and smiled slowly: "Thank you, Lear's servant. It's just that the people I invited are you and others. Truth, the fool's courtyard."

With the words of the young priest, the whole chapel changed back to its original state in a twist. It seemed that something had happened, and nothing seemed to have happened.

Sius knew that he had trapped this place. Fortunately, he is not afraid of what kind of blockade he set up, and Dimensional Zhan is not afraid of that kind of thing. Knowing that his actions had been detected by the other party, Xius simply fell off the roof. Normally, no one has said these things. How did the other party know that he was going to come? Even for this doubt, he did not intend to continue to hide.

Seeing that Xiusi suddenly appeared, the young god servant who was followed showed a panicked look. Sius was not interested in observing his expression, but directly focused on the young godservant who seemed to be in his early twenties. Just to be fair, this divine servant is still a good-looking guy. His rare blonde hair is not curly at all, and he has a gentlemanly demeanor. However, the other party looked at him with a very uncomfortable and confident smile, slightly higher than Xiusi's height, which made him feel disgusted to look up at others.

Without waiting for Sus to speak, the other party first reported to himself: "Hello, Mr. Sus, my name is Andre Orton, and I'm a divine servant."

For this, Sius just looked at him coldly and didn't say a word.

Seeing Sus's reaction, Andre smiled proudly or wantonly, and said in a tone full of success and superiority: "I think you probably know why I know that you will follow the Lear Godservist here. The power of cause and effect is wonderful, isn't it?"

In fact, Sus didn't know what he was talking about, but he still didn't open his mouth and continued to wait for him to continue.

"The last time we met, I was very happy when I saw your sword. You know, you are the second person I've seen that can directly use the space-time system besides me, and you are involved in the form of space-time correction that I don't know much about. Explaining in a very pleasant voice, Andre slowly closed the book in his hand, "I guess your sword should have directly cut off the cause and effect of the attacker's body connection, so that scene appeared, and I directly covered up the result and resurrected them all. Of course, don't be in a hurry to answer me. I know you can come here to get the fruit from the little girl that you will definitely come to save her, and then move the fruit to me, so I saw you here. Do you think my technique is more perfect than yours?

"Where is Chiyo?" Such a long monologue was ignored by Xius. He looked at Andre coldly and had no intention of discussing academics with him.

"Oh no, relax." Andre spread out his hands and said that he didn't bring any weapons. "I only rarely meet my kind and want to talk to you. I seldom abide by the orders of the Holy Church, because the power of God is unrelated, and you and I are both space-time. When I learned about you, I tried to join this position. Do you know how much I have put into meeting you? Brother, I don't mean any harm.

Unfortunately, Seus has always been very immune to this kind of rhetoric: "Where is Chiyo?"

"Ah, okay, okay! Isn't it just a little girl? Do people like young girls now? Andre was very helpless. He looked a little irritable. "I was expecting you to detect her existence, True Words, Lamb."

With his words, Hu Chiyo appeared in front of Susi out of thin air. She looked safe, but there was no divine light in her eyes. I sealed her perception ability, and she can't feel it even if she has been killed by thousands of knives. However, this is a test question. Try to solve it with your strength and show it to me.

To be honest, Xiusi couldn't understand what this guy was talking about at all, because at the beginning, he said so much, and the more intelligence, the better. Xius asked him to continue talking, but he really didn't know the other party's strange technique. She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Chiyo's eyes. The little girl did not respond at all. Xius reached out and touched her neck again, and her pulse was still there.

What on earth does this guy mean? While thinking about it, Xiusi looked at the priest named Andre, who was watching with interest what he was going to do.

I don't know where the technique is at all. Even if you use dimensional chopping, you can't solve it, so use the most direct method! Thinking of this, Xius suddenly shot the dagger at Andre. The distance between the two was less than ten steps. Andre had no chance to speak at all. Xius didn't know when he caught up with the dagger and put it on Andre's throat: "Help her untie it."

"What, so you don't know anything!" Andre, who was stabbed to his throat, was not nervous at all. On the contrary, he looked very disappointed, "Is that pus wrong? I really don't want to accept this fact."

Sius did not reply, but pushed the knife around his neck a little, and immediately the blood remained along the blade.

Even so, Andre said calmly, "This knife can't kill me, because I cover up all the results that it can kill me."

To be honest, Xius can't understand the logic of this madman at all, but now he has to rely on him to save Chiyo. "Do you want to die?"

"Hmm." Andre snorted coldly with a disappointed expression, "Fool."

Bum! The blade that had just cut into Andre's neck suddenly broke. Xius was shocked and moved away in an instant, but Andre still stood still.

He slowly reached out and wiped his neck. There was no wound on it. The blood that was cut just now seemed to be completely Susi's illusion. "Fools can't understand my power. Since you made a mistake, you can die!"

At this moment, there is no longer anyone's color in the eyes of the divine waiter, and the cold expression looks like a statue of a god: "True words, straight to death."