Magic Sword

13 approaching

Under the gaze of Xiusi and Hu Chiyo, Ellie opened her mouth and did not answer for a long time. She blinked blankly and finally lowered her head.

If the dragon man would suck blood, then there is no reason for Betty to catch vampires for experiments, and there is no reason not to notice Ellie's strangeness, and Ellie can't hide it. If not, it is impossible for the maid named Lala to help her suck blood, let alone. Why can Seus suck blood? This conflict is too big. The seemingly reasonable lies are actually full of loopholes. Xiusi just felt that there was a problem, but he couldn't say what the problem was. If it weren't Chiyo, he really couldn't think so clearly.

"I'm sorry, I can't say."

"Are you protecting anything for Mrs. Betty?"

Chiyo continued to ask with the intention of not giving up halfway since he opened his mouth. Her attitude was quite leisurely. Compared with her calmness, Xiusi's eyes became very, very dangerous. As if she felt the chill emitted by Sius, Ellie became more panicked. She twisted her fingers hard, her face was full of crying expressions, and all kinds of emotions flashed through her eyes.

"You'd better tell the truth," the military god girl who saw her expression indifferently defeated all her struggles. "Your words will directly affect the relationship between Xiu and Betty. We don't know what you are planning. Although we were quite moved when the mother and son met again, it's normal logic. It is quite abnormal to see a woman abandon her child for more than ten years. There is a saying that a lie needs ten lies to make up, and the loopholes of lies will only be said more and more, so you'd better explain it honestly!"

Ellie, who completely gave up, lowered her head. After ten seconds of silence, she slowly said, "I actually have this because of my wife's research. I didn't lie about this."

Speaking of this, Ellie paused, "But young master, don't be prejudiced against your wife. In fact, we are willing to do this." Xius did not react to this, but quietly waited for her follow-up.

"The greatest wish of my wife's life is to revive the dragon clan, for which she is doing all kinds of research every day. I don't know what the content of that research was. After being asked by my wife, I agreed to help my wife carry out that research. That time, my wife got a doll from somewhere and asked me to transfuse blood for the doll. My blood recovers quickly, so it's not surprising that I often provide blood samples for my wife.

The girl said quietly. The two listeners, one is still expressionless, and the other is quite subtle.

But the blood transfusion had an accident. When the lady left, the doll suddenly went crazy, and then he rushed up and bit my throat and began to suck my blood. But the most abnormal thing is that I not only did not resist, but was full of a sense of happiness, as if it were **!"

Allie lowered her head, and her bangs covered her expression. However, at this time, Xiusi, who frowned more and tightened, did not have time to study the girl's regret. Chiyo saw Xiusi's expression and realized what she began to think deeply.

"Later, I was rescued by my wife and the doll was destroyed. But this is not the end. Since then, my wife has called me to my room to suck blood every once in a while, but my wife came in person. I don't know what the wife has to do with the doll, and once I get too close to my wife, I will have a strange sense of happiness. This feeling is usually very mild. I think it's normal to like my wife as a servant, so I have never told my wife, and I haven't even said this embarrassing appearance if I haven't been sucked for a period of time. But following the young master's feeling in the past few days, I finally couldn't help it until last night, so..."

The girl bit her lip and said everything she wanted to say, and they knew the rest. She looked carefully at the two listeners in front of her, one frowned and the other couldn't help nodding. The one who nodded was Chiyo, and she seemed to think of something again.

"So, does you usually suck the blood of the dragon girl?"

This time she pointed the problem to Sius, and Xiusi naturally shook his head immediately, but after a little hesitation, he nodded again, "No, but I did."

"That may be the bloodline problem of the lady and the young master! It is said that there are also dragons who can suck blood.

Ellie quickly interrupted, but Chiyo shook her head slightly, "So, how does the doll explain? Are Betty and Sius both that kind of doll?

The girl is speechless, how can she know such a thing?

"However, my wife is indeed like this for the dragons. Young master, you must not misunderstand your wife."

"Ha, in fact, we don't think this is the point. There are too many doubts about this matter, and you are also confused. Xiu, let's talk about it later! At least this maid is indeed a good maid.

In response, Susi nodded slightly, which reassured Ellie. Xius stopped looking at Ellie, who was stroking her chest. He turned his eyes to Chiyo: "Chiyo, what do you think of?"

"It's just a guess. If it's wrong, it's very important, so we can't say it for the time being. I'm sorry."

"Hmm." Xiusi was very happy and didn't continue to ask any more questions. This obvious difference made Ellie very unpleasant in her eyes, but she couldn't say anything.

In fact, it is also unpleasant for Lucia, who just peeked in the crack of the next door. Although the noble girl is not a competitive person, it is too aggrieved to lose to a rival in such a place, although this is not a loss.

At this time, Sus remembered what happened last night.

"Bear by the way, I met Claudia when I was outside last night. What happened here should be detected soon, so let's leave as soon as possible!"

Just like entering, Lucia opened the door with a bang, with the same angry expression on her face.

"If we still want to escape, where else can we escape?"

Seus did not blame her for her attitude. He and Hu Chiyo both understand Lucia's situation. After all, she is now desperate to follow Xius, and she can't go back. If Xiusi can't have her place, Lucia's situation will be quite miserable.

"Xu, what do you think?"

Hu Chiyo directly turned the problem to Xius. At this time, the other two girls turned their eyes to him at the same time. He was the only man present and their backbone. After being silent for half a second, Susi, who felt the pressure, gave such an answer:

"I want to find a force that can fight against Oga and Parsa."

Such fantastic words made Lucia can't help covering her forehead. "Then you should compete for the papacy of the church." Hu Chiyo also shook his head and smiled. He didn't say much, but his attitude was clear. This kind of thing is simply nonsense. If others say it, they probably won't even pay attention to it and walk away.

But unexpectedly, Ellie, who has been silent since just now, came up with such a sentence: "Madam said that Oga and Parsa are actually nothing. It takes at least two hands to count the people and organizations in the world that can destroy the surface state of the two countries overnight."


The three people were silent at the same time. They looked at the maid with two-colored pupils and confirmed that she was not talking about them casually. Hu Chiyo, who had always been curious, first said, "What did you hear from Mrs. Betty?"

"It's just some rumors about the secrets of the mainland." Ellie paused for a moment and cleared her mind: "You must also know about the demon world! Three hundred years ago, the spell that blocked the demon world was built by a mage known as the night watchman. As the builder of the boundary gate, my wife has been looking for him for so many years, but it is difficult to find him at other times except for appearing in the dragon gun fortress from time to time to check and maintain the boundary gate. The wife said that the world of the night watchman is so powerful that it is so powerful that she can even throw the person who forcibly passes directly into the unknown world, otherwise she will try to break through the boundary. Madam said that the strongest people in the world can easily defeat the world, but as a fish, they don't seem to break their fish tanks. 1,500 years ago, the demon emperor was one, a thousand years ago, the founder of the church, Juventus, the founder of the church, and the night watchman 500 years ago was also one.

"What you said is too ridiculous. There is no concept at all!"

Chiyo squeezed his lips with some unfinished intention, and it seemed that she was the only one of the three to listen carefully. Lucia's face is nothing to do with herself, while Sheus is always expressionless.

"Well, young master, there is a place where there should be what you want." As if she remembered something, the longan maid suddenly said seriously.


"Sky City, madam said that there is a power across God in Sky City."

The other two felt that what Ellie said was a little too much. Although they had heard that there was a transcendence of God before, it was just Betty's words, and that kind of power was unimaginable. And now her maid said that there is such power in any place, and she always feels a little suspicious!

However, Sus remembered that another person had said the same thing before and told him to go to Sky City. That guy is more mentally ill than suspicious, but intuitively, he feels that the man did not panic, because the kind of person who despises everything despises lying at all. To be precise, he disdains to do such a thing at all!,

Just as he was about to say something after thinking, the vent of the basement suddenly came from the upper hall.