Magic Sword

15 bad news

In the escort of Elizabeth's knighthood, Barbado was the only one who could suppress the princess. This tower-like knight is usually quiet and fierce, but he is inexplicably trusted by Elizabeth. Although other knights full of envy don't know what has happened between them, the bond between them can be seen. Therefore, he was envious. If he really wanted them to hook up with the imperial princess, he didn't dare to borrow the ten knights of Belsus.

However, a good relationship with the princess also has the disadvantages of having a good relationship. How many princesses are not from the family? This direct result is that once Elizabeth is unhappy, basically Barbado is the first to suffer.

When Elizabeth was stunned, in fact, the knights behind her were laughing. Because of Elizabeth's status as a princess, naturally no one had the courage to laugh.

Barbado laughed that he was deliberately presumptuous and had no scruples because of his deep relationship with Elizabeth. You should know that there is a saying that his mouth is leaking. Barbado's mouth of the sea bowl knew at a glance that he would definitely not be able to hold his breath.

But Elizabeth didn't care whether he missed it or not. Her originally embarrassed face turned purple in an instant. She was naive and laughed at by her own people. When did her imperial princess suffer? Elizabeth gritted her teeth and stared at Barbado fiercely, but it was not easy to attack on the spot. At this time, her mind is now full of going back to teach this big man a lesson, and there is no mood to continue the search.

"I won't check it, let's go."

The princess also went simply and turned her face away without saying a word, eliminating Lucia's superfluous tongue. The gentle girl smiled and nodded, looking respectful and modest. From beginning to end, she had no words. With just a few words, she had successfully differentiated the other party and then ruled them back.

After seeing that Elizabeth had turned around and went out, Nanna and the others realized that the person who could make decisions for themselves had left.

"Alas? Is that it?"

"What else do you want? There are no wanted criminals here. Even if the college teacher lies, he will be punished. If you all commit the first time, I won't care about it. That's it!"

After saying that, Leander also waved his sleeves with the appearance of a large number of adults. Before leaving Lucia, she gave a deep salute and showed her gentlemanly demeanor. Lucia showed her gratitude along his way. The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, but in the eyes of the eyes of the clear eye, it was indeed obvious who was used.

Hu Qiandai, who hid behind the dark compartment, got up and left the wall that had been leaning on. Xius was still sticking his head to pay attention to the situation there. It seemed that there was no longer necessary for her to continue watching. "Lussie is very good at changing her position and attitude. In this case, you should trust her. In this matter, none of us can It's better than her."

"Can't you either?"

Ellie asked what was from the heart. In fact, since she began to notice Chiyo, the intellectuality she showed gave people a sense of omnipotentness, which also made Susi unconsciously begin to rely on her. Every word she said would use his less clever brain to think about it seriously. And Chiyo only smiled at such a question.

"It's omnipotent to repair us!"

Chiyo said such a joke seriously, which made people unable to understand what she was thinking. Xiusi did not guess other people's preferences. He just nodded silently and didn't know whether he recognized the joke or was perfunctory.

"Prepare immediately and leave."

"No, I don't think we can leave yet."

At this time, Lucia came in from the outside, looking a little flustered. Haven't they all been sent away? Before Sius opened his mouth to ask questions, Lucia handed him a note.

"This was handed to me by the woman Claudia just now. She knows you're here, so she wants me to tell you this news."

Lucia looked very flustered, and the note in her hand had been unfolded, indicating that she had seen it. What made her so shaken? Xius took the note with such curiosity. After glanced at the note, Xiusi was stunned, and then his hands kept trembling, and the red eyes that appeared when he was angry also lit up, and even three-petal eyes that only appeared in a state of anger.

Ellie was frightened and squatted on the ground and kept shaking. Others can't feel it yet, but the relationship between her bloodline is particularly emotional about the extremely angry state of Sius, as if she had been stoned into the deep winter sea, with nothing but cold and fear.

There is no time to worry about what kind of shadow will leave in Ellie's heart. After reading the note, Susi raised his head, stared at Lucy with the horrible red dragon pupil, and asked word by word:

"Where is that kind of place here?"

"Shu, you, calm down first. This is just what the woman heard from Claudia. We don't have any basis or clues now."

But Xiusi didn't care about this. He stared at Lucia, and his red eyes became more and more gloomy, and the blood color was full of resentment and anger that he wanted to bury the world.


"Wait, what the hell happened!"

Ellie is completely out now, and the only thing left is Hu Chiyo who hasn't understood what happened. Knowing that Suss would not give her the note like this, Chiyo reached out and grabbed it. The note was torn. Fortunately, it did not damage the content above:


There was something I forgot to tell you last night. After the Battle of Farsas, only Ruhr and Lilia survived. The day before yesterday, an old acquaintance of the student union said that he met Ruhr Dowver in Belsus. It is said that he is now quite slums and wandering in the red light district of Belsus. As for Lilia's news, you must calm down when you see it.

Next, there is an empty line under the note, and another paragraph above is such a sentence.

"The old man accidentally heard him mention Lilia after inviting Ruhr to drink. After they were exiled to Belsas, Ruhr sold Lilia because he was unable to support his sister."

Hu Chiyo looked at Xius with a pale face, and she and Lilia had a relationship. When I was in Banbo, I still liked the girl who always looked like a little adult, and she also called Lilia's sister, Lilia was the first Dowdell family to admit their relationship. Such a lovely little sister was sold by her brother! In addition to his anger at Ruhr, Hu Chiyo is more worried. A girl can figure out where she will be sold and what to do with her toes.

Others don't know about Suss witnessing Flora's death, so they don't fully understand that in addition to anger, there is also fear in the heart of Susi, who is now intertwined with cold sweat and anger. If even Lilia... he doesn't dares to imagine it at all. If he really sees a girl in revealing clothes shouting in a brothel, how can he face the girl who has been coquettish to him every day, how to face the dead Flora, and how to face this unfair world?

"Chu, calm down, I have a way."

Knowing that Sus was on the verge of madness, Hu Chiyo, who quickly calmed down, immediately said. The samurai girl's words were very timely. Lucia's questioning of the intelligence could only make Xiusi more irritable, while Huchiyo immediately began to find a way without saying a word and took the initiative to share the pressure of Xius. Obviously, the warrior girl was much smarter in dealing with Xius' emotions. This made Lucia look more and more.

Hearing that Chiyo had a way, Xius immediately suppressed his anger. His red eyes were still shining, waiting for Chiyo to continue to say, although he now looks very terrible, like a fierce beast that chooses people to eat.

"The soldiers were divided into two ways, and Ellie accompanied Lucy to check the specific situation with Miss Claudia; Seus and I went to capture Ruhr Dawver. Sius, you must have me follow, otherwise I'm afraid that you will kill people in a hurry and break the clues.


Xiusi agreed without thinking about it and immediately pretended to go out, but when he saw that the others did not move, he stopped. This is inevitable. He is now anxious. One second is a second early. If possible, he can't wait to kill Ruhr immediately and pull out his memory axis to see it clearly.

It's just that Lucia is a little unhappy about such a job assignment. Why do you follow Xius? I'm going to find Claudia...

The samurai girl naturally saw Lucia's expression. Although there was nothing she could do, she didn't want to get any pimples, so she quickly explained:

"Only Lucy can do justice outside now. You have to ask for this matter. Ellie has not been recognized by them, so she can protect your safety. As for me and Xius, we can only look for it secretly. If we are bumped into by Her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth, things will be even more troublesome.

"I didn't say no. I'm not such an ignorant woman."

Lucia naturally understood the reason, but she felt that she was ignorant when she was told. But unhappy is unhappy. Lucia grabbed the door to the upper level opened in front of Seus and went out first. At this time, Ellie did not have the former prestige and temper. She looked at Xiusi tremblingly and hurriedly saluted and chased Lucia out.

"Then let's take action! Let's show the way, and you can identify people.

After saying that, Hu Chiyo stretched out his hand, and Mimi smiled like a child who was carried by someone. Seeing him like this, Xiusi's tense heart was slightly relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

"Hee, we said that in order to repair, we are invincible."