Magic Sword


Hello, readers. Although it's very late, I'm still here to wish you an old age.

The plot of this chapter dragged on and dragged on until 20th quarters later.

I always feel that the pit is getting bigger and bigger! The illusion must be my illusion.

Originally, this chapter was intended to be written about the pursuit of the church, but later, after the setting of the church was initially unfolded, it could not be written.

Is it too reluctant to start too many plots at once?

The plot of the Lucia line has basically come to an end, which is the reason why I didn't make any * description for her before.

To be honest, looking back, I feel that there are still many shortcomings in the shaping of Lucia. It should be said that the character positioning was not clear enough at the beginning!

The writing style of the soul play still needs to be improved!

Although the relationship between the two is entangled, there will be further development, so please look forward to the following plot.

After that, it is the second condition to save Lilia and the marquis. As for Sky City, I think that he only now realizes that he is not strong enough! With his character, he will not chase him if he can't wait.

The character of Sus has also begun to change gradually. At least he has begun to learn to think. Congratulations~~~

However, will the adolescent character in the face of human torture become distorted?

Don't look, I'm not laughing, absolutely not.


Okay, let's talk about the recent events.

In fact, in April, there will be an important exam, so under the huge review pressure, the update is delayed to 11 o'clock every time, and the monthly break opportunity is also useful.

It's not that I'm unscrupulous, it's just forced by the situation!

After this novel has improved, I can't bear to leave it alone to review, but it seems that there will be a lot of trouble after the exam is over. Alas, life is not painful.

The editor gave another recommendation. I remember that the collection was 40 last time, but now it has tripled, but it is still far from the hard index of subscription. Well, take your time!

But the most embarrassing thing is the first reward of our book.

Er, the one named Binggua is our editor. When I saw my editor reward, I was completely lost.

How can I describe my current mood?

It feels like adding vinegar to the soy sauce! I can't see it, but it's still a little sour. I can't say whether I'm happy or not.

In addition, the group was promoted to a senior group by me, and then suddenly felt that there were too few people. If there was nothing inconvenient to follow, the classmates who had been chasing came to the scene.