Magic Sword

02 Hatred from hatred

Sius has never been a calm enough person. His calmness is only based on the premise that he has nothing to do with him and has a dispensable mentality. Just like Lucia's case before, in fact, he always kept an outsider's mentality to see it, because no matter how Lucia loved him, he didn't even say the word "like" to Lucia.

And Lilia's safety is completely another level of significance for him. If Lilia suffers something unexpected, she will probably not be able to extinguish the flame of Sius' fury.

It's not a matter of saving people now, and there is no point in sneaking around like this. Xiusi didn't know how likely it was for what the child said, so the direct way to chase him was to knock all the cells open.

At this time, Xiusi's eyes had begun to reveal red light. He had previously thought that he was the children of the savior. The next second, he regarded him as a devil of hell and shrank into the corner in fear. It is human behavior to judge people by their appearance, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with them avoiding them from afar, because they are not here to save them.

He didn't pay attention to the group of children who trembled in the corner. He strode out of the hut and saw the position of all the door locks. After a burst of golden sound, the sound of metal falling to the ground woke up the door of the door of the manor.

The loud dog barking at midnight immediately woke up everyone around. The children found the door open and ran out one after another. Also heard the sound and ran out in a panic, as well as the guards of the manor.

The dragon's teeth flashed in the night, and the barking dog 100 meters away lost its sound. Xius now needs everyone to hear his voice:

"Lilia! Where are you? I'm your brother Xius! Answer me quickly! Lilia! ......”

Before Sius got a response from Lilia, the caretakers of the manor had rushed over and were so arrogantly demolished. Naturally, they were very angry that they held a machete and chopped over the head.

The person who came is not dressed in the church. It seems that he should be just a hired guard! Xiusi glanced casually, and his right hand holding the dragon's teeth trembled slightly. The man who waved the knife to Xius sounded a very crisp sound in the air. With a poof, it sounded like something full of water had been punctured. The body fell to the ground and rolled back, reflecting the dark moonlight, but told the other guards that the man had just been directly split, and the body was broken to the blood vessels before it could eject blood, and it was cut off by a knife at the other end. As for how the other party issued the knife, no one can see it.

"Lilia! Where are you! Answer me! Lilia!"

ius is not in the mood to pay attention to these miscellaneous soldiers. He now just wants to find Lilia, but the children running out in front of him stood at the door in a sane way, but none of them responded to him. Xiusi's heart became colder and colder, but he still didn't give up calling Lilia's name.

The guards did not dare to go on, and they would not let Sus shout so unscrupulously. They also began to call their officers for support.

A white light formed by magic shines directly on Xius, making him unable to open his eyes. No one likes to be illuminated like this. Without saying a word, he pulled the light source with a knife, trying to extinguish the eye-catching light.

At the moment when the light source was broken by Xius.

Suddenly, there was a roar from the other side of the manor, which was the sound of someone using wind spells to accelerate. Because of the dark switching back and forth, Susi couldn't see who the other party was, but in the haze, he saw a shadow running over and fled with a child in his arms.


In fact, there is no reason for Sus to think that the child taken away by the other party will be Lilia, but in this situation, he doesn't want to miss any opportunity at all. He can't let anyone go until he confirms that all the children are not Lilia.

With such a manic anger, the dragon's teeth turned into a silver snake and chased after it. Naturally, the man couldn't run away from Xiusi's sword. A blood burst out of his thigh, and the child in his arms was thrown out. Xiusi didn't want to fix a knife directly on his back and instantly fell to the place where the child landed to catch it.



The child replied ignorantly, but when Susi saw the child's face, he threw him aside disappointedly. How can a boy be Lilia?

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you break into my manor?

Theoretically, all people who break into the noble manor are unforgivable according to the assassin's conclusion. Of course, this should be based on the relatively strong situation on your side. In this situation, it is obviously a very powerful guy. The people sold by human traffickers are not completely safe. Sometimes if a stupid fool who has gone through shit abducts some heirs from the rich and powerful noble family, then there will be countless troubles after being approached. Although the probability of this kind of thing is very small, it is not that it will not happen at all, so the master here is also very careful.

"I'm here to find a child. Her name is Lilia Dowver. Hand him over!"

There was no room for Reveno in Seus' tone, and after knowing their way to deal with people in advance, the dragon teeth in his hand tightened again. If anything happens to Lilia, all the people here will be buried with her.

"Ah, wait, let me see, let me see."

The master knew that the man in front of him was a difficult master. After nodding and bowing his response, he quickly walked to the released child:

"Which of you is Miss Lilia Dowver, please come out quickly."

"..." No one responded.

"Oh, who is Miss Lilia, please come out quickly!"

"..." Still no one responded.

The knife in Xius's hand became tighter and tighter, and the surging murderous intention made everyone around him shrink back. The master knew that it was not good, so he quickly asked and turned to the other side.

"Sam, hurry up and bring the list of this batch of children!" After watching a man run back, he wiped the sweat on his head. "Well, my lord, maybe the lady you mentioned is not with me. Maybe your information is wrong. I'll bring you all the lists of children we brought this time. Do you think so?"

Xius, with a dead face, did not answer him. Now his mind is full of Lilia's possible murder, and he can't hear what the other party is saying.

At this time, the man who had just left hurriedly ran back with an account book. After he passed the account book to the master, the owner carefully opened the account book and respectfully presented the account book to Seus before the light handed by his subordinates.

"This is the child who came this time. Please take a closer look."

Seus took the account book. His red eyes did not need any light to see the words on the book. There was no name Lilia Dowver in the names in this row. The master saw that Sius was still frowning and knew that he might suspect that the account book was fake, so he continued to say carefully:

"Maybe the lady in your family reported a pseudonym. Why don't I order your names one by one? Do you think so?"

Although Sius didn't think that Lilia would get a fake name on it, he still nodded. There was no way to confirm with his own eyes that Lilia was not here, and he could not leave safely.






If a name is reported, a child will come out, and then Susi's hope will be extinguished, and the desperate murder will be even higher. The master reported, and there was more and more sweat on his face. When he finally reported that there were still more than a dozen children, he turned his head.

"Well, my lord, I think maybe that lady is not with us. When we took the child this time, we didn't take a few children away because they didn't meet the requirements. Maybe they are still there."

Hearing this sentence, Seus' eyes lit up and his mind began to quickly sort out the information about Lilia. The information from the marquis's memory is that the group of people specialize in selling children in the church. Although the intelligence shows that they did not sell their children to others, it does not mean that they must have sold Lilia. Maybe, maybe Lilia is still in their hands.


Although Xiusi still insisted that the master read all the names, he was no longer in a manic state of mind just now, because Lilia still had the possibility of living, and he could not give up.

After the name was reported, after Xius confirmed that there was no Lilia in it, he was not in the mood to stay here. Originally, he didn't come to be a messenger of justice to save this group of children, so it didn't matter to punish these guys. Originally, Xius didn't think he was a good person.

Xius, who got the answer, floated away like a ghost. After confirming that there was indeed no old man around, the master wiped his sweat.

"Damn, this kind of thing can happen to me!"

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go home, suddenly an arrow broke through the night and shot Sam, who had just handed over the account book beside him. The master thought that the man was going to kill people, so he knelt down directly to the ground and repeatedly said:

"Your excellency, if you have a large number, please bypass us! We are also ordered to do things!"

The person who just answered him was not Seus, but a man who looked completely uncharacteristic. He appeared ghostly in front of the master and pointed at him with a black arrow.

"Where did the man just go?"

There was endless anger in his words, and beside him, there was a man with a national face, but the man seemed to be about to see the underworld.