Magic Sword

03 Go to hell

Hia has been in a state of trance recently.

For nothing else, it is because the devil who tortured her in her dream really appeared in front of her that night. Even if she dreamed of the devil every night, she was still not used to that fear, and when she saw him, she found that the fear in her dream was nothing at all, and the real devil was nothing more than that!

The feeling of hatred but powerlessness has been haunting her since that night, knowing that the enemy is close to her, but there is nothing she can do. She didn't know whether she had that ability, but she knew one thing, that was, she might have been scared to straighten her legs by the man before she raised the knife. She has no confidence in whether she can stand alone in front of that person.

Shia was afraid of meeting that person again, so she moved out of the college dormitory, which was also yesterday.

The night is quiet, and from time to time a cool evening breeze blows into the window, making the sultry room a little more comfortable. Shia was looking out of the window. The lingering nightmare would only be slightly forgotten when she forced herself to think about something else, but when she came to her senses, she would be closed by her hopeless inferiority and immersed in it for a long time.

At this moment, the door of the room rang and a girl's voice came in.

"Sister Shia, the wheat porridge is cooked, and I'll bring it to you."

"Well, come in!"

The door was pushed open, and a small figure appeared at the door. She had blonde curly hair, slightly younger than Shia. The girl came in with the plate. It seemed that the weight of the plate was a little difficult for her, but she put the tray on the table and then put the cutlery one by one.

Hia stood up and stretched out. Although this child does a good job, there is one. She is too ugly. Seeing the huge scar on the girl's face, Shia unconsciously looked away and then covered up her disgust on her face.

I don't know what's going on with that face. There is no decent skin at all. It looks like a burn or burn. The huge scar not only covers the whole face, but also spreads to the girl's slender neck. The scar is dark red and purple, and you can faintly see the flesh and blood inside. The organs called the nose can no longer be seen, leaving only two empty black holes, and the lips have basically disappeared, but it is a rare thing that it does not affect her speech. Only one eye of the girl is intact, and half of the eyeball of the other eye has come out. Her eyes are darker blue than the other one, cloudy and dull. Obviously, she has lost her vision. But even if there are no eyebrows on her blind eyes, fortunately the bangs on her forehead are long enough to cover all the places above her eyes.

Shia has seen that kind of person with a scar on his face and once envied it. If there is a scar on his face, it seems that it can give people a feeling of weather. But this girl is completely horrible. If she sees this face when she goes to bed at night, she may be scared to death.

"Put on your hat."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Shia."

The name sister was asked by Shia, which is a kind of protection.

This child is left. It is said that it is left, which is about the matter of Hya sitting here. As a girl, it is very difficult for a person to live in Belsas, so at this time of the war, she also made a small business with several classmates. The so-called small business is actually to help people buy and sell some children whose parents died in the war.

As a civilian, Shia knows one thing very well. That is, as long as you are alive, it is better than anything else. After she was sold to a noble family with her brother, although she was a servant, she entered Beelsas College with her own efforts and talent. During their most difficult period, it was actually because they were sold to noble families that they were saved from starving to death on the street.

And this child is left in that group of children, because his appearance is so horrible that the other party doesn't want it. Those partners also thought she was in trouble and wanted to get rid of the girl. Shia naturally knew what the so-called concept of disposal was, so she took the initiative to get rid of the child. Again, as long as you live, it's better than anything else.

With her porridge, Sia couldn't help looking at the girl who hid in the corner and slowly covered her hood. The girl spoke in an orderly manner and seemed to be educated. Thinking of this, she asked casually:

"Fran, what did your family do before?"

"Me? Ah, I, my family is a farm.

Naturally, Sia doesn't believe this sentence, but since she doesn't want to say it, there is nothing to expose her. After all, the scar on her face must have caused her considerable trauma. This sense of self-protection is a must for a weak person living in this era. Sohea continued to ask a wordless question.

"What about your parents?"

"Dead, dead in chaos."

"Is there anyone else in your family, such as brother?"

Because Shia unconsciously brought her shadow into Fran, she asked this question, but she didn't expect that Fran was really stunned after hearing this sentence, and then shook her head and nodded. Naturally, Shia was not satisfied with this inexplicable answer. She frowned and said angrily:

"Do you have it or not?"


The little girl nodded, and the hood covered her face, so that Sia could not see her expression, but if she didn't cover it, she couldn't see the expression from that face! Sia shook her head for her boredom and threw the face that made her unhappy out of her mind.

"What about your brother?"

"I don't know."

Are you separated? Didn't he come here with you?"

In Xia's own experience, if she escapes, she should generally be a brother and sister together. The little girl who is alone is said to be difficult to survive smoothly from the battlefield of swords and shadows. In response, Fran's shoulders shrank slightly, but still shook her head. Shea doesn't know if she is lying, but it doesn't matter.

"Then your luck is good. Maybe it's the blessing of your face. This is also a blessing in misfortune."

Shia sighed casually, and then swallowed her porridge one by one. The bright yellow cereal looks very fresh, which can make people feel happy. But suddenly, she heard the girl standing in the corner whisper:


"Well, what's not?"


The girl shook her head quickly, and she lowered her head all the time. Shia is not in the mood to guess what she will think about. Anyway, if she wants to live in this world, learning patience is the basis of survival. Sia shook her head indifferent and continued to drink her wheat porridge.

At this time, suddenly, the two-story building trembled.

"What happened! Earthquake?"

Shia stood up suddenly, but the vibration only shook and disappeared. She was wondering what had happened when there was a scream from downstairs. Did someone come to smash the scene? As Shea grabbed her wand and coat, she said to the girl standing in the corner:

"You don't have to go there here. If someone comes, you can hide."

With that, she opened the door. The moment the door opened, something suddenly flew in and hit Shea, and the huge impact made her magician roll on the edge of the bed in her bedroom without even had time to recite the spell.

"Ah, what?"

"Hia, help, help!"


Shea came to his senses. The man in front of him was one of his partners here, but now he seemed to have been beaten by someone and kept spitting blood in his mouth. It's just that Shia has no time to care about this person's life or death. A heavy footsteps came from the dark corridor, and each time hit the hearts of everyone in the room.

Shia pushed the guy who was pressing on her away and grabbed the magic wand in her hand. Anyway, I'm a student of Belsas Magic College, and I can't lose to the three-class people who come to smash the scene. But when the leather boot appeared in this room, her whole heart cooled down. She stared at the familiar face in front of her, and the wand unconsciously slipped down from the palm of her hand. And the wand landed, and she didn't notice it herself.

Naturally, it was Xius who appeared in front of her, but now Xius looks normal. If not, the guy who fell at Shia's feet should be a pile of meat. Xius naturally recognized Shia. His eyes were slightly dark and he didn't want to see the girl, but he still asked:

"Have you met a girl named Lilia? Lilia Dowver."

Hia just wanted to open her mouth and said no, and a voice interrupted her.



Seus looked along the voice in surprise. A girl with a hood was running towards her, and her hood fell off because of running.

Then, Xiusi's surprised smile was distorted...

He doesn't know what he thought of at this moment, but he doesn't have to think about how twisted and ferocious his expression will be now. Xiusi's eyes widened, looked at the completely unident girl in front of him, and asked tremblingly:

"Are you Lilia?"


The girl who knew herself was completely lost hesitated for a second, but Suses had confirmed that this was Lilia's voice. The ferocious red eyes of the black devil turned to Shia. At this moment, there was no guilt, no pity, no hesitation in those eyes, only endless murderous intent.