Magic Sword

09 Escape

A bloody wash and an answer have been exchanged for a powerful time bomb, and even Hu Qiandai is difficult to balance whether it is good or bad. But in any case, their escape team will definitely increase again.

Because the battle shocked the whole Belsus, there was no need for Tiger Chiyo to remind Susi that it was impossible to stay here leisurely. After Susi handed over the elf to Chiyo, he took Lilia and Lucia to the castle of the Marquis of Bhutan again that night. Although Lucia was the lead of both sides in this meeting, in fact, she was excused by Xius to take Lilia around the garden from the beginning. After a while, the servant came to inform them that the two sides had reached an agreement.

Lucia wondered how Xius had dealt with her beast father. As soon as she opened the door, she saw the marquis's ferocious eyes staring at Xius completely regardless of the image, as if she wanted to swallow the man in front of her.

In contrast, Xiusi's expression seemed to be indifferent or even looked at all this indifferently. Lucia suddenly felt a little scared. The teenager who was played between her applause now played with her former rulers between applause. The contrast between her and her inexplicable feelings.

Then Sius followed the marquis to his laboratory with Lilia, and Lucia could only wait outside alone. Looking at the sky that has gradually turned white, the girl is not sleepy at this moment. In a trance, she seems to have forgotten what she is waiting for and doesn't know how long she will wait. Unconsciously watching the rising sun in the east, the morning sun always gives people a new feeling, but last night, many people slept forever in the endless night. Lucia didn't know whether Sius was right or not. She only knew that she had no way back.

The operation went very fast, but by seven o'clock in the morning, Suses led the veiled Lilia out of the operating room. The marquis looked exhausted. Although he cast a young body for himself, his energy and consciousness could no longer keep up with his youth. Even if he changed his body, the power of aging was still gnawing at his heart.

Lilia, who had been operated on, looked a little tired. Leaning against Xius's arms, the little girl looked dizzy. The teenager who was relied on by his sister still couldn't see any expression, as if the skin on his face was poured with iron water.

Without any gratitude, Seus left in a hurry with the two girls. The tired Marquis of Bhutan was full of hatred but there was nothing he could do.

Sitting in the carriage, Lilia fell asleep on Sus's lap. Lucia looked at Sus, who was holding her sister with her eyes closed, and suddenly remembered a question and casually asked.

"Chu, did you get the answer to what you asked in college before?"

When asked this question, Susus was shocked and suddenly opened his eyes. Because whether it is forced or fighting, it is natural. When he fought with the crazy woman, he was far away from the farewell hall. It is reasonable that Lucia should not know about this matter. In the face of Sius's slightly vigilant eyes, Lucia smiled slightly.

"I saw what you said to that woman, and I can speak with my lips."

If it was seen like this, there was nothing he could do. He didn't mean to hide it. He just felt that Flora and Lilia's affairs were his own business. Even if Hu Chiyo, Xius didn't reveal half a sentence to her. In response to this, Xiusi only nodded. The Marquis's memory is limited, but he can store the information in the form of copywriting. Matthews found clues in it, but he didn't want to say what the clues were.

Lucia bit her lower lip. The girl told her keenly that Xius was deliberately avoiding herself, and this avoidance was not only aimed at herself, but also at everyone around him. Thinking of this, the girl summoned up her courage and asked:

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Unexpectedly, Susi frowned slightly, leaned back as if avoiding something, and replied in an unhappy tone:

"This is my own business."

was very directly refused. Lucia had a feeling of being hurt by something, but she still nodded with a smiling face and didn't say anything.

In fact, Xius is not wrong. This matter is really something that only he can solve.

When Sus returned to the college with Lucia, he was a little worried about whether Hu Chiyo could solve the elf's problem, but when he entered the room, even if the expression on his face did not melt for ten thousand years, he could not help but be stunned.

At this moment, Hu Chiyo is drinking beer one-on-one with the ordinary-like man, and the two empty barrels under their feet indicate that they have drunk a lot. Ellie was taking care of her luggage. Claudia was not there and was replaced by the witch Erina Miskai last night. However, unlike last night, Erina's face is gentle and calm, and it can't be seen that she was the lightning witch who almost turned all the other hall into ruins last night.

However, the most urgent thing now is to find out what good the Lori warrior has done and how to drink wine with the captives.

"Chiyo, what's going on?"

Ah? Oh, this guy was my colleague at Barrongan. He changed his face again, so I didn't recognize him. Come on, Gan, introduce me, this is my husband, Xius. Sius, this is Gan, Gan Archer.

Hu Chiyo's face turned red, but his words were smooth. For the time being, he believed that she was still sober. As for this guy named Gan, Xius looked at him up and down. His outfit seemed to erase all the characteristics of being a human being, and he would never find him if he was thrown into the crowd. But at this time, he may have been a little too much wine poured by Chiyo, and he was a little confused.

"Ah, ah, that, that, sorry, thank you, thank you, stop me, ah, sorry, sorry."

The logic of his speech was not clear, and Suss did not continue to pay attention to his mind. He turned his face to Chiyo and only asked a question.

"We're leaving here soon. Are you going to take him with you?"

"Well, although this guy is confused, he is very strong! He is in Barrongana, known as the seven-day sky.

Although it sounds awesome, Suss is not very interested in the Barrongan or the seven-day sky in Chiyo's mouth. But he believed Chiyo's judgment and nodded very simply.

"Okay, let's leave now."

"Where are you going?"

The one who asked was the witch who had been silent just now. Susi glanced at her: "Tarosis."

In this way, on the morning of the second night of thunder and lightning, a carriage hurried out of Belsas City. This time, Xius is still driving the carriage. Unlike last time, he has a lot to do now.

Even if that strange middle-aged man opened up a relationship with him, and even with Claudia's secret help, Xius would not naively think that he could escape from Belsas safely. And this time, because he was completely exposed and there were too many people, there was no room to avoid at all, so he went straight to the official road without hesitation. It took three and a half days to get out of the Berthus barrier. Sus knew that in these three and a half days, he probably didn't even have a second to take a nap.

The speed of the carriage is not slow or fast, and the horse's hoofs keep repeating, sinking and anxious. Sius drove his carriage expressionlessly outside the carriage, in which only Lilia and Lucia leaned against the innermost without saying a word, as if they had fallen asleep. Ellie, the dragon-eyed maid, sat face to face with the female mage, one closing her eyes and the other repairing her nails. Chiyo leaning on the back of the car narrowed his eyes slightly and was poured down by himself. The guy was still sleeping, but it seemed that it was time to use him.

Chiyo kicked the elf crooked by the car.

"Get up, I think you should be awake."

The young man named Gan opened his eyes, but there was not much drunkenness in his eyes. Originally, the elves were not the type of drinking like dwarves, but they were very easy to use at all times. He did recognize Chiyo, but the two were not so familiar. Originally, after he was captured by Seus, he thought that Seus would not do anything to him, but after getting the identity of this man from the mouth of the same period, he felt that he was very unlikely to survive. Fortunately, the girl gave him an idea to help him get through this, but the condition was to help their group escape from Belsas.

"Well, I will fulfill my promise."

The five-sensing elves are so keen that they surpass human beings dozens of times can naturally hear the sound mixed in the sound of horseshoes on wheels, which is the sound of a group of horses hundreds of meters away. The other party is not in a hurry to chase them, and they don't seem to want to do it now. Gan could hear it, but he was curious about how the girl knew that the enemy was coming. For this reason, the elf looked at the samurai girl puzzledly. It's just that she can't see anything on her quiet little face.

"Seven pursuers, no, eight, there should be two people in front of one horse."

"Can it be solved at once?"

The elf pulled away his black bow to the rear of the carriage. I don't know if this bow was a demigod armed. When the magic was activated, the dark and bare bow grew a sharp blade for melee fighting, and the metallic bow string also shimmered slightly. For Hu Qiandai's problem, the elf did not smile or boast, maintaining the calmness and lightness that an elf is accustomed to. He nodded slightly:

"Seven-day music score, chapter 4, meteor death, brilliant for the deceased, go!"

She saw the same brilliance as before, but due to the daytime, it was not so dazzling. Hu Chiyo could not confirm how much damage this arrow had caused, but she knew that it should be the right person this time.