Magic Sword

11 centrifugal

Lilia knew that there were many girls around him.

The last time I saw him was in Banbo, when Susis was forced to flee. It's just that it was one of Lilia's two worst memories in her life so far, so she didn't want to recall it. I don't want to recall, but there is one thing that Lilia already knows that Xius is not her own brother.

When it comes to my brother, I have to talk about another person, that is, Ruhr. In fact, Lilia liked Ruhl more among her three brothers at the beginning. After all, girls would like more leadership boys. And the eldest brother Anzak's age gap is too much, and there is no common language. As a second choice, Ruhr is naturally more popular. However, due to the fact that she was always scolded by her father for not being aggressive, Ruhr's personality gradually became tyrannical, so Lilia turned to her sister Flora.

I don't know why Sister Flora and Sius have always had a good relationship. Sometimes Lilia will think that her sister is the legendary brother or something, but this is just thinking about it when she is bored.

The quiet Xius basically would not refuse Lilia's request, and Lilia gradually got used to Xius, a somewhat silent and bully brother.

But the last time we met, Lilia suddenly found that Sius Ge, who had been out for a while, suddenly changed and became cold, especially the murder in the hotel, which scared her very much. So after meeting Flora's sister, she followed Flora without hesitation. In fact, Lilia doesn't like the stupid brother Xiusi very much.

But in the last three months, it is also the three months she will never forget in her life. Lilia suddenly understood why Sius suddenly became ruthless in front of those people. That kind of ruthlessness was the most correct thing to do. Like Lurgo, he can only be a dog with a wagging tail and begging for mercy; like Brother Anzak, he can only be killed innocently in the war; like Sister Flora, he will only encounter unfortunate fate.

I have been in such a miserable situation for the past three months because I am a weak and incompetent person like Sister Flora. But fortunately, I resisted. Although the price is a little high, at least now it seems that the original resistance is worth it.

In this encounter, I saw the coldness and strength of Shusgo again, and even my injury was cured. Lilia began to firmly believe that only like Xius was right, and only then could she survive in this world. But Lilia doesn't know how to become strong, but fortunately, she still has her own brother to rely on. Ah, no, it should be called brother now, because now he is his only brother!

It's just that since my brother escaped from Belsas with himself, there has been one thing that has been bothering Lilia.

Yes, there are too many girls around my brother! It's really too much! If it goes on like this, I will have no sense of existence at all!

First of all, the man she knew claimed to be her brother's fiancee. In fact, she looked a black long-haired girl smaller than herself. Lilia wondered why her hair could be so straight to her waist, and she always spoke to us, which sounded strange; then the maid with a pair of Persian cat eyes. Although Lilia is small, she can also feel that the maid does not look like a maid; then there is the blonde beauty that can't be more standard. Lilia didn't pay attention to it last time. This time, because she was responsible for taking care of herself, when she slept together at night, she found that the woman's figure was so good that it was enviable. I can't be jealous; and the female mage who is gentle and graceful during the day and goes crazy at night. That chest is foul, right? Why did she go crazy and want her brother to restrain her every night? Didn't she really mean it?!

But Lilia also knows that her brother treats these girls equally. The so-called equal, not so much a friend as a colleague, which is really cold.

In the past two days when she joined the team, Lilia has heard the blonde sigh more than once, and more than once she heard the girl who likes to drink and mutter something when she drinks too much, and her brother probably doesn't know about these things.

Lilia can understand their feelings. After all, she also chased them when she was in college. Like them, she ran around with a man in exchange for a little tenderness. Lilia felt that she still couldn't do it, but seeing their sad look, Lilia deliberately helped them. Well, who should I help? As far as Lilia herself is concerned, she prefers a blonde beauty, but it seems that the brunette girl is a little more powerful.

Forget it, I'll help whoever they will please me! After making such a decision, Lilia put the idea aside for the time being.

Now, if you don't take the initiative to talk to your brother, Xius won't talk to Lilia all day. Although she knew that it was not that she was hated, but that Xius was too busy to take care of her at all. But now she is still on the escaping, and Lilia also knows that she can't cause trouble for Xius. He hasn't closed his eyes for three days. At this time, the Belsas Pass is close in front of her, but it is obvious that the other party will chase him all the way here! It's just that Lilia didn't know who was chasing them from the beginning.

Compared with Lilia, Chiyo has sighed more recently. For nothing else, it's too useless for himself.

As a think tank in the team, Hu Chiyo hopes to help Xius share more things, but the reality is that what he can do is too limited.

Let's take a look at the composition of this team first! As for Hu Chiyo herself, there is nothing that can become a combat power except her strength and family knife skills; Lucia's woman doesn't have to count on it at all. Except for intelligence, she is simply a drag bottle; the maid seems to have two brushes, but it is obvious that she is simply wandering in the team. In this way, basically all the combat tasks fell on Xius. That's why Hu Chiyo brought Ganla in, but now there are more Alina, an hourly bomb. Although Hu Chiyo thinks that she can still be a little useful, the existence of this guy seems to only make the task of Xius, which is already fierce, heavier for the time being. Gan is an elf, and Hu Chiyo can't ask him to do more, and Lilia can't be counted.

After this exit, let's have a good talk! This group of oil bottles is too much.

Chiyo feels that this matter has come to an imminent time. If it hadn't been for the current situation, she would have raised this question now. Glancing at Xius, who was still driving the carriage, there was basically no blood on his face, but it was still the thundering expression. Everyone knows that he is holding on. Some people's blood dripping but there is nothing they can do. Some people can help but watch coldly. Some people can easily take over but are happy to watch the play.

Bastard. Chiyo has begun to hate these guys at the same time, but she also knows that there is nothing she can do.

If you can work hard, then let him cheer for himself!

Come on. Other people always casually say two words, without intention to help, and they don't care about it. After saying the two words, they end the topic and forget it without any sincerity at all. So Chiyo never wanted to say cheer. She felt that these two words were saying as if she were insulting herself. Instead of saying cheering aside, she should think about what she can do to help!

Throwing his wild thoughts out of his head, Chiyo looked at the Beelsas Pass that could already be seen, and the dark shadow at dusk revealed a murder.

"Shu, it's almost here. You can recover your strength. I guess the enemy is already waiting for us at Guansai."

The samurai girl cleverly climbed to the driving position and pulled the reins in his hand. Xiusi was stunned for a moment. Driving for a long time had made his nerves a little stiff. The teenager blinked and felt that what Chiyo said made sense, so he turned back to the back seat. Looking at the figure of Xiusi shrinking in the place where he had just sat, Chiyo took a breath.

"It's really suffocious to be with them. Drive!"

The voice of the samurai girl drowned in the sound of rolling wheels. She thought that no one could hear it, but she didn't know that Lucia, who was shrinking in the innermost part with Lilia, heard her clearly. The blonde hair that had not been washed for three days had become gray, and Lucia shrank herself into the corner, muttering like a dream:

"Do you think I don't want to..."

At least two people heard this sentence in the carriage. The elf shooter looked up at the starry sky that gradually appeared in the sky, as if there was something beautiful in the sky, which made him unwilling to move away for a second. The dragon-eyed maid has long been tired of seeing Erina's face. Now she is sleeping with her head down. No one knows if she is really asleep.

For the time being, she didn't have the same expression as a crazy witch, but she seemed to have some emotion. She looked at Susi squatting there without laughing or blinking. After Susi noticed her sight, she looked at Susi for three seconds and then slowly moved away.

While the team was still in an unstable state, a group of soldiers had already posed for battle in the barrier in front of them. This is a private mission, which is explained, so everyone has given a lot of rewards. Bounty means risk, but what reassures them is that there is still a team of people in black standing in front of them, as long as they are not alone. At that time, even if they pretend to be dead, some people can cushion their backs.

"Viscount Kerrigan, thank you for your hard work. I will definitely report your contribution to the church truthfully."

Andre smiled and stopped paying attention to this jealous man. He was not interested in ordinary people at all.