Magic Sword

13 Forbidden Magic

Hu Chiyo and his group quickly rushed out of the pass and ran for more than a miles before they found that there were no pursuers behind them.

"It's strange why Xiu hasn't come yet. He should be able to catch up soon!"

Lucia pulled the reins to control the horse walking back and forth. Looking at the tall barrier from afar, it seems to be a gap in the sky, which isolates death and despair on the other side of the barrier. Everyone except Sius escaped, and he was there alone without any news. A minute passed, Lilia kept twisting her little hand and tried to open her mouth several times but closed it again. The maid and the witch didn't say a word and didn't know what she was thinking.

The elf looked at this situation and tightened the black bow in his hand and took the initiative to propose:

"I think he may be in trouble. You wait here. I'll go and have a look."


It was very strange that Hu Chiyo immediately rejected the proposal and turned his face to the witch, "Gan, stay. Miss Alina, come with us."

It was already evening, and the other side of the witch's character began to be manic again. She showed a contemptuous expression and glanced at Hu Chiyo.

"I'm not going. It's none of my business."

"Then I think we have to go to see your father."

About Erina, Xiusi told Chiyo. Hu Chiyo did this because there are more unstable factors in the team now. This woman is too powerful, and as she said, Hu Chiyo doesn't believe that she will care about the lives of the rest of the team. The elves have always been trustworthy, but it is impossible to be completely relieved. In contrast, although the longan maid always looks unhappy, she is at least safe in loyalty.

Now, in order to maintain the balance in the team, Hu Chiyo must separate this woman from Lilia and the two powerless people, otherwise they don't know what will happen. Others may not have thought of this. They looked at the military god girl strangely and didn't know why she destroyed everyone's harmony on this issue.

The witch was not angry at all, but smiled charmingly and reached out and squeezed the girl's chin:

"I didn't expect that bastard to have such a capable woman!"

Chiyo did not kill her hand, but looked at her fixedly with his eyes, so that others seemed to understand what came from looking at Erina. Probably uncomfortable being stared at by everyone, Alina threw the sleeves of her robe and took the lead back.

Looking at her back, Chiyo took a breath. This kind of supreme force is not here, and it is really dangerous to rely on people's hearts to suppress unstable factors. If she hadn't been afraid of Sius, she might have had an attack. He couldn't think too much, and Hu Qiandai chased after him. I don't know if the four people left behind realized that a crisis quietly passed by them just now.

Alina flew all the way into the customs with Chiyo. The scene in the customs was not much different from when they came out. There was no large army and no master came. Erina, who was used to flying and overlooking, first found the figure of Xius, patted Chiyo's shoulder and pointed to it:


Chiyo hurriedly looked along her fingers. What she saw was a group of people in black fighting around Seus. Seus saw that he had several knives in his body, but he was blindly dodging and not fighting back. Even so, he was still being stabbed.

"What is he doing? Come on, let's go and help him!"

Compared with the girl's eagerness, Erina hesitated for a moment. She seemed to notice the sense of discord and grabbed Hu Chiyo who was about to rush up:


"What are you doing?"

"The magic in the atmosphere is wrong!"

Alina, who was so familiar with magic that she could no longer be familiar with it, reached out and pinched a hand shape, which represented a technique she commonly used, but the technique only disappeared in the middle. Even the well-informed witch's face showed surprise and even panic.

"Forbidden demons! It's actually the forbidden boundary!"

"Is it just forbidden demons! Let us go, I'm going to save Sius!"

Controlled by Alina's technique, Chiyo's state has no way to borrow power, and it is difficult to break free from her technique. At this time, Alina seemed to have forgotten the tiger Chiyo. She grabbed her hands in the air and muttered to herself:

"Impossible! How can it be! How can such a thing as the forbidden demon boundary exist! This is crazy! Who the hell is the other party!"

"No matter what the forbidden enchantment is, we are going to save people. You can lift the magic quickly!"

Cute Lina ignored her at all. She cast her magic over and over again as if she had been enchanted, but these magics were interrupted in the middle of the launch without exception.

"What do you know! There is no such thing as a forbidden enchantment at all! Magic is the most basic element. Everything is composed of magic. It is as pervasive as air. When you drain the magic in an area, the surrounding magic will continue to crush and fill the cavity area. There is nothing that can resist this crushing. If there is a boundary that can resist this crushing, it is impossible for magic and objects to break through this boundary! Then it's not called the forbidden demon boundary, but the absolute defense boundary!"

"What do you care about him, you put us down first! It's all forbidden. Why hasn't your technique disappeared!"

Alina was stunned by what she said. She also seemed to realize that she was still in mid-air dozens of meters high. She blinked at Hu Chiyo and waved her hand to relieve the technique on her body. This is dozens of meters in mid-air! Chiyo screamed and fell down directly. Then Alina shook her hand again and launched the technique.

Chiyo's body suddenly paused in mid-air, and after a very unconscious swing, the operation was forcibly lifted like the previous experiment. Fortunately, Chiyo was only a few meters from the ground at this time, and the girl rolled over quickly to escape the fate of being killed.

After life and death, Chiyo gasped, looked at the witch who was still in a daze in the sky with very angry eyes, and did not settle accounts with her. He turned around and ran in the direction of Xius.

Alina looked at her departing back in a blank way without any guilt. Instead, she rubbed her fingers very playfully and nodded as if she understood something:

"So that's it. It's just tamping and feet when the magic is formed, not to drain the magic! However, if you really meet such an opponent, it's still very troublesome. Well, it seems that the demigod is insoluble.

After talking to herself like this, she remembered that Hu Qiandai had passed.

"If you can't structure it, you will die in the past! Forget it, go back. Anyway, they have nothing to do with me.

With this, she turned around and floated out of the pass.

Don't care about the witch who had retreated halfway, Hu Chiyo rushed all the way. When she saw Xiusi, he had been injured a lot, and the other party seemed to be completely unharmed. Things were very abnormal, but she was not in the mood to think too much. When the group of people in black didn't pay attention, she suddenly appeared behind two people in black robes standing outside the circle and gave one of them a sword fiercely.

It's basic to kill the mage first, not to mention the guy standing next to him watching the play. Another man was shocked to find that his companion was attacked. He quickly counterattacked, "True Word · Virtual Sword!"

But at the moment he formed a technique, Chiyo's sword pierced his chest. He stared at the sword that pierced his body. The sword left a wound on his body very simply and did not seem to be blurred at all.

Why?! With such resentment, he fell down. When he fell down, he saw the companion who had just been hit by the sword, and the companion who was still gasping hard also looked at him. Ah, that's right, because he did not die immediately, the 'unable' technique was not lifted, causing his own technique to be stopped. Bastard, why don't you die?

But he only spit out a mouthful of painstaking, and then he fell down directly. The man in black who didn't know that his colleague was still cursing him before he died shouted to the group of people in black for help. Chiyo cut off his head with a knife.

At this time, the people in black who found that their leader had died were in chaos, and the siege battle stopped abruptly. Xius also heard the screams of the two people. When the man died, the technique should naturally disappear. He subconsciously wants to use space sword skills, but the sword skills are still not used, but if he can't use it, he can't use it!

Thinking so, he punched a man in black in the face and took him back several steps. The technique is still unusable, but has the attack invalid been lifted?

Just when Sius wanted to warn Chiyo, he was stunned to find that the samurai girl punched a man in black and flew him upside down, then clasped another person's wrist with her back and pulled back. At the same time, he kicked the other party's chest. The man who was trapped in his chest spit blood and rolled on the ground several times and did not move.

At this time, Xius remembered. Compared with the power and speed she added with magic, Chiyo is indeed a real strange girl. This unusable state may be the best for her.

When Xius was distracted, Chiyo knocked down all the people in black to the ground. Even if he was not dead, he had no strength to get up.

"Shu, are you all right!"

Looking at the girl running over with a worried face, Susi gave her a big smile for a long time.

"It's okay. Anyway, I'm also half a dragon. How can I be knocked down by a group of people?"

Saying that, Sus stretched out his hand, and the wound on his hand had begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. If it hadn't been for this, he would have been unable to hold on for a long time. The dark-haired teenager tilted his head slightly and habitually reached out and stroked the girl's head: "Thank you."

The girl's smiling face was about to cry in response to him, "You, you are scared to death!"