Magic Sword

17 Magic Sword City

It's not that Xiusi didn't want to go back to Tarothea before. Although he didn't have much sense of belonging to this place, after all, Xius' name was printed everywhere, and the existence of Xius filled every corner of the city. Before being turned by Razad and the others, Xius still thought about the touching return scene, but sometimes the contrast between the answers given by reality is too big.

Rezad is still the same, but he hasn't seen him for months, and it's impossible to change anything. It's just that he showed this attitude to welcome him, and it's naturally impossible for him to look good.

"Rizad, what are you doing?"

"Shut up, you spy pretending to be Lord Xius, how dare you come and ask me!"

Rezad stared at Xius with righteous words. But this look was very ridiculous in the eyes of Xiusi, because Razad showed a surprised expression at the moment he saw him and knew that he had recognized himself. This is obviously for his subordinates. As for why he put on this picture, it is exactly what Xius wants to figure out now.

Sius did not respond to him immediately, but glanced coldly at the soldiers in front of him with the tip of the gun at him:

"You have all seen me, do you also think I'm a fake?"

The soldiers who asked this question looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Seeing that the army's heart was shaken, Rezad quickly looked at it and shouted:

"Lord Seus has died in Farsace, and many of you have seen it with your own eyes!"

This sentence is indeed very convincing. Indeed, everyone saw that Susi was killed, and even the corpse could not be found in the capital. In this regard, Susi just snorted faintly. This kind of thing is too long. How can it be explained one by one?

"I'm still alive."

"Then how can you prove that you are not a fake!" A soldier suddenly opened his mouth and shouted. This sentence made everyone nod. Yes, as long as you can show evidence that you are not a fake, right?

Sius shook his head and felt that this matter made him feel very troublesome, but he didn't want to use a knife, so he shook his head slowly.

" Lucia, come out. Tell these buckets who I am?"

Lucia didn't expect that there would be a day when Suss needed to prove his identity. She paused for a moment and was about to speak when Redad grabbed her:

"Miss Lucia has betrayed Tarosis before, and she can only prove that you are a fake here!"

Innocent Lucia opened her mouth and closed her mouth. She ran away in anger. How did she become betrayal? And what does this place have to do with herself? Just as she opened her mouth to settle accounts with Rezad, he had an attack first:

"Ah, I see. You want me to prove that I am not a fake, but as long as you question my proof, then I will prove it forever. That's the problem!"

Everyone was stunned. Yes, theoretically it was true, but without them thinking too much, Xius could no longer suppress his temper. What are these bastards thinking! Do you want to rebel? He reached out and pushed away the soldier's gun and walked to Rezad, and his black eyes gradually turned blood-red.

"Rizad, you know that so many people can't stop me. What on earth do you want to do? Now to be honest, I need to forgive you depending on the situation."

Others can't learn what Xius's ability to change his eyes, and Rezad naturally knows it. Just as he was trembling and wanted to say something, a shout came from behind him, which was a familiar voice.

"No! We don't need your forgiveness, even you have to obey the order of Tarothea!"

Sius turned his face inexplicably, and behind them was Ian in a white robe. The young man who entered the leadership circle by incitement and ** at that time is now dressed as if he were a divine servant. The knife held high in his hand could not be more familiar than Chiyo. It was the authentic one of her intimate friends.

"Ah, our authentic! Give us back the authentic!"

Ian completely ignored Hu Chiyo's protest and continued to hold the knife high. He shouted like a fanatic:

"This is Talosis, and the place where Talosis is located will be full of the glory of Talosis. Yes, it was you who established the order of Tarossis with your violence, but from the moment you died, the glory of Tarosis is no longer you! It's everyone in Tarothea! This holy knife represents the glory of Tarosis! Even if you become the undead and come back from the resurrection, I will announce to you on behalf of Tarotheath: Only Tarothea has the glory of Tarotheath, and you are nothing!"




This sentence echoed in Xiusi's mind, and he looked at the authentic Ian holding high. Because of Ian's announcement, all the Tarotians present cheered loudly as if they had been saved by something. Just like when Moses gave a speech on the broken statue before, people began to shout for glory, but this time, Xius listened particularly harshly.

What glory? What Tarosis? If it weren't for me, wouldn't you still be ruled by the nobles? Ha, now that you are united and organized, you can fight against the nobles of the Broken Golden Mountains, so you have attributed all the credit to yourself?

Sius thinks this logic is very ridiculous, but from their perspective, it seems to be true!

Originally, Sus did not intend to care about any credit, but Suss thought he was not a person who was so magnanimous that he was praised to the sky when he needed it and kicked away when he didn't need it.

In the face of this full of cheers and cheers, in the face of the expressions of contempt or hesitation of the companions who followed him.

Seus laughed and he began to laugh loudly.

He smiled and laughed at himself. How could he forget that the group of people in front of him were the hopeless fools;

He smiled at these idiots. Don't you know that as long as the outside world stabilizes, Auga will immediately destroy the seeds of this disaster;

He smiled. He smiled at Ian Rezad and others. He is still dreaming of enjoying power and coveting these glory and status, but he didn't know that he was dying.

Under the wild laughter of Seus, people gradually calmed down, and some memories that were unconsciously sealed by them seemed to gradually wake up with the laughter, as if they were from memories from nightmares.

Finally, Sus smiled enough. He looked up at Ian, and his red eyes exuded unconcealed murderous intent:

"Hey, Ian, I borrowed your holy knife from someone else. Now I'm going to give it back to others. Won't you give it to me?"

This sentence stunned Ian for a moment. He thought that Xius would either be crazy or succumb to the will of the people, but he didn't expect that he would ask for a knife.

"This knife is now a symbol of the glory of Tarothea, and naturally it is no longer your property."

Ah. Yes, that is to say, you stole this knife in the name of Tarothea, right? So, it means that I can also take it back, right?

Seus said very dangerous words, which made the guards who followed Ian nervously pull out their weapons. Seeing that he was heavily surrounded, Ian settled down and shouted confidently:

"Give up! In the Battle of Farsas, we all knew that you were not invincible. You were also a human, and you would die. And now you still have people around you. Even if you occupy Talossus again as before, do you still think the people will obey you? Even if you are force to ensure that you survive the people's resistance, the people around you are not necessarily! Come on, bring the saint!"

Hearing his words, a wooden cart was pushed up, and a cross was erected on the wooden cart. The person tied to the cross was none other than the pity thrown by Sius in Talossus. The three-free girl looked at Xiusi silently, and still had no feelings as before, as if it was a porcelain doll that could be broken with just a touch.

Sius looked at Lian's style with great interest. The girl was tied with ropes and hung her hands on the crossbar of the cross. This gesture was either a criminal wandering down the street or a martyr shouting loudly, but she looked around casually and did not feel that her life was in danger at all. But Sius understood that it was because of her that Ian was fearless!

In the face of such threats, Susi shook his head slightly, and then the devil finally opened his fangs. He stared at Ian with his suspended dark eyes.

"Ian, you all got it wrong."


"You made a mistake. From the beginning, I was not a sage, but a tyrant."

Blood splashed, and Ian was shocked to find that the authentic had appeared in the hands of Xius, and the authentic knife handle was still holding his hand. Before the fearful man could howl, the next white light took his life.

Lucia quickly covered Lilia's eyes, and she didn't expect that Xius would start to do it on this occasion. And the others were completely stunned. Although they also had the power to kill so many people, it was not that a thunderball turned into flying ash or shot an arrow from afar and did not care about the result. But this scene of slashing flesh and blood has never been seen, not to mention that the target of the massacre was his former subordinates?

Whether it is a former follower, subordinates or innocent onlookers, the devil's knife has no eyes, and blood and flesh are covered with the ground, like a large slaughterhouse.

Of course, Xius only killed all the people around him that he disgusted, and there was no need to pursue those who escaped. On the steps in front of the city owner's mansion, blood flowed down the cracks in the stone bricks, and the teenager with the butcher's knife stopped. Looking at the scattered crowd under the steps, he shouted:

"All stop!"

Everyone stopped, and they turned around trembling and didn't know what the demon was trying to say.

"Listen carefully. This is my territory, my city, and in the future, it is also my country.

The bloody demon glanced at the people under the steps and said:

"From today, Tarosis will change its name to Magic Sword King City. I am the king of this country. You all remember: I am the country!"

So, later generations remember that the city rises with a magic sword, and there is no blood in the world.