Magic Sword

01 Wolf Smoke

In the autumn of the year 271, the Magic Sword King City was officially established, and Suse Davair, self-apported as the Demon Sword Emperor,

If anyone had established such a ridiculous organization that was neither like a city nor a country at that time, even his own people would have laughed at him. In fact, when receiving the news of the founding of Tarosis, there were indeed many people who used it as a joke. After receiving the news, Pandragang III, who was in office at that time, his first reaction was to laugh in the hall and left a comment that "the mouse who did not know the dead finally came out to die".

Compared with Oga's contempt, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Susiraterna St. Sabah, the commander of Parsa, who was still on the front line, made a completely opposite response. He ordered the army of Parsa, who had been wandering in Xilin, to immediately give up the sweep of Xilin and turn the gun to the Broken Golden Mountains, as if she had foreseen that a The birth of a dragon that harms the world.

At this time, in Tarossis, no, it should be called the Magic Sword City, but there is no strange fluctuation of people's hearts. In fact, for the residents of Tarosis, this is just a change back to the life of a few months ago. There is nothing to panic about.

On the contrary, Hu Chiyo, as a partner and assistant, is extremely anxious about this.

In terms of calendar, Magic Sword City is just a city. Even if it stands as a king like Qianlong Cliff, it is only a king. Parsa still has an emperor. There are only three emperors in the world at the same time, Holy Emperor Parsa, Emperor Oga and the legendary Demon Emperor. The king is subject to checks and balances by organizations such as the Presbyterian Council or Parliament, and the so-called emperor is, in short, an absolute dictator. Of course, the specific situation in different countries is different. The statue of the Holy Emperor of Parsa is a symbol, the so-called high saint; Emperor Oga is a complete position of real power, and all the powers of the empire belong to him. As for the demon emperor, Hu Chiyo is not very clear.

Sius is quite consistent with the above, but the problem is the most basic question, that is, the emperor is only the supreme commander of the empire to be called the emperor, and Susis is just a city. Isn't it too stupid to call him emperor casually?

It's actually a small thing that makes people laugh. The main problem is that if you become emperor, it is completely equivalent to doing the two giants, Oga and Parsa. The population base of Oga is tens of billions, and Parsa is a combination of hundreds of cities. Isn't a small magic sword city easily crushed between these two huge forces?

Seus did not give any explanation for this. He did not hold a ceremony to ascend the throne, nor did he set up a palace, or even an official position or minister. Even Hu Chiyo can't understand what Xiusi is doing:

The first thing he did was to collect the Magic Sword Order and spread all the members of the Order. Their work was the same as before, to teach and implement the will of Xius, but now Xius is a real person.

Before the massacre, Federand and Gregg hid because they were afraid of Sus. They were sent by Susi to organize soldiers to train and deal with diplomacy as before, but the supreme commander was not themselves, but Hu Chiyo and Lucia.

In addition, Xius also ordered to completely empty Bren's castle in Berota and gather all the craftsmen to start making something. As for what it is, Hu Chiyo can't understand even though he sees it.

It was not until the founding of the country was officially announced in autumn that the samurai girl roughly understood the unique mode of operation of this country.

The will of all people belongs to one person, which is extremely centralized power and tyranny, and also the ultimate of stupid politics. People can only accept the education that rulers need to give them, and everything else will be erased. The whole country only needs one person to use his brain, and what others need is just to do it.

With this conclusion, Hu Chiyo can only smile bitterly. The emperor divides power to others. It's not that he doesn't want to have exclusive power, but that he can't take care of it at all. It's not easy to be an emperor. An emperor will become a faint king, partly because of the power left by the previous generation, and partly because the emperor will also be lazy. As an emperor, is it better to enjoy the blessing of a foolish monarch for a lifetime, or is it more comfortable to strive for this country for a lifetime to win the name of a virtuous emperor? That is, Hu Chiyo himself will choose the former.

Oga's first emperor died of overwork. Even the emperor was a human being, and his energy was limited. Just like a person's brain, when you don't know it, the brain works and coordinates the body all the time until it is completely exhausted.

And now in this country, Xius is like a brain that works all the time, and the Magic Sword Order is a nerve that executes orders and intentions in various organizational parts. All institutions operate in full coordination, which looks very efficient and stable, but has a fatal weakness. If Sius falls ill or something happens, the country will be immediately paralyzed like a stroke.

Of course, things are not so bad.

This is also due to the person of the magic sword cult, which was cut off by Xiusi with a knife.

Faith is a very convenient thing. Strong faith can easily erase the subjective consciousness of murder and classify all his behaviors as a subconscious domesticated by doctrine. Just like those crazy believers in the church, they believe in God crazily. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't believe much. But in this country, people who do not believe in Xius have died. This kind of conscious domestication makes the order easier to execute. Of course, there is no guarantee that the members of the Magic Sword Order will exceed the personal will allowed by Xius. Fortunately, this cleaning mechanism was written at the beginning of the establishment of the Magic Sword Order.

I believe that the person who founded the religious community wants to build an ideal country for self-operation! Replace law and morality with doctrine while ensuring the equality and stability of the people, but it is obvious that this kind of thing can't be achieved in this era of strong external power. Hu Chiyo still admired such a person. Although he died, he still tried for his ideals.

I just admire it. Chiyo himself still doesn't agree with such an organization, because the most basic condition for maintaining this organization is that the leading groups of this organization are crazy people who selflessly dedicate themselves to their teachings. In this way, Xiusi is the craziest one, but he can't say anything about him. Chiyo knows that he wants revenge, and people immersed in hatred are usually twisted and crazy.

But how can he say that he is also my husband? Chiyo inadvertently smiled bitterly. She shook her head and took a sip of wine. He was really a man who could call the bloody storm! Just as the girl stared at the militiamen who were practicing in front of her, a voice suddenly interrupted her thinking.

"Ushang, so you are here."


Hu Chiyo turned his head to find who called her and found that it was the elf named Gan who came over. What's the matter with this guy coming to me?

"Gan? Are you leaving?"

Yes, according to the previous agreement, as long as they are escorted to Tarossis, they can do it immediately. It has been two months since the day of arrival. Because of the announcement of the founding of the country, he has been busy, so he has no time to care about the elf's stay. Come to say hello at this time, I guess you will come to say goodbye!

"No, I want to stay here for the time being."


The samurai girl looked up at the man in surprise and didn't understand what he wanted to say. Seeing Chiyo's eyes, the elf showed a serious look.

"I want to stay in this, er, this country for a while. Xiu, I'm very interested in His Majesty's system, so I want to study here for a longer time.

Hearing this sentence, Chiyo thought a lot in an instant. The most important thing is about the identity of this man. It should be the senior level of the elf clan and so on! However, after thinking in a blink of an eye, it all turned into a sigh. It seemed that he was attracted by the efficiency of this miniature empire, but did not notice where the most abnormal place of this empire was. Chiyo wanted to ask you to repair it! He remembered that it would not be a simple thing to find him, not to mention that he must still be busy now.

"Okay, I'll help you make the decision, but you should also understand the rules of this country. You don't think it's likely to be just a spectator like now."

"No problem, I can do it."

Gan answered very quickly. Chiyo also felt that he was a useful person, so he nodded and then called someone to send him to the shooting camp. There is nothing more suitable than an elf to teach archery!

Seeing the back of the elf leaving, Chiyo looked up at the huge city lord's mansion of Berota. Oh no, it should be called the palace now. The castle floats the flag of the Magic Sword Order, which is also the flag of the Magic Sword City, which is a sign of a magic eye with a black sword, which fully conforms to the characteristics of Xius.

Since that day, I have rarely seen Xiu. I don't know what he is busy with now...

In fact, Xius is now in this nominal palace. Of course, no one thinks that the palace should be like this.

All the floors up to the third floor have been removed. Looking up, the ceiling is estimated to be more than ten meters, with white magic lights hanging. Under the lamp, Susis stood on a table in the crowd and quarreled with Alina. The witch, regardless of what the magic sword emperor he was, roared loudly at Xius in front of everyone:

"This is impossible. There is nothing that can store this power. Even if I do it, I will blow it all up!"

"It's my business to blow up. You just need to do what I say."

Sius's black eyes stared at each other without any fluctuation. Obviously, he was not joking.