Magic Sword

05 is full of wind

The wind rises far into the sky, and the smoke stands in hundreds of camps.

At the southwest entrance of the Duanjin Mountains, Parsa's legion is ready to go, but most people don't know who the object is this time. It's probably just a lord who doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth.

What puzzles them is why their highness has allocated 150,000 soldiers and horses to attack this small place. Everyone knows that the defensive battle in the mountain area is the most difficult to fight. So most of the people who went this time were armored crab cavalry and griffin knights, with some wolf cavalry, because the huge size of the dragon horse is not suitable for running in the mountains.

Looking at the bustling team that began to set off, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince standing on the high post was dressed in a uniform, quietly as if it were a stone sculpture. The left and right Baier and Doyle also didn't say a word, but silently accompanied her to look into the distance. Suddenly, His Royal Highness asked:

"Do you think I didn't object because I had the impulse to avenge Chris and Moore?"

"I dare not."

The two answered with one voice. Of course, only they knew whether they thought so or not. However, the old general Doyle has always been a sensible person. He is highly virtuous in the army and is not so restrained in front of Sophie. Hearing this, he felt that there was something in the crown prince's words. The old general thought for a moment and said:

"The last general thinks that there is not much difference between walking through the Duanjin Mountains and bypassing Sao Paulo. The latter is more secure, but it is difficult to predict whether the church will turn against him halfway. St. Paul can betray Oga, and there is no reason why he will not deceive us. If you attack the Broken Gold Mountains, on the one hand, you can let the lords of Oga be our shields, and on the other hand, you can also try whether what Sky City gives us is effective. If Oga can send a small group of imperial dragon troops to let us experiment, it should be the best. Therefore, the pros and cons are actually almost the same from which side you go.

For this, the girl who was still looking at the distance just nodded, and she asked again:

"So what about Beierqing, what is your opinion?"

The big man standing on the other side glanced at the old general beside him and felt that he had said everything he wanted to say. If he didn't say something, wouldn't he be looked down upon by His Highness? He coughed softly and opened his voice:

"Your Highness, you seem to have insufficient confidence in the victory of this battle."

"Well, Baie, I asked you to say your opinion, but you guessed my mind."

The crown prince turned around and looked down at him with the superior's eyes. Baier quickly knelt down on one knee and quickly explained:

"The last general dare not, but this is what your Highness asked the last general at the beginning, so I said bluntly, please calm down."

At this time, Sophie remembered what the question she had just asked was, but Doyle, an old slippery man, said it so smoothly that she unconsciously forgot her original intention. With her expression put away, Sophie turned back and continued to look at the camp under preparation:

"Okay, go on."

"Yes," Bayer secretly sweated in his heart and continued after careful consideration of his words. "I think so. In terms of the mobilization of troops, about 100,000 can easily step on the Golden Mountains, but Your Highness has brought 150,000 people. I wonder if Your Highness has any concerns that we don't know; moreover, right The Valkyrie sent by Xilin before was also put on hold there and did not deal with it. I don't think His Royal Highness is ready for negotiation.

Hearing Bayer's words, Sophie smiled. Obviously, she was a girl's bright smile, but with a sense of power and indifference:

"Hmm, Byeah, Bye, I know you are a little interested in the woman in the Rollros family, but now she is still a little useful to me. Well, this first battle will be handed over to you. If you fight the Magic Sword City, how about I reward her to you?

When he heard this, Beier's heart lit up, and he quickly bowed his head and thanked him:

"Your Highness, don't worry, I will definitely bring the head of the unknown Teus to see you!"

"Oc, there is no joke in the army. Go and prepare!"


After leading the military order, Beier left happily, leaving the old general alone and staring at Sophie's back thoughtfully. At this time, Sophie said again:

"Doyle, is there anything you want to say?"

After hesitating for a moment, the old general still decided to say what was in his heart. He wiped his beard and lowered his voice to the extent that only he and Sophie could hear it:

"Some will think that His Highness said that as long as he captures the Magic Sword City, he can deal with the Valkyrie at will. Is it possible that what His Highness is not Auga, but the Magic Sword City?"

Hearing Doyle's words, the young Highness did not answer. The wind gently blew through the girl's hair, bringing a touch of touching beauty, which was unmatched by ordinary women. After coming here for a long time, she spoke slowly in a slightly low voice:

"That man must die, but I may not be able to kill him, so I have to rely on Dao Erqing."

"I dare not, Your Highness, please feel free to send me."

With this, in fact, the doubts in his heart are even heavier. Normally, if His Highness can't defeat the people, then even if thousands of troops and horses are difficult to kill him, why would he say such strange words? However, His Royal Highness seemed unwilling to explain any more and waved his hand to let the old general retreat.

At the beginning of the autumn of the 271 magic calendar, a war that swept the whole continent quietly lit up without most people's knowledge. Before that, everyone thought that this was just another confrontation between Oga and Parsa, but they did not expect to become a peerless beast to show their fangs and almost devour the beginning of the continent.

But so far, this fierce beast has been unaware of it and is still busy with the plan to deal with Oga.

After Hu Chiyo and the others became a teacher yesterday, Xius became more busy. There are still 50,000 troops left in the rear after Chiyo left, but in this case, they can't be idle, at least more prepared, as long as they can increase the hope of victory, even a little more. Naturally, Xius came into direct contact with Gan, an elf who had been wearing a mask.

ius himself didn't feel anything because he was too busy, but his feeling was that the monarch was too decisive. If any order is reported, the next order will appear immediately. If you are not busy, you will probably be exhausted. In this way, Gan wondered why Xius himself could maintain high-intensity decisions without making mistakes.

In fact, if you really know it, Gan will probably be scared to death: Xiusi's decision-making method is very simple and intuitive.

Of course, it is not very reliable to insist that it is intuitive. Sus just read all the documents and materials when he brought them up. When he needs to make a decision, as long as he compares with the current situation a little, he can basically issue instructions quickly. If there are still some doubts, he will not hesitate to throw it directly to Lucia, knowing that she has cleared things out before taking it to make the final decision for Seus.

So, during this time, Xiusi felt that he was really short of manpower, but now that the two soldiers are under the city, the internal affairs have not yet been fully on the right track, and Xius has no time to recruit talents under internal and external troubles. After all, the more people use power, the more confused they will be. If they don't need it, they don't need it. This is what Hu Chiyo said to Xius, and the teenager is deeply convinced.

But there are a lot of documents piled up in front of him because he went to build a car behind closed doors. He doesn't know if he can finish reading it before the morning of the day after tomorrow, and he doesn't know if he will send more tomorrow. In fact, there were not so many things before when the founding of the People's Republic of China, but now after becoming a country, many things will become cumbersome, such as the registration of various chambers of commerce, groups, organizations in the Magic Sword City, land issues, etc.

At this time, he accidentally found that the longan maid beside him was staring curiously at a document.

"Ellie, what are you looking at?"

Huh? Nothing!"

It seemed that she was worried that Xiusi would be angry. She quickly waved her hand to show that she had done nothing, although it seemed that there was 300 taels of silver here. Sius didn't care about what she was looking at, but about another thing. Because civilians are basically uneducated, there are not many people who can find words, and there are as few lice on a bald head who can understand words and help classify documents. Hu Chiyo ran away from the beginning because he wanted to deal with military affairs. Lucia dealt with diplomatic intelligence, not to mention that he didn't expect that there was someone around him who could come in handy. The Magic Sword Emperor asked happily:

"Can you understand?"

"Ah, yes, I can understand."

The dragon-eyed maid didn't understand the tragic fate she was about to encounter, so she nodded stupidly and admitted it.

"That's good! Put down all the work in your hand for the time being, help me sort out this part of the documents, and I'll approve it after sorting it!"


"Oh, what! Come and help!"

Seus is the one who catches it. He doesn't give Ellie a chance to escape at all. He directly puts the file more than one meter high in front of her:

"Let's start classifying now. This is the classification table. You can read it clearly and record it one by one, and then I will review it."

"Ah, oh, oh!"

So Ellie was muddled into the ocean of documents by Sius.

The two of them were busy until the next day when the chicken crowed. Even the half-dragon was tired and almost exhausted. Ellie didn't even have the strength to go out to make a midnight snack. The two lay on the table and the ground horizontally and vertically and fell asleep heavily.

The next day, when Lucia pushed the door into the study with breakfast, she was stunned by the appearance in front of her!

Six lay on the ground with Ellie holding **, dripping blood from Ellie's neck. The blood stained a large area on the carpet, and both of them were also in a coma.