Magic Sword

09 Empty City

So, when Parsa's 130,000 reinforcements arrived, they saw a city emanating death, and the gate was open without any defense.

The only thing that cares is the man who fell at the gate. Some people recognized him, who was General Baier of Parsa.

Parsa has a fierce military style that would rather die than surrender, and in the past 60 years of the Auga War, no general has been captured so far, and Baier is honored to be the first.

His Royal Highness frowned and stared at the open city of Carlota, where there was a strong smell of death. At this time, even one could not be seen on the wall of Carlotta, and only Bayer was dropped there. This situation was too strange. She looked at the restless soldiers behind her and waved to the Dragon Knight behind, signaling to save Bayer.

Just as the Dragon Knight came out of the army, a young man appeared at the head of the city. He was the commander of the Magic Sword City this time, Fidered.

In fact, he doesn't know why. When he saw 50,000 miscellaneous troops before, Fidred was scared by that kind of army. But this time when he faced the 120,000 Parsa dragon alone, he did not feel afraid at all. Well, probably because there is a more terrible person behind me!

Thinking of this, the simple smile and petite figure flashed in his mind.

That's right. Now he is really alone, without even half a guard. He stands here facing the 130,000 army of Parsa. After that battle, there were only 2,000 soldiers left to clean up and arrange the battlefield and were taken away by Hu Chiyo. She said that she wanted to prepare for the back hand, and Ferred was the first. If she doesn't succeed first, she will remedy it.

In fact, this pioneer is not a troublesome matter. Hu Chiyo just explained that he would exchange the life of General Parsa for the captured female martial arts god Kuran. If the other party wants to attack the city, the gate has been opened. Welcome. So when he saw that the other party wanted to save the hostage like this, he naturally wanted to appear.

He pulled his bow and string, and a feather arrow shot in front of the dragon knight, forcing him to stop.

"I'm Fide, the commander of the First Army of the Magic Sword King City. Do the Parsa people want to save the hostages so easily?"

Spread by the previously prepared magic, Fide's voice resounded throughout the Parsa army, and immediately there was a restlessness in the army. Doyle looked at Baier hanging on the wall with a gloomy face, as if it could start a fire.

"Come on, don't humiliate General Baier any more. Give him a good time."

As soon as he said this, the archers in the army began to pull their bows, which was the usual practice of the Parsa people. Only this time, Crown Prince Susi Laderna stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Your Highness!"

Listening to Doyle's angry voice, the crown prince didn't even look back. She just shook her head slightly:

General Doyle, the information I got is that there are up to 20,000 people stationed in the city this time. From the appearance of the city, there is no trace of siege, but Bayer was not only defeated, but also captured. In this situation, aren't you more interested in what happened before than his life and the military power of our army?

The old general was stunned for a moment, and this sentence knocked on his previously thoughtless head, and many ideas came out. After a quick treatment, he came to a conclusion that scared him.

"You mean that the vanguard army betrayed?"

"Although it's almost impossible, I can't imagine why it turned out like this."

Doyle's heart trembled slightly as he listened to this. Even if there was no expression on his face, the crown prince said it with his teeth when he said this. No, it is because of this that it can reflect how angry Your Highness is now. If you change to such a position, you will probably order to rush to the city now!

The blonde girl took a deep breath and suppressed her anger. The magic worked, and she let go of her throat and shouted:

"Parsa people would rather die than surrender. What do you have to say!"

Her choice was not to listen to the nonsense of the enemy general, but to question Baie directly. After all, she still doesn't believe that the general who has been with her father for more than ten years will betray him. There must be something strange about it. Even if she can't hear Baier's words, she can at least see something from his reaction. But to her surprise, it was Byer who replied.

"Your Highness! It's not a pity for Baier to die, but this city can't enter. This is a trap..."

However, this sentence was cut off at this point. Ferrard directly cut off his shouting and answered:

"This is the will of His Majesty Xius to exchange this person for Kuran Rollros, the Valkyrie of the Roros family captured by you. In addition, Your Majesty ordered you to retreat quickly, otherwise it would be no wonder that my magic sword king would sweep Palsa.

This is quite impopetent and even arrogant. This can be seen from the more chaotic ** in the Parsa army: Who are you, His Majesty? Even Emperor Oga's Parsa army will not dump him, not to mention you, a mountain king who doesn't know where to emerge from?

Surprisingly, Doyle found that his Highness was silent and seemed to be really thinking about this kind of thing. In this way, the old general was very anxious that if he withdrew his troops like this, His Highness's prestige in the army would be damaged, and it would also have a quite bad impact on the whole war.

Fedred quietly looked at the Parsa army that had begun to **, thinking about the words left by Hu Chiyo before: If the coach of Parsa came in person, the possibility of their withdrawal is more than 80%, because the coach of Parsa is a quite self-controlled person, even if he has been distorted. People who will continue to be self-controlled. And this kind of self-control will mislead her to make the wrong choice.

However, when he asked again what to do if it was not their coach, Hu Chiyo just smiled.

Is that a dead fish net? The young general chewed this sentence silently, with infinite emotion and admiration in his heart, even he could see it. As soon as he said his words, the other party did not call immediately, so the possibility of withdrawing the army increased infinitely over time. The so-called human beings are animals that can't see the facts the more they think.

It was not until the 130,000 Parsa army was completely silent that Sophie's voice sounded late, which sounded as dry as the creaking sound of the old water truck:

"Tie His Majesty Xius, today's humiliation, my Thousand Dragon Cliff Sabach's family will one day be washed away with the blood of the Magic Sword City. General Baier of our army asked us to take care of him and choose a day to discuss exchanges.

After saying that, she stretched out her fist into the sky and waved it vigorously. The iron-blooded division composed of 130,000 Parsa dragons slowly moved back like a bear that had been kicked in the nose.

Doyle sighed, looked back at his colleague who was still hanging from the gate, and shook his head helplessly and sighed.

The Parsa people have left.

left without looking back.

Fred suddenly gave birth to an inexplicable illusion for the rest of his life. Ah, yes, I have forgotten my life and death just now, and now suddenly the enemy has retreated like this, which can't help but give people a feeling of a dead end. At this time, the black military uniform was a soldier of Magic Sword City. Feder looked at the almost burned behind him and could see most of the empty cities on the ground at a glance. He couldn't help laughing.

In the end, the man still didn't use her terrible tactics and threw the plague-stained bodies all over the city as throwing stones. He really didn't know how to face the country. However, is this in her human nature, or has she already calculated that the other party will withdraw, so she thinks this is an extra move that she has not prepared?

I don't know. Fidered estimated that he would never know what Hu Chiyo's so-called backhand was. Thinking of this, he felt like the other party's coach and was trapped in a circle that he could never get out of. Forget it, I still don't want to do it. Only one day I don't want to face such an enemy.


Since the battle of Carlota, the Magic Sword City has also fought against 150,000 dragon riders and 30,000 Ogah lord rebels with 12,000 people, defeating 180,000 troops in Parsa with 10,000 casualties and casualties. 50,000 people were killed and uninjured.

Although this battle is a tragic victory, it is also a great miracle.

When Emperor Edward received Parsa's frustrated retreat, although he laughed loudly at how incompetence Parsa's army was, his expression was as heavy as eating mouse shit. After all, it is a clear fact that Oga's battle against Parsa is more victorious, and Parsa has been repulsed, so whether the bandit built on his own territory will really become a giant crocodile and really need to draw a question mark.

Edward learned the news of Parsa's defeat five days later, and his worries didn't last long to come true.

When the Parsa vanguard arrived at Carlota, Oga's side was dispatched at the same time, but their movements were a little slower by the Parsa people. This is also a proof that most of Oga's troops are not as good as Parsa's!

The troops of Oga's expedition to the Magic Sword City this time were the legendary mountain king Demon Sword Seus. The battle began three days after the arrival of Carlos, that is to say, when Emperor Edward learned of the withdrawal of Parsa, his troops and Sius had actually finished.

As a result of this battle, 60,000 Lords of the Oga Army and 1,000 Imperial Dragon Army soldiers were all killed, including a demigod general of the Imperial Dragon Army, but the most incredible thing is that the casualties in the Magic Sword City this time are... zero.