Magic Sword

04 Mystery

Huh? How to say?"

"No, it's better for Your Majesty to ask his intelligence agency about this kind of thing. I can't say more."

The hunter named Alan Danqi didn't say anything halfway, which made Susie a little disgusted, but on the other hand, people who had some ability liked to talk about it, including Xius himself. It's not that I don't want to say it, but I just feel that if I explain it, I need to explain the long prefix conditions to make it clear, so I simply don't say it.

This lazy style is very similar to Xius.

So Sus just nodded a little and skipped this matter. Now is not the time to struggle with Sky City.

It seemed that he wanted to deliberately talk about the topic, but the head of the thief, Sherbu, suddenly asked such a question:

"Your Majesty, if Oga attacks Magic Sword City again, how sure are you that you can stop it?"


Sius replied directly without any hesitation. There are too many people in this place that need his protection, and he is not allowed to push them into the danger of chaos again because of defeat. There was a subtle expression on Sherb's face. He looked at Lucia with a smile and nodded slightly as if he understood something. Since Xiusi is so confident, it is difficult to talk more.

Lucia also sensed the inappropriateness in his words. After all, now that he is recruiting talents, how can he recruit talents if he shows that I don't need anything? Thinking of this, she touched Xius' arm slightly and gave him a wince.

Sius didn't understand what Lucia meant, but he also understood that he seemed to have done something wrong just now. Just as he was thinking about what Lucia was not satisfied with, a child came out of the crowd.

This makes everyone feel very surprised. Why can a child be closely guarded by guards?

But when Xius came into contact with the child, he instantly realized that the child was not an ordinary person: he had a pair of strange golden eyes.

With golden eyes and blonde hair, the gorgeous and lively teenager is staring at Xius without fear, and Xius can feel that it is a kind of scrutiny.

"Who are you?"

Therefore, Sus did not ask him, "Whose child are you?", but stared red and asked, "Who are you?" The sudden tension made people around him subconsciously get out of the way. From the sudden tense posture of Xius, everyone sensed a dangerous atmosphere. But as a party, the child seemed to be unaware of it, with a big smile on the corners of his mouth:

"Are you the person chosen by Sister Lian?"


Theus raised his eyebrows. His first reaction was not who the child was, but that there was finally a breakthrough in the piti side. However, he knew that no one who had anything to do with pity would be a good stubble. At least he had never seen any child who could make him feel so dangerous. Before Sius figured out how to answer, suddenly, a ice-blue figure floated over. Her sudden appearance made many people who had been staring at Lucia's posture immediately turned their target to her. In fact, it's not that Lucia is not beautiful, but her temperament is something that ordinary girls can't have anyway.

"Ah! Sister Lian, you really haven't changed!"

The child made a very intimate look and walked towards Lian, but Lian's reaction was still so cold:

"Are you empty?"

"Yes! Who else would I be?"

"Then shut up from now on and don't say anything."

He fucked his familiar tone, but was watered down by a basin of water. The eight-year-old child was stunned, and then he stared sideways at Xius and suddenly said:

"Pian, who is this guy? You haven't woken up yet!"

Pian didn't answer, just looked at Susi silently. At this glance, the onlooker understood something, and then tilted his head and smiled bitterly:

"Pian, what exactly are you looking forward to? Except for Ye and Xing, who don't want to come, I'm the last one. Guan Yan just said it was possible in the end. You don't really expect to rely on that method to make that person reappear!"

"Shut up, you know what to say and what not to say."

The ice-blue girl's eyes were cold enough to freeze someone, and the young child also knew that she had touched the taboo of pity and shrugged her shoulders and stepped back half a step. He glanced at Sus and felt that he should not stay here any longer:

"Okay, I'm just here to send a message. The news given by that guy Yi now knows that in addition to you and me, Ting and Chen have been found. Only Xi still has Ye Hexing who doesn't know whether to come or not. In fact, if you hadn't gone too fast, those two guys would not have dared not come. Well, that's it! I'll go first."

As if he was afraid of pity and getting angry, the little boy disappeared in an instant and did not forget to make a grimace to Xius when he left.

The people who had been hanging aside just now were stunned to see the child leave like this. There were so many things that everyone didn't know how to react. And Lian didn't seem to plan to wait for these people to react and turn around and leave.

Actually, Sus has been listening silently since just now. He knew that he could not ask anything from this mysterious woman, nor what kind of conspiracy the forces behind her were planning. He can only get information about himself from a few words.

But it was obvious that Xius was not good at analysis, so he finally decided to find Hu Chiyo.

So, after pity, Xius also turned around and left, and the guests of the banquet were left here.

Lucia's forehead with a headache was helpless and frustrated, but there was nothing she could do. She knew that she would always be led by the nose by Xius. But she couldn't leave this group of guests like Sius, so all the next things were left to Lucia.

In fact, there is also Lilia who has the same mood as Lucia. She looked at Susi turning away and was distracted, but she didn't know what she was thinking about.

In the end, the dinner ended smoothly. Even if Xius is not here, everyone will still pretend to be very happy and leave with a breath. This is the upper class. Even if Lucia knew this, she had to finish all the procedures. Of course, it made her whole body exhausted.

Just as she ordered someone to clean up the venue and drag her tired body back to her room, Susus suddenly pushed the door in:

"I'm going to Sky City these days."


I was sick and had a fever. I was in the hospital last night and had to break the update. It's easy to get sick in spring. Take care of yourself!