Magic Sword

06 What you know and what you don't know

Both Lucia and Hu Chiyo know very well that Susi is not a sister lover, but Lilia's feelings for her brother seem to be a little beyond the feeling of ordinary brother and sister.

Everyone who has had a sister knows that nine of the ten sisters are capricious and unruly. As far as Hu Chiyo, the sister's client, is concerned, he is also disobedient and reckless in front of his sister.

There is a little sister in the family who likes to lose her temper and act coquettishly. This is the sister in a normal state.

But since Sus saved Lilia from the tiger's mouth, neither Lucia nor Tiger Chiyo realized at the beginning that the relationship between the two brothers and sisters seemed to have become less simple. Besides, all the way back from Belsus, everyone was busy with all kinds of things. From escape to war, there is no time to worry about what the little girl is thinking. But when they realized it, things didn't seem to be that simple.

Sius himself still looks unconscious. Maybe when his wings are getting bigger and bigger, he gradually neglects the perception of the thoughts of the people around him.

He is now the emperor, but it is also an acceptable situation.

So in the daily observation of Lucia and Hu Chiyo, it was obvious that something was strange.

For example, Lilia always changes her clothes in her room for a long time before she goes to see Xius. Girls have experienced this, and of course, it may also be because Lilia pays more attention to her appearance.

If this can be reluctantly explained by paying attention to appearance, she will learn dishes from the maids, then learn from Lucia's internal affairs, and let Ellie borrow some books about love when she has time, which is very abnormal.

The most abnormal thing is that when Hu Chiyo personally caught the longan maid cutting off the book, he found that the main content of the book was about brother-sister love.

And this time, Lilia hid everyone and went alone to send a birthday gift to Sus, and asked for such a gift.

His "wolf ambition" was completely exposed.

Lucia and Hu Chiyo looked at each other silently, and they both read their thoughts from each other's eyes: their opponents can't be increased.

Whenius and Lilia gradually walked away, Lucia suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, Lilia is not Seus's own sister!"

"Well, it's troublesome just because it's not my own sister."

At this time, the military girl was also frowned and did not look strong on the battlefield at all.

Both of them understand one thing very tacitly: a man on the mainland will only have one wife and a concubine at most. Judging from the situation of Xius, even if he is the emperor now, it is impossible to get a three palaces and six courtyards.

The relationship between Lucia and Huchiyo is not too tense, because whether it is the cold woman like ice or Claudia, who used to be Sius's fiancee, can basically be regarded as a deal. At present, the only clear competitors are the other side. That is to say, even if you can't compete with the other party, you will not be eliminated.

But if there is one more person now, it means that you may be eliminated, and this problem is quite serious.

Of course, although both of them know about this matter, they really won't say it.

Hu Chiyo bit his lower lip, leaned on the stone pillar of the corridor, and said hesitantly:

"So are we going to persuade Lilia to give up? I don't think Sius will accept her relationship. He is quite a rigid person. Even if Lilia is not his own sister now, this will not be shaken.

Compared with Hu Chiyo's hesitation, Lucia suddenly smiled,

"Don't be naive, or are your women's hearts on war?"

It's so ironic that even if it's bold, Chiyo is a little unhappy. She knew that she was quite a nervous person in this respect, so she was particularly unhappy when she was dejected by her opponents:

"Do you thinkius will accept it?"

"Ha ha, don't you know such a sentence? Since ancient times, men have been controlled by girls, and there is no sister control, but they have not met the sister who moved you. Although this sentence is a joke after dinner, it also makes some sense. In some places, men and women will be directly called brother and sister before they get married. What's more, this sister is still a fake sister who doesn't have a burden at all.

As Lucia spoke, the curvature of the corners of her mouth gradually cooled down. She glanced at Hu Chiyo with her eyelashes and smiled again:

"If you really have the illusion that you can persuade Lilia to quit, then do it yourself! Anyway, I have no objection."

Lucia's smiling samurai girl's scalp was cold. She seemed to have seen her immediate appearance of frustration in the other party's eyes, which made her hesitate again.

At this time, there were slight footsteps behind the two of them. When the visitor walked into the corridor, he found that he had broken into a rather terrible place. Lucia and Hu Chiyo's eyes fell on him at the same time, causing great pressure:

"Ah, ah, Miss Chiyo, Miss Lucy, good morning."

"Ellie, what are you doing?"

Lucia just asked casually, and Ellie, who was pushing the trolley, couldn't help trembling all over her body. In name, these two should be their future mistress. Ellie was still relying on herself as Betty's maid and wanted to put on airs. Later, because of all kinds of things, he has completely become a trembling and cautious subordinate.

"I'm going to send morning tea to Master Xius."

"It's repaired to the atrium. Send it to me quickly!"


The dragon-eyed maid did not dare to stay any longer and quickly left this murderous place. The two behind her were still discussing something. After Ellie passed safely, she breathed a big breath, but when she thought of what Ma* was going to do, she couldn't help but be a little worried.

Wearing a blue maid costume, Ellie pushed the cart with teapots and cups all the way to the atrium.

In the courtyard, Susie was waving his knife attentively. Even if Ellie came, she didn't want to stop at all. This process continued until Ellie brewed the tea.

After putting away the dragon teeth, he did not go to see Ellie. After putting the dragon teeth on the dining car, he picked up the black tea beside him. After a slight sip, Sus stopped a little:

"Is it time again?"

"Yes, yes, Master Xius."


Sius put down the tea and turned to his bedroom. Ellie followed Xius all the way to the bedroom. After carefully closing the door, she turned around and saw that Xius had already taken off her coat. The teenager who looks quite thin actually hides quite hard muscles.

"Hurry up, I have something else to do later."

"Yes, yes, young master."

After saying that, Ellie began to take off her clothes.