Magic Sword

10 intention

A good birthday party came, but an uninvited guest, and this man also sat generously in the seat directly opposite Xius, and the people present were more or less unhappy.

Thesi is not magnanimous enough to tolerate anything, but he is more interested in the old man's words.

The others sat neatly on both sides of the long table, and the cake they had prepared was not been put out. After all, the current atmosphere is not so much a birthday party as a negotiation.

"Ha ha, oh, young people, don't be so restrained. The old man didn't mean to spoil the fun. You can do whatever you want, ah~!"

The biggest bishop greeted like a neighbor's grandfather, but most of the people here still look at Xius' face. Suss also felt that this was not good, so he stood up:

"You use it first, and we'll go out and talk about it."

After saying that, he picked up the dragon teeth at hand and went out.

The person he was looking for left first. The old man felt that there was no way to stay here. He pushed away the chair that had just sat hot, turned around and looked at the dishes on the slowly table with a little regret. He sighed gently and turned around and went out with Xius. Alina felt that she didn't go out or stay here, so she left directly.

It is a dark snowy night outside, and the edge of the stone corridor is covered with white snow. Looking down, there are thousands of lights. The Magic Sword City under the snowy scenery looks extremely quiet and peaceful.

"This looks like a good place!"


I didn't start the topic, but I first heard the old man's exclamation, which made Xius not understand what he wanted to say for a moment. In this regard, the largest bishop just smiled. He walked to the edge of the railing and stretched out his dry hand to wipe the snow above at will, as if he didn't care about the coldness above.

"Do you know? The emperor's attic is the most fascinating thing except for the throne. Standing on it and looking down, you feel that everything you see in front of you is your own. That sense of accomplishment makes many people intoxicated, don't you think?

Sius didn't know why he suddenly began to talk nonsense, but if he thought about it, it was true. Didn't you want this scene to continue because these things are all your own?

Waiting for Susis to finish thinking, the old man continued to say leisurely:

"The old man once had the honor to go to the attic of three emperors. Looking down from the attic of Ogapandra, it was full of prosperity, but in the eyes of the old man, something must begin to rot behind the prosperity. Vanity, vanity, only when there are more vain things can they seem to prosper. Moreover, there are some things on the attic of Oga, so that is not a place where you can watch the scenery at ease. Under the attic of the Holy Emperor of Parsa, it is the desolation of the sparrow. Emperor Parsa, who has lost his real power, no longer has the ability to maintain the central position of the capital, even the royal city of Qianlong Cliff is better than the emperor. Hundreds of times, only the decline of imperial power can be seen in that attic. And the third one is very similar to this attic. Looking down, it is quiet and peaceful, not very prosperous, but also full enough. People's lives are calm and satisfied, which is enough, so I say this is a good place.

Xius looked at the scenery in front of him with a little understanding. Although I don't know why this old man came here, he has said so much, and it should be certain that there is no hostility! So Sius asked less directly. Following the old man's words, the teenager subconsciously asked:

"Whose attic is the third attic you mentioned?"

"It's the emperor's, well, it should be said that he was the former lord of the demon world."

This sentence made Susie interested. Did this old man go to the attic of the Lord of the Demon World? Seeing Suse's expression, Bishop Bert laughed. He knew that Suss would be interested in this topic, so he no longer aroused his appetite.

"Do you know that the demon world was originally a country in the east of the mainland?"

Sius nodded, and he had heard from Betty that he had heard the legend of the emperor beyond God, a very illusory legend. Seeing that Sus nodded, the old man felt that there was much less to say. He took a deep breath and asked again:

"So do you know what human beings in this world think of the emperors of this country?"


xiu si thought for a moment and gave an uncertain answer. After all, from Betty's words, at least people like her hate that person, but the war thousands of years ago does not seem to be that people in the lower world took the initiative to participate in the war, and there are also some reasons for the gods. However, considering the position of the person in front of him, he still feels that he has said the most common view.

"No, hatred is just the ideas of most ordinary people in the world, and their ideas are instilled in them by a small number of people." As a spokesperson of God, the largest bishop said these words casually, as if he didn't care about the god of a few feet on his head. "In fact, a small number of people with the strongest power in the world hold quite goodwill towards this person. I once had a relationship with that person. To be honest, he is a very good person, wise, **, tolerant, and has all the good morals that human beings should have. So the country under his rule has a good order and has been operating in a very good state for more than a thousand years, although this is also his most unforgivable place.

The old man seemed to be recalling something. He looked at the snowflakes floating in the sky and said slowly. Xius didn't understand what he was talking about, so he didn't answer, but listened quietly.

"The old man actually saw his shadow on your body this time, so he came here to meet you."

This sentence made Suss even more confused. Did he mean that he didn't mean anything to himself?

"Do you think I will become another demon emperor?"

Bishop Bert seemed to see through the idea of Xius. He shook his head and did not answer Xius' question directly, but said:

"You made a mistake. The old man didn't expect you to become the demon emperor. On the contrary, I am one of the people who hate the demon emperor the most in the world. My wish in this life is to turn that world into ashes, and I have waited for it for nearly a thousand years.

The largest bishop said this sentence quite plainly, but in that plainness surged up a silent hatred. The moment he spoke, he saw the divine light in his old and chaotic eyes. At that moment, he seemed to see himself in front of the mirror.

"Then what's your intention?"

"You are the one who may kill the Demon Emperor. That's why the old man came here."