Magic Sword

12 Don't

That day's birthday party ended without any problems.

So Sus returned to his bedroom and closed the door until the next morning.

The next day, everyone in the Magic Sword City probably knew what had happened and did not know what had happened. Even Lucia and the others knew nothing more than the aunts who chewed their tongues on the street.

The only ones who know everything are Bishop Bert and Sius. But one of the two parties was gloomy and silent like the king of hell, and the other smiled, but everyone else knew that he was a laughing tiger. No one dares to ask clearly.

But since that day, Bishop Bert has stayed in the Magic Sword City for a week.

This week, Seus has met the old man alone at noon every day. After the two were locked in a yard and didn't know what to say, Seus left again.

Lucia and Hu Chiyo carefully observed what Xius looked like when he went out.

Sometimes he doesn't speak coldly, and sometimes his face is gloomy and scary. But no matter what it was, the next day, Xius would go to Bishop Bert's yard again to continue the unknown conversation.

After this lasted for a week, the old man left quietly, and the guard didn't even know when he left.

Then, soon such a rumor appeared on the mainland: Demon Sword Emperor Xius of the Magic Sword City was the chosen son of God.

This rumor is boiling, and many church believers say they can't accept this ridiculous rumor. Everyone in the Magic Sword City also has an unacceptable posture, but what they are difficult to accept is not the chosen son of God.

But Susus suddenly announced such a thing at the New Year's Magic Sword City Annual Meeting:

"I will visit Sant'Dandy in Parsa after the beginning of spring."

Hu Chiyo felt that this matter was incredible. She couldn't understand what was thinking about in her mind now. Even before the end of the annual meeting, the samurai girl directly stopped Xiusi, who wanted to rest after the speech:

"Why! Lucy and I have tried so hard to dissuade each other. Why do you still want to do this?!

The samurai girl who never got angry stared at Susi angrily, like an injured female leopard, stopping in front of him. In response, Sus just looked at her silently and replied:

"I have my reasons."

"What's the reason?!"

"You don't need to know."

Sius refused quite decisively, and he directly shattered Chiyo's persistence without even hesitation. In response to this, the samurai girl responded to him like this. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the collar of Seus, which was taller than herself, and pulled him over.

"You must make it clear, or we won't let you go!"

Chiyo's eyes were very serious, but Xiusi, who faced her, was not cowardly at all, and silently looked back at the girl's black eyes. In the face of Hu Chiyo's anger, he just said lightly:

"You can't stop me."

The two looked at each other silently at a distance of less than ten centimeters, and Chiyo clearly felt the resolution in Xiusi's eyes. It's just that she doesn't understand where the decision comes from. The samurai girl took a deep breath and let go of Susi's collar:

"Xu, you are a selfish person."

Chiyo suddenly said this, which stunned Xiusi for a moment, and then the teenager lowered his head slightly:

"I'm sorry."

But Chiyo didn't care about his apology, and the girl continued to say slowly in the tone that lacked flatness:

"You will never do what you want to do. No matter what others think or do, you will only stick to your own way. And no matter what the result is, you don't even want to regret it. You just go on alone.

Sius silently said that even if Chiyo remanded him in such public eyes, he still listened quietly:

"You never want to stop for anyone, even if you don't know where your direction is. It's just that when you see the goal, you have to finish it desperately. If you cause loss and damage, you will swallow it silently and then continue to move forward.

Chiyo clenched her fist, and her anger gradually made her breathing rapid.

"Yes, persistence is right, but your persistence is based on your own waywardness. No matter what, right or wrong, no matter what the outcome is, no matter what morality and justice, as long as you think you should do it, you will work hard and no matter how much you pay, you will not regret it. Because that is also your waywardness. If you look back, the pain will defeat you so that you can't face the world at all. You keep moving forward and just run away. And because of this, you don't want to get close to anyone, because you are afraid that one day you will suddenly die, that you will suddenly disappear in this world, that you will have nostalgic people when you die, and even that someone will be sad for you after you die.

The samurai girl's deep words gradually became rapid, and even slowly turned to roar:

"You don't want to have anything to do with anyone, and even becoming an emperor has gradually begun to exclude yourself from this group. You are arrogant, you are lonely, you are selfish, because you are a fool who can only support himself!"

After smashing the last two words on Xius' face, Hu Chiyo turned his face and ran away. The guards looked at each other in con's respect, and the parties were silent.

"Well, you're right. I'm a selfish fool."

Looking silently at Chiyo's back, Xiusi replied with a mur that no one could hear.

In the end, neither Lucia's tears nor Hu Qianyo's anger did hold Sus. It was also in response to Sophie's invitation before leaving. In early April, Sus's Parsa visit officially began. There were only 500 envoys accompanying him, plus the witch Erina, who could not stay away from him, so she took the initiative to go with her. Oh, if it really counts, there is also Sus's dragon-eye maid.

So when the spring was cold, a burst of people and horses came out of the city.

Seus, dressed in a gold-patterned suit with a black background, rode a black horse alone, and walked out of the gate surrounded and cheering by everyone. This visit is expected to come back in June, but no one knows how risk there is along the way.

Standing on the wall and looking at the figure away, both Hu Chiyo and Lucia, have a feeling of powerlessness. Because they suddenly realized that they may not have shaked this stubborn stone-like heart in their lives. Other bystanders still don't know what happened to make the two so sad.