Magic Sword

04 rules

"The place with the most people in Parsa should be the casino, where people are fierce and gambling is prevalent. Most casinos are officially run, in which all bets are accepted, in which wealth, land and slaves can be won. Therefore, many people became rich overnight, and many people lost their lives like this.

Alina rode to lead the way and explained from time to time. Ellie, one of the listeners, nodded silently. Instead, Xius had been wearing a dead face since just now.

" By the way, did you see the sign that the guard hung on the horse's neck when you went out? This is the representative of high caste people. Only high caste people can ride horses in the city, so the people around us hide far away from us.

For this, Sus has been silent, but the maid heard the tips and interrupted and asked:

"Then why don't the people of Parsa resist? According to this, does their law even stipulate this?

"It's not a regulation, but a tradition," Erina smiled gently: "The laws of this country are basically not very useful. Just like the Holy Emperor of Parsa, it is just a decoration, no matter how it is stipulated, how it is implemented, or how it is implemented. The power of restraint comes from tradition. In a family, the head of the family has the right to kill anyone. This is a tradition, and no one dares to violate it.

When Ellie heard this, she was a little unconvinced. She sat up straight and retorted:

"How is this possible? How can that kind of thing be binding?! When people are oppressed to a certain extent, they are bound to resist!"

"Because you are an alien, of course I think so."

glanced at the maid with a look, and Alina shook her head slightly: "You don't have any home in the crowd at all, so you resist. Even if you know that you are not strong enough, you will struggle. And these people are different. They can survive by obeying management, otherwise they will die. Do you think they will easily resist? Now, you are obviously in control of this guy, why don't you resist?"

This sentence choked Ellie. She opened her mouth and squeezed out a whisper for a long time:

"That's because he is a young master..."

Facts speak louder than words, and Erina didn't talk too much with a maid. She turned her eyes to Xius:

"Well, I've already brought you the way. I'm going to the magic guild here. If it's late, you can go back by yourself!"

After saying that, she left without waiting for Suss to agree.

Looking at Alina's distant back, the little maid carefully glanced at Sius's side face. After finding any instructions on the dead man's face, she had to take the initiative to ask:

"Young master, we..."

"Go in."

As soon as Sus made the intention to turn over and get off the horse, a man rushed over. However, this was not thrown at the body of Xius, but at his feet. The man knelt on the ground and landed with both hands. The meaning was clear that he wanted Teus to step on his back and get off the horse.

It was fake to say that he was not scared by the man's tiger landing, but after hesitating a little, he stepped on it. Not because he is the emperor, but because he wants to see how rotten the country is.

When it comes to service, probably all the casinos in Auga do not have such a perfect service. He took the initiative to get off the stool. After getting off the stool, he knelt down on the ground as if he had committed a great crime. The person in uniform next to him took the initiative to lead the horse for Sius without tip.

Sius didn't understand why this person worshipped like this. He was used to being worshipped, but it was the first time that he couldn't afford to kneel so far. Compared with not adapting, the reason he cared most was the reason.

At this moment, a young man's voice suddenly came to his back:

"Haha, isn't this Mr. Xius!"

The tone of pretending to be familiar was particularly strange. Seus turned his head and found that he was an unknown young man. He was riding on a thunder wolf dragon. As Erina said, this thunder wolf dragon has a sign on its neck. Obviously, it is a high caste of Parsa.

No matter how noble the status is in Parsa, for Xius, this person is nothing more than that. There are only two kinds of murderers, the dead and the immortal.

When he saw thatius did not respond to him immediately, the man was not angry. He Shi Ran came down from the powerful Thunder Wolf Dragon and pretended to be humble and bowed slightly:

"Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Ashby Abrahams from Sky City. My father is the demigod Atry Abrahams. It's nice to meet you here."

I have to say that if this guy only gives a name, he may kill him with a sword after he provokes. But if the other party is from Sky City and has a considerable family background, then Xius has to look at him more.

So Susi bowed slightly and replied, just to maintain a slightly higher level of etiquette. The young man didn't care that Seus didn't bow his head. In fact, all Parsa doesn't know what to call this evil star now, so he used the ambiguous name.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that Mr. Xius would also be interested in coming here! How about giving me a chance to play with you?

For this guy's hippie smiling face, Xius still maintains that silent and introspective state. The other party's three consecutive sentences start with a tone, which suddenly reminds him that someone has said such a sentence to him: When a person speaks with an emotional tone, it is when he wants to cover up his true emotions. So in the first impression, Sius put three words to this guy.

Of course, Teus was not stupid enough to show it immediately. The young man in black just replied lightly:

"No, I just came here to have a look." Of course, only this sentence, the other party must not believe it. At this time, he remembered his doubts: "Do you know why this person has been kneeling here since just now?"

As soon as this word came out, the expression on the young man's face was a little subtle, and the other party did not answer the question:

"Is it your side that stepped on him to disap off the horse?"


Sius didn't understand why this guy suddenly showed such an expression, and then, what happened after that was completely beyond His expectation. The man suddenly became angry, and he shouted at the guard next to him:

"Batch! Do you know who this is? This is His Excellency The Magic Sword Emperor of the Magic Sword City! How dare you let this slave touch Lord Xius's soles! You deserve to die!"

Even if there was no expression on his face, he was actually stunned. He didn't know at all what he deserved to die. However, he didn't have a chance to figure it out at all. Two of the guards who had just been scolded suddenly came out, raised the iron knife in his hand, and killed the person who was kneeling on the ground with the knife, and blood splashed all over the ground.

At this time, the young man named Ashby turned around and showed a humble expression to Seus:

"Mr.ius, don't be surprised that in this country, untouched people can never touch anything from nobles. The shoes you stepped on the unsoul just now have been stained. According to the rules, only stepping on the unsoul's blood can wash away this kind of dirt, so please don't dislike it and just step on it from above.