Magic Sword

10 without any effort

Claudia wiped the sweat on her forehead breathlessly, and a ton of stone behind her back. If she didn't have the support of magic, she would be pressed into a meat pie by this stone in an instant!

But the most annoying thing is that this man, who claims to be the predecessor of the Rollros family, sits on the stone and then wants Claudia to climb the mountain with the stone on his back.

In this case, you will soon become a terrible muscle woman!

Claudia was so worried that she didn't tell the senior that when the muscles were exercised for too long, they would soon shrink due to fatigue and would not affect the girl's body shape.

Well, since she said so, I'll believe it for the time being!

Holding such years, Claudia has been insisting on high-intensity training. It has been about a month since the first day she came to this place where birds don't shit.

On this day, Claudia is still training as usual. Although the training is very hard, the senior is also a funny person. She always talks to herself and talks about the past from time to time.

"...that was a long time ago..."

This is the most commonly used opening phrase of this predecessor:

"I remember that at that time, the demon emperor had just been sealed, and several legions in the demon world also struggled fiercely, especially a legion called the wings of Nailuo. That legion was the hell dragon clan that the demon emperor subdued after attacking hell. There were several black magic dragons in it, ah, no, according to the current statement, It should be the brilliant black dragon. Those guys are rough and thick-skinned, and they can't be killed..."

"Senior, isn't the black dragon a dragon beast?"

Although Claudia was very tired, she couldn't help asking questions when she heard such a strange thing.

"Now the dragon clan is basically wiped out, and the hell dragon clan is not an orthodox dragon clan. To put it bluntly, they are also mixed with the blood of hell creatures, so they are classified as dragon beasts. Is there anything that doesn't make sense?

I don't quite understand the relationship, Claudia habitually nodded:

"What does the black dragon look like? The symbol of the Imperial Dragon Legion is the brilliant black dragon!"

Huh? It seems to be like this!" It seems that she hasn't seen the sign of the Dragon Legion for a long time. The night watchman showed a nostalgic expression, but she didn't forget Claudia's question:

"Huang Black Dragon is a fire system and pseudo-space system. They live in the magma area all year round. Dragons are the most destructive among dragons. As for the pseudo-space system, in fact, the reason why Huang Black Dragon is so resistant to fight is not how hard their skin is, because no matter how hard it is, it can be broken. The reason why Huangheilong is difficult to kill is that it will refract all attacks. This is the vector refraction of the magic skill of the space system, but it is false, because Huangheilong cannot control this refraction by itself, which is not a force that they can control.

Claudia's eyes widened. What she cares about is not the black dragon, but the space system...

"Is the space system so powerful?"

"This is natural. The space system is the easiest concept system to touch, but it is quite difficult to be profound. Space and time are closely related, and it is precisely time that is one of the two final shackles that imprize all life, including gods. Ah, let's go far. To put it simply, if you want to kill the enemy who can control the space, either kill him before he reacts, or you can only use his magic to kill him.

Listening to the night watchman's words, Claudia nodded deeply, and naturally knew how difficult space was. In her mind, the girl suddenly realized how she was involved with him and quickly talked about a topic:

"How powerful is the black dragon?"

"The kind of power that can't be beaten..."

Just as the night watchman was looking for some adjectives to express what the black dragon was like, suddenly there was a earth-shocking roar from the south. The roar swept over the stones carried by Claudia like a shock wave. The girl was unstable and her body was out of balance. She was about to be with the stone. Roll down on the top of the mountain.

Bang! The huge stone was smashed in an instant, and the night watchman didn't know when he held Claudia's shaking body;

"What's that sound?"

The girl looked frightened. In response, the night watchman first frowned slightly, and then smiled:

"The brilliant black dragon~!"


Claudia didn't realize what the night watchman meant, so she was grabbed by her arm and jumped to the top of the mountain. Claudia was stunned. What appeared in front of her was a huge fireball as big as the central square of Banbo, and she could clearly feel the power emitted by the fireball so far away.

Then, a huge red light spewed out from the ground, and the red light almost covered the world. The girl had not recovered from such a shocking scene. She only heard the night watchman in her ear say in a slightly cautious tone:

"Long Yan Cannon is a warlock who uses the magic array to optimize the dragon breath attack during the divine war. It is all old people who can do this. Who is so bold to fight here?"

Without giving Claudia time to understand, the night watchman pulled up her collar and threw her forward:

"I'll go and have a look first, and you can follow me later!"

What she said was later, because when she threw Claudia forward, as soon as she stepped on the ground, her whole body immediately broke through the clouds in the sky like a cannonball and rushed straight to that place.

At this time, Claudia realized that she was flying involuntarily at a height of several hundred meters. Well, this can't be regarded as a flight. If you really want to say it, it should be ejection.


The sharp soprano drew a beautiful arc in the sky.


The murderous intention from the sky was so obvious and without any cover-up that Xius, who was still invincible, had to give up to see what the brilliant black dragon smashed by the artificial sun had become.

Turning around, he took out his sword, and the golden sword drew a golden light and shadow, which had already jumped on before the other party arrived in front of him. This is Xiusi's proud space sword skills, but what can respond to him is a powerful and horrible force.

The sword that shortens the distance does exist, so the strength of the sword halberd will be meticulously fed back to the user.

If the previous humanoid-shaped Huanghei dragon shook his hands with a sword, then Xiusi felt that the eight swords in his hand would be broken.

The enemy is too strong to avoid the edge first.

Sius subconsciously wanted to dodge to the side, but the other party almost didn't seem to escape for himself.

The force from this blow was not only through the sword, but also directly squeezed from all directions through space. Knowing that he would definitely be killed if he went on like this, Susi quickly used the space transfer, broke through the gap in it, and drilled out of the unparalleled blow.

It's so strong!

With the anti-seismic force and space transfer, Susi flew out a distance of nearly 1,000 meters in an instant, which could fall next to the big pit that had just been smashed out and looked up in confusion.

Through the black smoke burning with lava, I faintly saw a figure hanging high in my position just now.

"Didn't I say that you are not allowed to fight in crowded places! How annoying are you old guys! Believe it or not, I will destroy you now!"

What unbridledly emitted was the breath of terror beyond human beings, and even the black smoke that drifted casually seemed to be afraid of the power of the man and collapsed. Xius frowned slightly. No, it's not power, it's gas, the same as Edward's eight-door escape armor.

However, if Edward's gas is a river, then the man's gas in front of him is like a galaxy. The strong gas directly forms a wind, crushing all the magma below the ground and preventing them from drifting freely.

After the magma disappeared, the rolling black smoke slowly disappeared. In the huge pit smashed by the artificial sun, the black dragon still did not climb out.

It's just that the top priority now is the chaos in front of her. She is so strong that even if she uses the terrible move of the artificial sun again, she has no confidence to defeat her.

Or, Sius suddenly has a clear understanding of his power in this world - there are too many monsters hidden in the inner world that ordinary people can't see. The artificial sun just now certainly did not kill the brilliant black dragon, and the one in front of him was obviously stronger than the brilliant black dragon.

Thinking of this, Sus suddenly flashed his inspiration. Despite the rolling magma with black smoke, he chased him alone into the deep pit.

The pit was much shallower than expected, and Xius soon fell on a rolling magma river, but where is the shadow of the black dragon?

"Run away one?"

There was a contemptuous tone behind him. Xius turned his face, and a woman with silver hair and red pupils was standing behind him. But this is not the two girls that Xiusi knew with the same characteristics. At least, the hostility and domineering in those eyes are by no means available to ordinary women.

"Who are you?"

Sius asked this question again, and he knew nothing about these people.

"Ha? Is it too late for you to pretend to be stupid now? You should know how many years it will be sealed to destroy a city!"

The woman in black sneered that Sus did not intend to fight immediately. Before that, he had to clarify the matter.

"I don't know who you are."

"Huh?" The woman in black in front of her tilted her head. She looked carefully at Xius' face and then showed a thoughtful expression:

"A new face I haven't seen before. What's your name?"

"Sius Dawver."

Sius answered lightly, but what Xius did not expect was that when he heard the name, the other party suddenly smiled:

"Ah, it's you! It really takes no effort to come!"