Magic Sword

13 Battle of the Gods

After a stormy battle, a new duel began again, but this time the two sides seemed to be more terrible.

But no matter who wins or who wins, it seems that the result is no different for the ant-like people under their feet.

"Miss Ellie, the battle on your side seems to be over. Shall we go and have a look?"

A religious warrior wearing imperial dragon armor asked modestly. If he hadn't received the news of the maid chief and would have gathered all the regiment, I believe that only the religious warriors in imperial dragon armor would have survived.

For this, Ellie, who silently looked into the distance, shook her head. Maybe she can't beat any of the religious warriors, but even if there is only a very rare dragon bloodline, the dragon-eyed maid can still feel the trembling power on the battlefield over there. Under that power, it is estimated that mortals like themselves can't survive for even a second.

"Your Majesty will return soon after winning. If we look for it, it will only cause him trouble later."

Ellie casually stopped the idea of the Orderwu shi for a reason. At this time, except for the leader, everyone else quietly hid by the wall that had not collapsed in Kenneth. Because of the Order Warriors, even if they were scared by the shocking battle just now, the members of the Mission were calm, and some people bowed their heads from time to time. Look at the Parson soldiers and civilians who are already completely confused below.

The previous battle has completely turned Kenneth into ruins. There are almost no complete buildings in the city. Some people have turned into scorched earth at the moment the artificial sun appears, and they have survived even worse. Large areas of burns make them worse than death, but without any medical conditions, they The only way to escape this suffering is to die quickly.

And the survivors do not have time to be happy or lament. They don't know if the person who will die the next second is themselves, so they have to escape desperately to a safe place.

There is no inch of the weak between the strong.

At this time, Xius was also in this situation, because of Claudia's continuous treatment, his trauma has healed, and his internal organs and bones are also continuously repaired. Although the strengthened resilience of the Valkyrie does not mean that the living dead, as long as it is not dead, it can basically be cured quickly.

But the mental blow is far more than that.

The sword is broken. Xiusi has used many swords, and neither of them is as critical as the eight swords at this time. That was the only dependence on it to go to the Sky City, and it was also the biggest capital for him to leave Hu Qiandai and others and come to this hostile country arbitrarily. But at this time, there was nothing left. The peak of the world was much higher than he thought, many...

"How are you, Xius? Did you hurt your head?"

Claudia, carrying Xiuth on her back, looked at him with dementia and thought she had just broken her head. Xius did not speak, but shook his head slightly.

It's just that Claudia looked at his lost heart and was still not at ease. She felt that the distance she had run all the way far enough. The girl quickly put Susi down:

"Where does it hurt? Tell me and I'll check it for you."


Sius muttered.

"What?" Claudia didn't hear what he said, so she reconfirmed.

"Sword..." Xius slowly opened his mouth, and then Claudia heard what the word in his mouth was. Even though he was so angry that he tried so hard to save him and treat his wounds, he actually remembered the broken sword.

"Go to hell! You bastard!"

Claudia kicked Xius in the stomach and kicked him several meters away.

It seemed that the injury was almost healed. After rolling on the ground twice, he slowly got up from the ground. Looking at his appearance, Claudia couldn't bear it, but she was also unhappy.

Hysi, who finally stood up, slowly moved to the battlefield just now. His right leg had not fully recovered and walked high and low.

"Where are you going?"

Finally, I can't stand him like this, Claudia asked loudly.

"It has nothing to do with you."

In this situation, Xius was still as stubborn as a stone. Claudia was made angry and funny by his words, and she felt as if she was really nosy.

"Hight! Is that sword really so important to you?"

Claudia asked.

"Yes, I can't move forward without its power."

After dropping this sentence, Xius turned his head and was about to move forward. Suddenly, Claudia grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back.


After the crisp slap, five clear fingerprints appeared on the shy face:

"Wake up! That's not you! When did the magic sword Xius, who had spent nine years practicing swordsmanship, become a waste that could only rely on demigod weapons?!"

The slapped Susis was not sober. On the contrary, because Claudia did not let go, he was stunned by this slap, but he still raised his head and stared at Claudia fiercely.

"You don't understand."

Yes, this is why Xiusi is extremely angry now. He knows that others will not understand and cannot understand, so there is no need to talk too much.

Claudia felt a little disappointed. For the first time, she saw this invincible man become so cowardly at this moment and had the idea of giving up. Claudia whispered:

"The predecessor said that the demigod armed forces are just evil. Only by constantly exercising yourself can you become a strong man."

This sentence is quite ordinary, so ordinary that it sounds a little ironic. Suss also felt that it was meaningless, but casually, he replied:

"Is your predecessor a strong man?"

"Yes, the one who broke your sword."

This sentence was like a shocking blow in Teus's mind, setting off a huge wave. Xius looked straight at Claudia. At this time, he realized that the girl in front of him was his classmate Claudia in Belsus, and the woman just now also had silver-haired red pupils.

"Is she a Valkyrie?"

"No, no, the senior is not a descendant of the god," the girl paused for a moment, a little entangled, and said proudly, "The senior completely relies on his own strength to be a god."


Theus felt very strange about this word, but at this time, with a remote roar, Claudia answered everything.

The two streams of light collided with one gold and one black, and the resulting ring shock wave swept away all the surrounding clouds. Under the sky, there was no place to stand except those two people.


The night watchman and the teenager who claimed to be the king of the air did not use much power in the first attack. Of course, although there was not much, it was enough to open a mountain into an artificial cave. She is confident that her fist is unparalleled in the world. No matter what kind of opponent she is, as long as she has a pair of iron fists, even the gods will kill you!

But it was this pair of frightened fists that even God was afraid of, and the first time I met a person who could confront it head-on. The teenager rudely punched the night watchman, so that such a strong attack collapsed and swept away all the clouds around him.

"Ha! Not bad! Unexpectedly, you can take my punch. I'm going to look at you differently!"

The night watchman laughed. She shook the right fist she had just touched. The other party's strength was simply scary. Even if she didn't do her best, she shook her hand sorely. But the teenager opposite was indifferent. He made a slight shaking of his hand and rushed over.

The opponent attacked head-on, and the night watchman was not willing to show weakness. Before defeating Susi, he was full of instantaneous boxing power. Almost disappearing, the figure had already fallen on his empty head. This move was extremely domineering and bombarded the golden teenager directly from the sky, and this time there was no mercy. After hitting the ground, the teenager smashed the surrounding ground about ten meters.

It seems that this blow is the first victory of the night watchman.

But what about reality?

After the airborne landing, the body of the night watchman who fell not far away from the teenager shook slightly, and red blood slowly flowed down her shoulders.

"Did you notice it?"

The teenager stood up from the pit in no hurry. There was nothing wrong with his whole body. Even the corners of his clothes were not broken, and the dust could not be stained with him.

Bounce damage, the most difficult guy.

The night watchman bit his teeth with hatred, and the injury on his hand quickly recovered. When he reached this level, it was impossible to be inferior to recovery or anything, because it would become a fatal weakness. But the question is how to defeat him. It is estimated that there is no more disgusting ability in the world than rebound damage.

The main question is what his strength is. In the confrontation just now, I didn't feel that there was a little elemental energy in this teenager, that is to say, it is definitely not an energy system, so it is most likely the general power. But the conceptual power must be specific. If it rebounds close damage, then the attack on the energy system will not work. The means of killing in this world are ever-changing, and it is impossible to rebound all of them. Of course, there is another possibility, which is to have the space ability to automatically reflect damage like the Black Dragon.

Is that so? To confirm this, the night watchman took out a row of steel needles, which is her long-range attack move, which can seal most of the abilities, directly interfere with the surrounding space and make the vector chaotic, so that even if he can't be killed by one blow, he can try out his bottom.

The so-thous night watchman waved his hand and flew three flying needles over.

According to her plan, the other party should kill three needles, and the three needles that fall to the ground can seal and interfere.

A shocking scene appeared. Three flying needles touched the empty body, made a hole in it, and then penetrated it directly.