Magic Sword

14 God's grace is like a sea

"Damn it, what's the trick?"

Naturally, the night watchman would not think that this guy died like this, but he watched the flying needle pass through his heart. According to the definition of ordinary people, this person is now dead.

But as the eight kings of the demon world, how can Kong be an ordinary person?

The opened hole did not shed a drop of blood, and then healed by itself, together with the clothes, as intact as before.

"Haven't you understand what my strength is? The black god guarding the door is nothing more than that.

The teenager laughed. He raised his hand and punched the night watchman. Originally, it was absolutely impossible to hit this punch. An ordinary punch, no boxing style or magic. But after such a play-like punch, the night watchman's arms were beaten out. If the onlookers looked like she was acting, they would think she was acting.

No one can act to this extent, not to mention that the other party is the real enemy.

What a strong force. No, the night watchman shook his head slightly, not power, but 'power' feeling power, but not pure force, but conceptual force.

If that's the case...

The black god took a deep breath, and then the purple-black halo wrapped around his whole body. From a distance, it looked as if the magic of his whole body had broken out and burned outside the body.

At this time, I smiled:

"Finally noticed, but it's useless. Even if your 'self-only' can resist the death of the king, it is useless to me. My 'powerlessness' is the same as your 'only self', which is a power that is added to yourself.

Hearing this, the watchman's heart was a little heavy. Obviously, the other party knew his intelligence like the palm of his hand, but he knew nothing about it. It's just that Kong doesn't seem to care about his words at all.

"The 'only way' you realized from the instantane fist should be negative according to your words, and can deny all known forces from the outside world. Unfortunately, this invincible shield is not very effective for me. 'no mutual power' is a random force. I can say that any concept called 'force' is invalid. , distortion, reflection, transformation. Naturally, it includes defensive 'power'. Do you understand! My 'powerlessness' is the degree of control. So all the power you have belongs to me, and your winning rate in this battle is zero.

Hearing this, the night watchman couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth:

"Sure enough, the demon world is full of people who are so powerful that people feel nonsense. The last one can directly divide life and death. As long as this one is called power, it will be manipulated. It seems that this time it will make the old guys over there headache for a while.

She still looked relaxed, as if she didn't care if she would lose this game at all. I don't know whether it was because of her self-confidence after hundreds of battles or the fearlessness beyond fear. She raised her forehead slightly and put her hands together. That's a powerful start-up. This is the famous stunt of the night watchman, and few people can stop it.

A strong light covered the whole horizon, and then the sky lost sight and fell into darkness.

Kong doesn't worry about the other party's strength. Although he has never practiced this stunt, he still knows its principle. Use the energy pumping of the miracle technique to separate the enemy from the current world at the moment of the move, create a space to bind the other party with the power of fantasy, and then forcibly crush the space. The huge magic explosion caused by the collapse of fantasy will instantly tear the other party into pieces. This is the so-called opening of the sky.

This move can't be avoided, because after being locked, even the time to distinguish will be forcibly pulled closer to the pseudo-space created by the other party. The entry and collapse are completed almost at the same time, and no one can resist.

Of course, this is also the premise of fear of collapse.

As long as the power of collapse can be invalidated, and if the attack is invalid, the so-called Kaitian power is nothing more than that.

As he expected, the surrounding dark space collapsed in an instant, and the strong explosive force swept across his collar without causing any damage. The night watchman still stood in front of him with his hands folded.

It's ridiculous. Just as he wanted to satirize his opponent's suitability, suddenly, the scene in front of him shook, and then he saw a smile at the corners of the night watchman's mouth.

It's not good!

Before he could react, the same strong space wave burst again.

Although the power of the sky is very strong, it cannot be maintained all the time. No one can defend without realizing it. Even a subconscious defense is flawed.


The first time he was injured and scolded. On the one hand, he scolded his opponent, and on the other hand, he also scolded himself. Unexpectedly, he didn't realize that the scene just now was not reality, but the fantasy world created by the enemy again. Yes, Kai Tianjin does not have a fixed style of action. Such a thing is just a blinding method! And I was careless and got a trap.

But before he finished losing his temper, he didn't know when one hand touched his back.

Only at the moment of touching, the owner of that hand gave a cold hum:

"The world is domineering."

In an instant, the magic of all the space began to shrink to this point, and almost at the same time, the shuffed point expanded mercilessly. For several miles, the huge black-purple ball suddenly expanded, and then the smoke formed by the explosive energy slowly rose to the sky and rolled down after being hindered by the sinking airflow from the sky, which looked like a huge mushroom.

"Oh, haven't you died from my hegemony? You are really hard-lived!"

laughed rudely. I don't know when the night watchman came out of the center of the explosion, and so did the sky, although the golden teenager seemed to be in a rather bad mood at this time.

"Cough, bastard, bastard, bastard! How dare you hurt me? Let's see if I don't take out your soul and crush it!"

Compared with the empty hysteria, the night watchman seemed to be used to this scene. She shrugged her shoulders and continued to mock:

"It seems that you are really a child. No matter how strong you are, if you are just a little child, you will not be afraid of how much. You know, I like beating children the most!"

After all, Kong is not really the kind of child who doesn't know the importance. He gritted his teeth and stared at the night watchman. As long as he is careless, this guy will die.

When I was thinking about this and wanted to cheer up again and revenge, suddenly there was a vast voice from the high sky:

"The rebellious man dares to be presumptuous on this land."

The sound is like thunder in the sky, resounding thousands of miles, as if the sky was talking.

"Ah~ The Lord is here. There's nothing to play. Little guy, ask for more blessings!"

The night watchman, who had just planned to take over, suddenly relaxed after hearing this sentence. She stretched out as if she had decided to quit. Yes, the following matters have nothing to do with her.

After glancing at the night watchman with suspicious eyes, he looked at the cloudless sky. The whole sky was quiet, without even a bird.

"Who pretends to be a ghost on my head?"


I don't know what poked the laughing point, and the night watchman suddenly burst into laughter. Kong now really wants to give her a hard time, but it seems that there is a more powerful role on his head, so he temporarily held down his idea. Fortunately, the night watchman did not intend to laugh for long. She fanned the air in front of her, as if to fan away the laughter and stood up to explain:

"He's not pretending to be a ghost. He's a god. Looking at this magic stick-like tone, it should be Aldas Fairchild, the god of catastrophe. That guy is an old man who survived the divine war. I guess you will be in trouble today."

At this time, suddenly, another sound sounded on the zenith. Although it was still rumbling like thunder, it could also hear the difference:

"Night watchman, even if you want to kill criminals, don't cause so much damage to the human world."

The woman in black grinned at this:

"I said I didn't do it... Anyway, you don't believe it. Forget it. Anyway, Kathleen, since you're here, clean it up!"


The sigh from the sky is so sad that it seems to mourn the innocent people who died in this battle.

"The dead can't come back to life, but I still hope you can regain the courage to live."

The sound slowly echoed in the sky, and the survivors looked at the sky in a daze. They only heard of the legend of God, but they had never seen what God looked like. Even if you only hear its sound and don't see its shape at this time, it is rare.

"Please calm your anger, destroy, put away your minions, and be full of hope in the name of kindness!"

It seems to be a prayer or an order. After this sentence sounded, the earth that had been smashed in the battle began to recover and recreate at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the collapsed house also " stood up" by itself. It looks like time is going back, and the nightmare fight just now is just a dream.

People were stunned to see that the flattened city of Kenneth was built again in a few minutes, and they couldn't help kneeling to the ground and kowtowing desperately. This is a miracle! This is a miracle!

Sius was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there was such a thing as a god in the world. Although many people said that gods existed, when they really appeared, he didn't know how to accept it.

At this time, Kong, one of the eight kings of the demon world who had been surrounded, actually laughed:

"Sure enough, it's a captive animal. It's fed while killing, and slaughtered when needed. How does it feel to see your compatriots become beasts?"

With this, Kong looked at the night watchman who could no longer laugh at this moment.