Magic World

Chapter 8 Huling Village

Zhou Mengya hid in the bushes and heard Tan Le's last scream, and her tears couldn't help flowing out of her eyes. She shrank and picked up the fox at her feet. She hopes to use the warmth of the fox to calm herself down.

After a long time, she felt that the sky outside had brightened. She still held the snow-white little fox tightly in her arms. She looked down at it and said in a trembling tone, "Little guy, you... you're asleep! Sister, sister, there is no place to go, woo..."

"Sister, don't cry! You can come to my house with me." A little girl's voice came into Zhou Mengya's ears. She raised her head in surprise, and the little fox was lying in her arms, looking at her deftly.

"Just...just now, it was you... you talked to me?" Zhou Mengya didn't believe her ears.

"Yes! Sister." The little fox licked her hand and said, "My home is not far from here to the southwest. You can go there with me."

"But...but, I'm a human... How can I go to the fox's house..." Zhou Mengya said incoherently.

"Don't be afraid, sister. Xiaoxue also likes her sister very much. If you are willing to let me be possessed. Don't all these problems have been solved? The little fox sat up mischievously and looked at Zhou Mengya and said.

"Your name is Xiaoxue... Attachment? My sister doesn't understand. Zhou Mengya felt that her mood was no longer as nervous as before. She gently stroked the little fox and said.

"That's to make me a part of my sister. It's just, sister, there may be a little pain in the process. You need to put up with it. Do you promise to be with me?" The little fox arched her hand and said coquettishly.

"Okay! My sister promised you." Zhou Mengya nodded and said.

"That's good! Sister, you remember what I told you. Wait a minute, when you wake up, walk southwest. About 2 miles away, there is a village of our Huling people. As long as you get there, our people will take you to my house. After saying that, the little fox looked at Zhou Mengya mischievly, as if he was saying, do you understand?

"Okay, sister, I understand. You start!" Zhou Mengya nodded vigorously. Then, she closed her eyes...

About an hour later, Zhou Mengya woke up from fainting and the little fox had disappeared. However, she felt that her body had changed. She touched her buttocks and grew two thick and long tails on her buttocks. And her clothes, which were dilapidated by escape, were also replaced by white and lubricated leather. She touched her ears again, and she felt that they had also become sharp. However, she couldn't feel the smell of the little fox at all.

She stood up. She thought, maybe the little fox really had to get into her body. She looked affectionately at the slope where she stayed yesterday. She didn't have the courage to go to the slope to check Tan Le's miserable situation. She turned her head and walked quickly to the southwest according to the instructions before the little fox disappeared.

And under the hillside, Tan Le did not fall to death. In the process of falling, he was blocked by the dense branches and leaves of a big tree. Although due to the heavy weight of him and the lone wolf, it is impossible for the branches to stop them from slipping. However, their decline was greatly slowed down by the tree. He finally fell on the thick fallen leaves, and the high-altitude fall did not seem to have done much damage to him.

However, the lone wolf is not as lucky as Tan Le. In the process of falling, it was punctured by a tree branch. Now it fell to Tan Le's side and its intestines have flowed out. Tan Le didn't know how long he had been lying on the ground. He was awakened by the fishy smell of wolf blood around him. He pressed the ground with his hand and sat up, but he felt that the place he had pressed with his right hand was sticky. He looked beside him, and the lone wolf was half-closed and lying there dying.

"Alas! You said you, brother. If you didn't want to eat me last night. It won't end up like this." Tan Le squatted beside the lone wolf and fiddled with the wolf's head and said, "Brother, do you want me to bury you here or carry you back and let you return the fallen leaves to your roots and soul to your hometown?" He lowered his head and stared into the lone wolf's eyes.

"Oh! That's right. What a hometown? Your brother went there to eat there. It's the same as me." Tan Le patted the wolf's head and sat down again, "Look, you died like this. I'm missing another companion." He looked around and said, "You said this barren mountain. I don't know how to turn back to that slope. Alas! You will be comfortable. You can die here and don't have to worry about enjoying happiness. I still have to find a way to fill my stomach. After saying that, he stared at the lone wolf again, "I said, brother. Otherwise, you can make a final contribution. Let me eat you, what do you think?

The lone wolf lay there, with a few tears in his eyes. Tan Le pressed the wolf's paw and looked down carefully. Then, he said in consternation, "Oh, my God! Do you still shed tears?" After saying that, he stretched out his hand to wipe the lone wolf twice, "I said brother, actually! I really don't want to eat you. However, you also know. This place..." He pointed around, "I really can't eat it!" He looked down at the lone wolf again, "So, alas..."

At this time, something strange happened. The wolf's mouth opened slightly, and an egg-sized pearl with an emerald green luster slowly flew out of the wolf's mouth. After the Danzhu flew out, it did not go far away. Instead, he stayed in front of Tan Le, as if waiting for him to catch him. Tan Le looked at it and stretched out his hand in surprise, and Dan Zhu obediently fell into his hand.

Tan Le looked at the Danzhu in his hand. At this time, there seemed to be a voice calling to him softly in his ear, "Eat it... Eat it quickly..." Tan Le looked at Danzhu in a daze, and his hand slowly put the Danzhu into his mouth. After Danzhu entered Tan Le's mouth, it directly slid down Tan Le's throat without waiting for Tan Le to chew.

"Ah!" With the slip of Danzhu, Tan Leden felt that there was something strange bursting out in his body. His whole body seems to have been completely torn from the inside, and it is rapidly blending with something. His limbs also kept twitching. At this time, he glanced at the lone wolf's head for the last time. He seemed to see two spiritual lights flashing in the wolf's eyes; then, they rushed out of the wolf's head, and then gathered into a whole and rushed directly to his mouth and nose. After that, Tan Le fainted...

Zhou Mengya shuttled through the dense jungle according to the instructions of the little fox. The distance between these two miles sounds very close, but in fact, the road is full of thorns and mud, which is extremely difficult for a weak girl like Zhou Mengya. She walked southwest for two hours. She looked back and saw that the slope was left about two miles behind her. Maybe it's around here? She thought to herself. Then, she carefully searched for the village mentioned by Xiaoxue around here. At this time, a pair of foxes jumped in this direction from a nearby stream.

The two of them saw Zhou Mengya and stopped curiously. The slightly larger one said, "Huh? Who are you? Why have we never seen you?" After listening to it, the smaller one patted the previous head and said, "You're stupid! Look at her tail. She is a fox spirit. The one in front listened and ran over. It circled around Zhou Mengya, and then shouted happily, "Yes! Yes! It's really a fox spirit. However, the smell on her body is so familiar.

"Hm, I'm Zhou Mengya." Zhou Mengya was a little shy by them and said shyly, "Do you know a fox named Xiaoxue? Is her home nearby?

"Xiao Xue?" The fox at the beginning stood up with two hind legs. It stared at Zhou Mengya carefully, then carefully identified the smell of Zhou Mengya with its nose, and then said, "Yes, yes! That's right, you are Xiao Xue!" Then, it ran away quickly in the direction of the stream, "Come and see! Xiaoxue has become a fox!"

The other fox said to Zhou Mengya, "Let's go! Come with me. I'll take you to see our patriarch. After saying that, it ran and stopped in front of it and walked towards the stream with Zhou Mengya.

Outside the Huling Village, an elegant and beautiful woman was waiting there under the guidance of the previous fox. She saw Zhou Mengya coming and greeted her. She looked at Zhou Mengya carefully and said, "Hello! Welcome to the new fox spirit. Zhou Mengya looked at her carefully, with five thick tails behind her; her ears were also pointed.

"I'm the patriarch of this village. My name is Hu Wumei." The woman continued to gently introduce herself to Zhou Mengya.

"Oh, patriarch sister. My name is Zhou Mengya. I'm Xiaoxue..." Zhou Mengya answered quickly.

"Hmm! You don't have to say. A kind-hearted girl. I already know." Hu Yumei's face showed a charming smile, "Xiao Xue is willing to be your resident spirit. So, you are now a fox spirit.

"Yes! Sister." Zhou Mengya nodded and said, "But I don't know what kind of resident spirit... and what kind of fox spirit... these things..." She lowered her head and said with some embarrassment.

"Haha! Nothing." Hu Wumei smiled loudly, and four long and sharp teeth came out of her mouth. "I will teach you these things slowly in the future." After saying that, she stepped forward and took Zhou Mengya's hand, "Let's go! Sister. I'll take you to Xiaoxue's former room.

Zhou Mengya sent Hu Yumei away and stayed alone in Xiaoxue's room. Now, this is her small world. She didn't expect that she had just lost friends and relatives yesterday, but today she has a new friend and a new home. The room was cleaned up, although there were no all kinds of cosmetics from Zhou Mengya's era. However, the warm and clean atmosphere and the beautiful decoration of the room show that this is the room where a smart girl lived.

Zhou Mengya leaned against Xiaoxue's ** and sat down. While thinking about Kong Xiaoyin and Tan Le, she slowly fell asleep under the invasion of fatigue and sadness...