Magic World

Chapter 16 Wolf Spirit Tanle

Tan Le slept drowsily under the cliff for a long time, and now he finally wakes up from his dream. He felt that his head was still heavy, and something special seemed to have happened. However, he couldn't fully remember these things. He struggled to stand up, and his body was covered with thick leaves. He looked around, and the body of the lone wolf was gone.

"What a strange! What ate it and didn't eat me?" Tan Le moved his already stiff joints and naturally said to himself, "It seems that I am too bad! Even the monsters here don't want to eat me. Well, then I'd better barely live." He looked around again, and it seemed that he could only live alone. Let's go to the woods to see if there are any fruits that can satisfy hunger. Thinking of this, he stepped away and walked into the woods.

It took him about an hour to collect 30 or 40 fruits in the woods. He covered himself with his clothes and came to a stream in the forest. Ouch! I'm so tired." Tan Le sat on the stone by the stream and thought, let's eat first! He lowered his head and picked up a fruit and put it in his mouth, "pooh! It tastes terrible!" He threw the fruit on the ground. He felt a little strange. When he was with Zhou Mengya the other day, he obviously collected these fruits. Why is the taste so different?

At this time, he heard the sound of animals drinking water by the stream. He turned his head and looked. A porcupine was lying by the water and drinking water. Obviously, it drank so attentively that it did not find the existence of Tan Le nearby. When Tan Le saw this small porcupine, he felt that his eyes were shining, as if an indescribable feeling rushed to his heart. This was an excited, happy and mixed with manic mood!

Tan Le stood up from the stone. He stared at the porcupine and felt that his hands, feet and limbs were full of strength. He quietly walked down from the stone by the stream. He was surprised that he could walk out of such a light step. He approached the porcupine little by little, and he felt that the blood in his veins had completely boiled! Well, it didn't find it, it didn't find it... When Tan Le was about six meters away from the porcupine, "Wow..." A wolf roared, Tan Le rushed forward with both hands and rushed up with an arrow step. The porcupine raised its head and saw Tan Le rushing up. It was no longer in a hurry to run. Tan Le bit off the porcupine's throat with a click, and then he pressed the porcupine with both hands and ate the porcupine's skin and flesh. About half an hour later, Tan Le sat aside with a hiccup, and the skin and bones of the remaining porcupine were casually thrown aside by him.

"Ah... this is the delicious food in the world! The meat of this porcupine is so delicious!" Tan Le patted his stomach and said to himself. Suddenly, Tan Le woke up suddenly. Did he just... just eat the porcupine raw? And the wolf... The wolf called... He thought of this and quickly got up and lay down on the edge of the stream. A half-wolf and half-human face was reflection in the stream and was looking at himself with the same frightened eyes...

Su Huaide's team searched around the wounded camp again and found no survivors. They turned around and rectified the team and evacuated in the direction of Su Jiaji. However, what they didn't notice was that a strange big bird was watching them at the top of the mountain.

When Su Huaide marched to a relatively empty hill with his team, the sound of "whistle...whistle..." came from mid-air. Su Huaide felt his heart tight. As he looked up at the sky, he ordered loudly, "Arch and arrow ready!" A big bird with eagle wings swooped down to them. Su Huaide did not dare to neglect. He read the formula, and a light blue aura came from his fingertips. Then, his hands formed a knot in front of his chest. In the space surrounded by his hands, a cold air gradually condensed, and slowly an ice balloon appeared in his hand. He shouted at the flying strange bird, "Ice bomb!" His hands also pushed out vigorously, and with a shout, the ice balloon in his hand hit the strange bird.

The strange bird was shocked when someone attacked it in the crowd below. However, it immediately stopped flying in the air and saw it quickly dance its wings. With a pop, the ice balloon was swept out by it with its wings. However, the eagle feathers where the balloon collided were also frozen. Let's shoot arrows!" With Su Huaide's shouting, his soldiers shot arrows at the strange birds in the air, some of which were light green.

The strange bird dodged and shot arrows in the air. Su Huaide continued to launch ice bombs in the air. Seeing nothing to get, the strange bird shouted twice in the air and flew away.

"All right! Everyone, be alert." When Su Huaide saw that the strange bird had gone away, he gasped and said, "Let's go quickly!" Go to the forest in front of you and pass quickly. We can go back to the Su family.

"Long Su, what was that just now?" Yin Xiangchu looked at the sky and asked him in surprise.

"That's Eagle Phoenix." Su Huadela walked him into the woods and said, "It seems that it has just hatched. Otherwise, the strength will not be so weak.

"But..." Yin Xiangchu said hesitantly, "I think it looks like Li Jiqun."

"That's hard to say!" Su Huaide replied, "Maybe your friend has become the spirit of this eagle phoenix. Hurry up! If we can't go back to town before dark. Then, we will be in trouble." After saying that, Su Huaide pushed Yin Xiangchu again and asked him to leave faster.

At this time, Zhang Zhentian was lying sick** chatting with Jiang Dongfang. Yesterday, although Zhang Zhentian was injured in the battle with Lion Spirit, the injury was not serious.

"Oriental, what are your plans for the future?" Zhang Zhentian leaned against the head of the bed and asked calmly.

"I want to stay in town. What about you?" Jiang Dongfang looked at Zhang Zhentian and said, "I want to learn some skills from Chief Su to deal with these monsters."

"Me?" Zhang Zhentian thought for a moment and said, "I don't know where to go. However, I really hope to walk around the world and see what the world looks like!"

"Haha! Then you are not afraid of encountering these messy things again. Jiang Dongfang said with a smile.

"Afraid! However, since you are here. Well, it doesn't matter if you look more." Zhang Zhentian also replied with a smile, "Anyway, I can't go back to the original world. I'm just alone here, and there's nothing to miss.

"Alas! Your idea is very free and easy. Jiang Dongfang said shyly, "I also want to wander around with you!"

"Haha! You'd better forget it." Zhang Zhentian pointed out the door and said, "Go quickly! Someone is waiting for you outside. Jiang Dongfang looked in the direction of Zhang Zhentian's finger. Sure enough, Su Wanyue had already turned her hand behind her back and didn't know when she would stand there. She is bowing her head and stepping on the stone boringly. She should be waiting for someone to appear.

Tan Le sat on the stone by the stream for a long time, but he also figured out the context of the matter. Presumably, the disappeared wolf was not eaten by anything else. Instead, it merged into my body. Although, my current appearance is very entangled. However, when he thought about it, he felt nothing bad. Now I am alone and have no companion. I have been a good life for evil people since ancient times! Thinking of this, Tan Le stood up, patted his buttocks and howled like, "Wow!"

"Hi! Not to mention that this guy's voice is really good. It's just more like learning than before, haha!" Tan Le laughed happily again, "Let's go! Let's see if there are any rabbits and chickens in this forest to eat!" As he said this, he swaggered towards the forest. Now, I'm a wolf, and there is nothing terrible in the forest.

In the afternoon, Tan Le was wandering around the forest. Not to mention that in the evening, he really caught three rabbits and two pheasants. Tan Le thought to himself that I am still very talented as a wolf! In fact, he forgot that other wolves came out in the middle of the night. His wolf came out during the day. Naturally, these chickens and birds in the forest are not used to it, and they should be caught by him.

Tan Le found a clean-looking cave and lived there. He threw away the bodies of chickens and rabbits. Then he lay in the cave and looked at the moon in the sky. He thought to himself, "Why does this moon look so similar to the moon in his hometown?" Thinking about this, Tan Le already felt tired, and finally his eyelids fought and fell asleep.

It was also at this time that Su Huaide took the rescue team back to Su Jiaji. Fortunately, since they were attacked by Eagle Phoenix, they have not encountered any other attacks.

"Wonder! Are you feeling better?" Su Huaide walked into Zhang Zhendong's room and asked with concern.

"Pear Su, here you are!" Zhang Zhentian struggled to sit up. Su Huaide held him down and signaled that he didn't need to do it. "Alas! I feel sorry for you." Su Huaide lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"The patriarch...isn't it, they... are all..." Zhang Zhentian asked intermittently. Su Huaide raised his head, looked at Zhang Zhentian's expression, nodded and replied, "Yes! I think you are right. I guess they are all dead." After saying this, Su Huaide lowered his head and hit his leg with a hammer. "Although according to Yin Xiangchu, there are still a few bodies missing, we have been looking around for a long time. I didn't find anything anymore."

"Alas!" Zhang Zhentian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, patriarch Su, but if they are really gone, they are all gone. I'm relieved too." With this, a tear fell from the corner of Zhang Zhentian's eyes. "In a word, we all did our best. Everyone doesn't have to complain to each other or blame themselves.

"Earthquake! It's the best you can think so. Su Huaide stood up after saying, "Then you rest, and I won't bother you!"

"Pear Su, I think..." When Zhang Zhentian saw that Su Huaide was leaving, he quickly said, "I want to leave Su Jiaji after I get better. Go outside and have a look.

"Good! Let's wait until you get better." After saying that, Su Huaide turned around and left Zhang Zhentian's room.