Magic World

Chapter 21 Weird Events

In Huling's village, Zhou Mengya's job seems to have become a kindergarten teacher. Now, she is surrounded by the four children and four little foxes every day. Needless to say, these four foxes are all charmingly selected spiritual foxes to use with the four children.

"Sister patriarch, why don't you just find some spiritual sisters to do this?" Hu Feier stood beside Hu charmingly and looked at the children who were playing with Zhou Mengya and asked.

"Ha ha, maybe I'm still a little compassionate." Hu's charming face with a calm smile, "The matter of Zhou Mengya always reminds me of the past. In fact, I was the first to be a resident. However, it is impossible for the owner of this body to wake up again to save me. I just became a spiritual person controlled by our spirits. Hu Yan said lightly, " Sometimes, I really want to be a resident. In addition, I'm also thinking that if the four children are gone all of a sudden, Mengya's psychology may not be able to bear it. So, let them choose for themselves!"

"Sister, Hu Xiuer, who practiced alone by the lake, is back." A little fox ran in and said to Hu charmingly.

"Oh? She hasn't come back for many times. Let's go and have a look together!" After saying that, Hu Wumei walked to the entrance of the village with Hu Feier.

"Ha ha, sister, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you hurt? After seeing Hu Xiuer, Hu Yumei greeted her politely, but she soon found that Hu Xiuer's body was a little inappropriate.

"Sister, I'm not a big deal. It's just that something strange happened the other day. Now, I always feel that my spiritual power seems to have been taken out. Hu Xiuer won some weak answers.

"Quick! Help Hu Xiuer in." After listening to her words, Hu Wumei quickly helped her into the village with Hu Feier.

In Hu's charming room, she and Hu Feier put Hu Xiuer down**. Hu Yumei gave Hu Xiuer the pulse and listened to the pulse again. She looked at Hu Xiuer in surprise, "Have you been to any place that hasn't changed?"

"No! Sister." Hu Xiuer replied.

"You seem to have been hurt by the ancient aura boundary." Hu said charmingly, "Sister, don't worry. As long as you calm down for a while, you will recover. Now, you are just overempt." Hu Xiuer nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you, sister. Then please find some sisters to take care of me."

"Ha ha, my sister is too polite." Hu's charming face smiled sweetly, and her charming color came out. She turned to Hu Xiuer and said, "You said that you encountered something strange a few days ago. Can you talk about it?" Hu Xiuer listened and told the original story of Sylph taking Kong Xiaoyin to find her residence. After hearing this, Hu Huanmei also said with deep surprise, "Is it the original man with the ancient aura boundary? This is really a strange thing." She then comforted Hu Xiuer a few words to make her recover from her wounds. She took Hu Feier and two of them out of the room by herself.

"Hu Feier, please take care of her recently." Hu Wumei took a look at Hu Feier and said.

"Okay, sister." Hu Feier answered cheerfully.

"Alas! Things have been really strange recently. Hu said with a charming look, "Do you know? I saved those four children from the horse's belly. And when I went out yesterday, I saw the Eagle Phoenix again.

"Sister, aren't these ancient spirits rare now?" Hu Feier also said in surprise.

"Yes!" Hu Yu squeezed her lips and smiled, "Maybe there will be some big disaster, or maybe these strange changes are related to the meteorite changes a few days ago!"

"Sister, shall we move to another safe place?" Hu Feier asked carefully.

"Don't use it for the time being." Hu Yumei replied, "Tomorrow, I will go to Langya Mountain. I'll ask the sisters there if they have found any changes. Before I come back, you and Hu Pinger should take good care of the village.

"Okay, sister. Be careful on your way. Hu Feier's obedient answer.

"Also, when you have time, teach Zhou Mengya some magic skills of her own clan." After saying that, Hu Wumei turned around and walked outside the Huling Village.

"Sylph, I'm so tired of walking. When exactly did you say that the town will arrive? Kong Xiaoyin walked up and downhill for a whole day under the leadership of Sylph, and now the sky has darkened. However, they still didn't see the shadow of the village.

"Sister, don't worry!" Sylph smiled and said, "It should be..."

"Meow! That stupid elf must be lost again. Meow!" At this time, the big cat, who had been sleeping in Kong Xiaoyin's arms, opened his eyes, yawned, and gloated.

" hate it! You just got lost!" Sylph's dissatisfied answer.

"Ha ha, cat, how do you think we should get there?" Kong Xiaoyin ignored Sylph's anger and asked the big cat directly, "Why don't you take us away?"

"Meow!" The big cat shouted and sniffed carefully at the smell in the air. After a while, it said, "Meow! After passing the forest in front of us, we can go to Sujiaji. However, we will find a place to hide tonight. There seems to be a powerful spirit nearby.

"So where should we hide?" Kong Xiaoyin asked nervously.

"Meow! Above." The big cat looked at the tree and said, "Let's find a tall tree to hide from it."

"All right. It's up to you." After saying that, Kong Xiaoyin hugged it and took Sylph to find the right tree by the jungle.

Since he got some books about magic from Grandma Su, Zhang Zhentian found some empty places every day after dinner to try to practice. That night, after dinner, he came to an open space next to the city wall to practice the spells on the sheepskin roll. However, he practiced a little on this day, so it took more time than usual.

"Who is in front of you?" Su Tianxing passed by near him with the patrolling soldiers. "Who is there?"

"It's me! Zhang Zhentian." Zhang Zhentian answered loudly.

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Zhang." Su Tianxing said respectfully, "Have you been feeling better recently?" As he spoke, he glanced at Zhang Zhentian's hair. Alas, once this person's hair is white, it is really difficult to change it back. Su Tianxing thought darkly.

"Thank you for your concern!" After Zhang Zhentian saw that it was Su Tianxing, he laughed at himself and said, "I was fine either. It was just that I suffered a little injury on the road and then missed my relatives, so I whitened my hair. Alas!"

"Sir, are you going back? Then come with us!" Seeing that Zhang Zhentian stopped practicing, Su Tianxing said to him politely.

"Good! Young master. Then I'll bother you." After Zhang Zhentian finished speaking, he walked forward side by side with Su Tianxing. Behind them were ten soldiers on the night patrol.

"It seems to be very cold tonight!" A soldier said to Su Tianxing, "Young master, let's go back and add clothes when we pass the barracks first?"

"Good!" Su Tianxing replied cheerfully, "Sir, your body may be able to stand it?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Zhentian looked up at the moon and said, "The moon is really round tonight!"

"Yes!" Su Tianxing smiled and said, "It lacks a cycle every month. Ha ha."

"Oh?" Zhang Zhentian smiled in surprise, "The moon here is the same as the moon in my hometown, haha! They are all round and short, circulating on a monthly basis! Haha."

"Father, sister! Why did you two come out? Su Tianxing saw a team of people coming from the opposite side, but he saw that it was his father Su Huaide and sister Su Wanyue.

"I can't sleep for my father. I always feel that something is going to happen today. Su Huaide did not hide it and directly said his inner uneasiness.

"Father, don't worry! I have checked the four doors in our town. There should be no problem. Su Tianxing persuaded Su Huaide and said, "If there is anything, I will inform you immediately."

While they were still talking, they felt a chill coming. Father, it's so cold tonight." Su Wanyue rubbed her hands and said, "Why don't we go into the room and wear more clothes?"

"You go back first! I'll go to the wall and have a look. After saying that, Su Huaide strode towards the wall of the town. The others were not easy to avoid, so they all followed Su Huaide to the wall of the town. At this time, Jiang Dongfang, who was standing beside Su Wanyue, took off one of his coats and put it on her. Su Wanyue blushed, and then she followed Jiang Dongfang and walked towards the city wall.

Everyone followed Su Huaide to the wall. They looked out through the moonlight, but did not find anything unusual. It's just that the weather that night was particularly cold, and it seemed that a huge wind was moving close to the place in the jungle not far away. However, fortunately, it should not be aimed at the town.

"In the jungle, if I guess correctly, there is a wind-controlled monster." Su Huaide's face was solemn, but he said to everyone in a flat tone, "For good, it is not going in our direction. It seems to be looking for something. Now, it should be in the direction far away from us.

On the big tree in the jungle, Kong Xiaoyin found a towering ancient tree with a huge tree hole according to the instructions of the five-turning spirit cat. The three of them are now hiding in the hole of the ancient tree. In the middle of the night, there was a rustling wind under the tree. Sylph said to Kong Xiao in surprise, "Sister, I feel that there is a powerful wind-controlled spirit beast under the tree. Its ability to control the wind is much stronger than mine. However, I have a way to make it not blow us. After saying that, she read the wind formula to seal the wind that sealed the hole of the tree. All right! In this way, it won't blow us." After finishing this spell, Sylph said happily.

"Meow! You stupid elf." The big cat, who had been sleeping, felt that the wind stopped and immediately shouted, "It's Feilian outside. You change the flow of the wind, and it will find us in a moment!"

Ah? Then you stinky cat knows how to sleep. Why didn't you say it earlier?" Sylph replied to it angrily.

"Meow! You didn't ask." With that, the two of them fought again. Meow! Don't make a sound. The big cat suddenly stood up and said solemnly, "Fei Lian has come to us!" After saying that, it jumped to the hole of the tree, "I'll lead it away. You hide it in the hole and don't come out!" Then it disappeared into the night.