Magic World

Chapter 42 Phantom Attack Camp

"Everyone stop moving forward!" A general-like man strangled his mount and raised the long gun in his hand. "I'm camping here tonight. I will march to Su Jiaji tomorrow morning.

Yes! General Zu. The messengers around him answered and notified the soldiers before and after that they had gone. This army was led by Zu Kou, the right general of Dongyi Kingdom, who came to support Su Jiaji's 2,000 troops.

When night fell, 2,000 troops had already pitched their tents. In this world, there is neither TV nor the Internet. Everyone lives a medieval life. Therefore, after dinner, the soldiers gathered around the bonfire and jumped for a while, and then went back to the camp to sleep.

General, it's getting late. Do you also go to bed early?" That night, the school official in charge of the night, Luo Jin, walked into Zu Kou's army tent and whispered, "It's still very hard on the road tomorrow. Don't overwork."

"Ha ha, I can't sleep." Zu Kou closed the book in his hand and said, "The camp has been arranged properly?"

"Don't worry! I have checked it. Moreover, I sent a patrol in the camp. There will be no problem." The public lost and replied with a smile. He felt that Zuko was too nervous on this expedition. After all, he was just going to fight wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, and not against the armies of other original countries. There was no need to be too nervous.

"All right!" Zu Kou stood up and said, "I'll give it to you in the evening. The scout sent out today said that we will pass through a foggy forest tomorrow. This is a very strange thing! You must be cautious tonight."

Yes! General." The public lost Jin responded respectfully. He saw Zu Kou go back to his bed and rest, and then left the middle army's tent. In the camp, Gong Yuzhen checked the camp carefully, but he didn't find any problems. However, he still called Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi, the two captains who were holding the night at the same time tonight, "We must step up our precautions tonight!" Don't make any mistakes."

"Ha ha, public loss. What happened to you today? You have told me six or seven times. Zhou Ya listened to the words of Gong Yu Jin and said with a smile, "You have never been so nervous when we fought against other countries."

"It's not that I'm nervous." Gong Yu Jin also smiled helplessly, "It's General Zu Kou who is worried."

"This is not a big battle. General Zu is too nervous, isn't he?" Chen Chongzhi also echoed.

"In a word, we have been with General Zu for so many years. General, he has always expected everything, and I think this time... will be no exception!" Although this is the case, in fact, he doesn't believe what will happen to them.

At midnight, a gust of wind sounded outside the original camp, and then the heavy rain poured down. My lord, it's raining heavily today. A patrolling soldier said to Zhou Ya beside him, "It seems that it won't stop during the day tomorrow."

"Hmm!" Zhou Ya answered, but now he also feels empty in his heart. It seems that the worries of Gongsheng Jin and General Zuko still make sense, and he thinks so now.

"Your excellency! Something seems to be moving outside our camp. A soldier in charge of guarding the front camp gate ran over and reported anxiously.

"Can you see what it is?" Zhou Ya asked nervously.

"I can't!" The soldier replied.

"Go! Go and inform the public loser." Zhou Ya ordered the soldiers around him to take the other soldiers to the camp gate.

When he arrived at the camp gate, he saw that Chen Chongzhi also brought people here, "Chongzhi, are you here too?"

"Yes! Just now, the soldiers reported that they found someone shaking outside the camp. Chen Chongzhi replied, "However, I came to observe for a long time and didn't find anything strange outside the camp."

"Is it?" Zhou Ya listened and looked back nervously. The soldier who reported the news actually disappeared, "It's not good! We may have been tricked! The soldier who reported the news is gone.

"Hurry up and check the number of people!" Chen Chongzhi listened to Zhou Ya's words and quickly ordered, "Won all the torches! Check the number of people in front of the camp!"

However, the rain is too heavy. The lit torch only flashed and was extinguished again by the heavy rain. They tossed around for a long time, and finally turned on these lanterns with waterproof covers.

"But we are all in the camp. If someone lies to us, what is it for?" Zhou Ya felt a little strange, and he asked thoughtfully.

"The back camp?" Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi seemed to suddenly wake up. The two of them quickly took the soldiers in the direction of the back camp. However, as soon as they left, a few dark shadows approached the front camp outside the camp.

When Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi rushed to the back camp, they felt a burst of blood coming out. No, the soldiers guarding the heavy duty may be killed!" Chen Chongzhi whispered to Zhou Ya, and then he turned to the soldiers behind him and shouted, "Everyone, get ready to fight, don't separate!"

The soldiers listened to his words and took weapons from their bodies and held them in their hands, and then they walked to the tent where the soldiers guarded the rear battalion lived. When they approached the tent, feather arrows suddenly shot out of the tent, and the soldiers walking in front of them fell to the ground. The soldiers behind rushed into the tent under the leadership of Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi and tore them tore them apart with the hostile soldiers.

In the front camp, there are still five soldiers left guarding the gate of the battalion. When they saw Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi completely disappear into the camp, they hid in the camp gate and continued to take a nap. After all, with such heavy rain, standing in the rain, you will definitely get sick tomorrow. Now in your own country, not abroad, there is no need to be so careful.

However, when their bodies leaned against the camp door, one of the soldiers felt strange. He said to a soldier beside him, "No trouble! Don't drag me! Let me sleep for a while."

"I didn't touch you." The soldiers next to him returned to him.

"You didn't touch me, who touched me?" He said that he stretched out his hand behind him. His hand really grabbed something, "Look! I caught my hand. What else can I say? With that, he pulled the things in his hand forward, "Ah!" Shocked, he shouted, and then sat down on the ground, "Hands! Human hand!" He held half a white bone in his hand, and there was no flesh and blood on it.

The other four people saw it and stood up to prepare for defense, but at this time, their necks seemed to be stuck by someone. However, the four of them looked at their companions and showed a frightened expression again. Behind the four of them, each had a disgusting face poking there. They were all fatally stuck in the necks of the soldiers in front of them with their hands, and then stared at the original people in front of the door with half flesh and half bones and blood.

"Kill!" As the four soldiers shouted, they drew weapons and cut behind their companions. They know that it is impossible to save themselves now, but there will be no problem with mutual help. After all, they are all veteran soldiers on the battlefield. Although the current situation can scare them for a while, it can't scare them for a lifetime.

Gong Yu Jin received the soldier's answer, and he rushed out of his tent with weapons. The moment he left the tent, he suddenly felt that today's camp was very strange, and the whole camp seemed to be in danger.

"Hurry up and inform others to take precautions." Before he finished his words, he heard the soldiers behind him say "K! "Oh!" The sound. Gong Ji Jin took an arrow step and jumped away from the side of the soldier; then he looked back, and the soldier who had just come to report came towards him with his head tilted, and the soldier's face seemed to have no trace of flesh and blood.

The public lost was shocked, but his hand instinctively reached to the scabbard, and with a "ka" sound, the head of the messenger soldier was cut off by the public lost. However, at this time, Gongxi Jin suddenly woke up and said, "It's not easy to fall into the trick!" Thinking of this, he looked around with his sword and ran to Zu Ko's tent.

"General! There is a change in the camp!" Gong Yu Jin shouted and rushed into Zu Ko's tent. However, what he didn't expect was that Zu Kou suddenly got up and stabbed him with a sword. Gong Yujin was stunned and stayed there. And Zu Kou seemed to suddenly wake up, and his sword stopped on Gong Ji Jin's neck.

"It's not good! There are illusions." Zu Kou jumped up from **, and then stared at Gong Yu Jin and asked apologetically, "Are you hurt?"

"None!" Gong Yu Jin shook his head.

"Look for the lantern quickly!" Zu Kou was so uneasy that he said, "We are in the illusion array! This situation is so big that I didn't find it. After saying that, he cut a blood mouth on his finger with his sword, and blood flowed out of his mouth. He wiped his blood directly on the eyes of the public, "Hurry up and go out with me. Let's take a look at the condition of the mages. After saying that, he raised his sword, opened the King Kong bodyguard, and rushed out of the tent.

Zu Kou and Gong Yu Jin rushed out of the mage's tent one by one. Now all four mages have woken up, and they are all like Zu Kou, wiping their eyes with blood, "General! Such a thing? There is such a strong illusion."

"I don't know. How are the four of you? Zu Kou clenched the sword and asked with concern.

"Thank you for your concern, General! We are fine." The mages answered. However, one of them said to Zu Kou, "General Zu. The eyes of the array are in our camp.

"This is impossible!" Gongsheng Jin listened and vetoed it, "My soldiers and I checked N times and there was no change." At this time, shouts of killing faintly came from the back camp.

"It's not good! The soldiers in the rear battalion may have been under the illusion. Hearing the shouting, Zu Kou said to the mage beside him, "Let's go! Let's go together to save our soldiers!"

When they arrive at the rear camp, the battle here is over. Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi stayed together in frustration. When they saw Zu Kou coming in person, they both stood up. "General, we have lived up to your expectations."

"How can I get back to my child?" Zu Kou glanced at them.

"We treat our own people as thieves." Zhou Ya and Chen Chongzhi answered helplessly, "Now the soldiers guarding the heavy duty have all been killed by us."

"Which of the four of you will break the illusion array?" After saying that, Zu Kou looked at the four mages. Unfortunately, the four mages shook their heads. It seemed that they would not break the illusion.

"That's good! Don't be scattered." Zu Kou said, "Let's act together and light all the waterproof lanterns in the barracks! Then, wake up the people in the tent. I don't believe that his rotten array will not be afraid of the sun!"