Magic World

Chapter 50 Macsman Island

Although Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu walked five days earlier than Xue Yang and Yutong, they had just set foot on the island they expected. They arrived at the island relatively late, not because they encountered some danger on the road, but because the two of them were unable to swim directly across the bay between the island and the land.

There are scattered natives living here near the coast. Most of these original people were picked by all kinds of spiritual clans and left with no spiritual value. Although this, the spiritual clans did not kill them all. Because the original people also have the purpose of the original people, that is, the original people are better at making tools, especially ships, than the Ling people. Therefore, it is also the need of the spiritual clan to leave them to support the ship and ferry people. It turned out that in those horrible years, the spirit clan did not necessarily eat. In fact, they adhere to the old tradition of biology and only eat those original people who are not valuable to themselves.

Despite this, ferries from the coast to the island of the mackerel are not available every day. Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu arrived in the past few days just in time for the wind rising on the sea, so the boaters were unwilling to take risks to sea. Then, the two of them will naturally not be able to go to the island. However, in the original village on the shore, Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu got a piece of good news for them.

An old fisherman who was fishing and took care of the ferryman knew that the two of them wanted to go to the island. He solemnly persuaded them, "It's not safe on the island now. It's better for you two young people not to go!"

"Why? Uncle!" Wolf Qingqiu listened to the old fisherman's words, and she felt a little surprised and asked casually.

"It seems that you don't live nearby, do you?" The old fisherman looked at the wolf Qingqiu and said slowly, "A month ago, a large number of giant mosquitoes flew from near the ruins of the meteorite. These giant mosquitoes are now gathered on the island. Now, we fishers have to be worried when we go to sea.

"Oh? A large number of giant mosquitoes?" After listening to the old fisherman's words, Wolf Qingqiu glanced at Tan Le and then continued to ask, "So have they all gone to the island now?"

"Yes!" The old fisherman replied, "Originally, our village still had some contact with the mackerel on the island. Some time ago, I heard from the mackerel on the island that the mackerel village on the island is now empty.

"There are so many mosquitoes?" After listening to the old fisherman's words, Tan Le opened his mouth in horror, "What a powerful mosquito!"

"Alas!" After listening to Tan Le's words, the old fisherman turned his head and looked at Tan Le again, "This doesn't count, young man. Now many ships going to sea have been killed by these giant mosquitoes and sank in the sea!"

"So that's it." After listening to the old fisherman's words, Wolf Qingqiu nodded, "Old man, if the wind stops, would you like to cross the sea?"

"Girl, it's not that I don't want to; it's that you think about it again." The old fisherman glanced at the wolf Qingqiu, "I can see that you are both spiritual. However, whether you are an original or a spiritual person, these giant mosquitoes are eaten together. Moreover, now the mackerel village on the island is empty, and you can't find anyone to go there.

"Oh, we went there to eliminate these mosquitoes." Tan Le listened to the old fisherman's words and said quickly, "You just need to send us up." We will pay attention to other things.

"Are you going to destroy them?" After listening to Tan Le's words, the old fisherman looked up and down at Tan Le. He can see that the two spirits in front of him are wolf spirits. Can this wolf also fight mosquitoes now? Although he still looked skeptical, he didn't say more. Finally, he said to both of them, "Okay! When the wind is less, I will send you to the island. After saying that, he had to go back to his room to rest.

Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu were naturally very happy to know the whereabouts of the mosquito spirit. However, they now also know that the trip to the island is far from as simple as they thought. Or, this is a dangerous trip.

Dealing with mosquitoes is indeed not the specialty of wolf spirit, although Tan Le is much more experienced than wolf Qingqiu in this regard. However, there is neither radar nor other pesticides to buy in this world. Naturally, he couldn't think of a good idea, but he finally prepared two relatively effective tools, one is the net pocket for fishing and the other is the thing that catches fire.

After the wind stopped, the old fisherman crossed the two of them to the island. The old man told them carefully on the shore and told them that if they did not die, he would pick them up on the island seven days later. When the old fisherman said this, his face was full of sadness.

Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu met and couldn't help comforting the old man again. And Wolf Qingqiu doubled the payment of the old fisherman's boat. In this way, the two people said goodbye to the old fisherman. It turns out that in that world, the spiritual clan also uses the original currency to trade with the original. Of course, you don't have money. You can exchange some strange things with the original person. As long as the original person agrees, you can also get it.

The situation on the island is probably much more serious than the old fisherman described. In a mackerel village near the sea, Tan Le and Wolf Qingqiu did not find any survivors. The bodies of the mackerel were scattered in the village, but these bodies turned into scaly bones without a trace of flesh and blood.

This scene made Wolf Qingqiu a little shocked, but Tan Le was much more calm. It's not that Tan Le is more bold than Wolf Qingqiu, but that he has seen similar scenes. When he first came to this world, he was attacked by a giant mosquito.

"Husband, what should we do?" Wolf Qingqiu looked at the bones on the ground, and then looked outside the village. She is no longer as confident as before she went to the island, and even said that she has a desire to escape from the island.

"Find a clean room to live in first!" Tan Le kicked the bones on the ground and said casually to the wolf Qingqiu, "These mosquitoes are not terrible. They fly loudly. As long as we find the enclosed rooms around us, we don't have to be afraid of them anymore.

The two wolves found a cellar for storing food on the deepest side of the land of the mackerel village. The four walls of the cellar are made of large stones, and the entrance is also very narrow, and only one person can enter and exit. This obviously meets Tan Le's requirements. Tan Le and Lang Qingqiu got into the cellar. It's still daytime, and it's not the usual time for wolves to move, so the two of them are naturally happy to rest in this safe place.

After nightfall, there was a buzz on the ground, waking them both up from their sleep. Tan Le knew that this was a giant mosquito coming out to look for food. Lang Qingqiu didn't know what was going on outside. She was so curious that she wanted to lift the board at the entrance, but was stopped by Tan Le.

"Wife, don't move! There are giant mosquitoes outside. Tan Le grabbed the wolf Qingqiu's hand and whispered to her.

"Is it?" Lang Qingqiu's eyes were full of curiosity, "Honey, I'll just take a look!"

"No!" Tan Le shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's dangerous to go out now. Wait for them to go further. Let's plan again."

"Hmm!" Wolf Qingqiu nodded sensiblely after listening to it. Anyway, Tan Le has more brains than himself. Let's do what he says! There is always nothing wrong, Wolf Qingqiu thought so in his heart. If, at this time, a woman would also think so.

After an hour of buzzing, the giant mosquito finally became smaller and then far away. Listening to the sound, they should have gone to the sea. Honey, I'll go up and have a look first!" When Tan Le heard that the giant mosquito had gone far away, he whispered to the wolf Qingqiu, "If there is no danger, you can come out again."

"You should be careful." Wolf Qingqiu was so worried that he gave a word of advice. Tan Le looked at her and smiled, and then rushed out of the cellar. Outside the cellar, there is no giant mosquito, but there is still a fishy smell in the air. Maybe it's because the giant mosquito has just passed!

"Wife, you can come out!" Seeing that there was indeed no abnormality around, Tan Le shouted in a low voice in the cellar. Wolf Qingqiu listened to Tan Le's voice and also rushed out of the cellar. Honey, what does it taste like? It smells terrible!" Wolf Qingqiu sniffed the smell in the air and glanced dissatisfiedly, "It's like something has rotted." Wolves are fresh meat-eating animals, and they naturally don't like the smell of corpses.

"Wife, do you feel it? The taste is getting heavier and heavier inland. Tan Le carefully identified the smell in the air, "It seems that we can find the nest of mosquito spirits by following the smell."

"Well, okay." Wolf Qingqiu agreed obedient. Since Tan Le said that he could find the mosquito's nest by following the smell, he must be right.

The two of them ran all the way to the depths of the island following the smell left by the giant mosquito. On the way, the two of them did not encounter any obstruction. After all, giant mosquitoes are low-level creatures, and the mosquito spirits born from them will not have too much wisdom. Soon, the two of them approached a hill deep in the island. The two wolves looked up at the mountain, and there was an obvious cave halfway up the mountain. Outside the cave, there are more than a dozen giant mosquitoes flying around.

"Look! They also have sentinels. Tan Le pointed to the giant mosquito at the mouth of the cave and said to the wolf Qingqiu beside him, "It seems that the guard is very strict. We can't get in."

"Yes. It seems that there are at least two mosquito spirits among these mosquitoes. Wolf Qingqiu also whispered back to him. She has found that two of these giant mosquitoes are particularly large, and they are surrounded by light green aura.

"The smell in the cave seems to be very strong." Tan Le sniffed carefully in the air and said, "This smell should come from the cave. It seems that this is their old nest.

"But how can we get in?" Wolf Qingqiu whispered to Tan Le, "These guys also have a sensitive sense of smell. If we go to the mountain, they will definitely find us."

Tan Le listened to Lang Qingqiu's words, but he did not refute it. However, he knew that the so-called tools brought by Lang Qingqiu should not be of much use. Because there are so many giant mosquitoes, it is impossible for them to kill so many mosquitoes by nets or ignition.

"Honey, let's go back to the cellar first!" Tan Le glanced at the mountain again and said, "It's going to dawn now. I think they will definitely come back before dawn. At that time, we will be in trouble if they find out.

"Okay! Then we won't look for beads?" Wolf Qingqiu was a little reluctant to say.

Look for it! Not in a hurry." Tan Le replied to her, "I feel that the beads are in the hole." After saying that, he glanced at the cave again, and then took the wolf Qingqiu to the cellar together.