Magic World

Chapter 54 First Meet the Mosquito King

When the two of them walked to the entrance of the cave, they felt a strong smell of rottenness and blood, and even fishy smell coming out of the cave. Er!" Under the influence of the smell, Li Tong covered her mouth, and there was a feeling of turning over the river in her stomach. Although the lizard spirit is a semi-corrosive spirit, she can't stand the disgusting smell in the cave.

"What is this?" Li Tong covered his mouth and nose and pointed to the dark cave and said to Xue Yang. In the direction of the lizard's fingers, there is a large white light condensed there, like a bright light in the night sky.

"It's like a bug egg." Xue Yang also covered his mouth and nose. He put his head into the cave to look, and then replied, "It seems that this is the incubation room of mosquito spirits."

"So many eggs?" Li Tong's eyes swam on the stone wall of the cave. Although the cave is not large, the space inside it is not small and looks very long. Therefore, insect eggs are scattered everywhere on the stone wall. Just as the two of them had to pay close attention to the stone wall, the sound of "click" and "swish" came from the ground in the cave. Lizards are not wolves. Like human beings, their eyesight is not good in the dark. Therefore, Xue Yang and Yutong did not know what was going on in the cave.

"It seems that there are mosquitoes in it!" Lizard's instinctive reaction is that there is a sound in the cave of the mosquito spirit. Naturally, it is either a mosquito spirit or a giant mosquito.

"Tong Tong, hit a fireball and light it up!" Xue Yang stood at the entrance of the cave and was ready to attack, and then said to Yutong. Li Tong listened to him and nodded. Then, her long tongue spit out and a flame sprayed directly into the cave. Under the light of fire, the two of them found a large number of dead bodies stacked on the ground of the cave. These bodies should come from different races, but most of them are fish and mackerel. No wonder they are on the island now. There is also a lack of other creatures here.

It's just that there are occasionally undead creatures struggling in these corpses. It seems that they were initially caught here alive. And there are some milky insects on the body pile that are eating the body. Under the body is a pond thick with blood.

"Those bugs..." Li Tong pointed to the insects on the body and said to Xue Yang, "It looks disgusting!"

"It should be a mutant." Xue Yang glanced at the worm on the body and replied, "It looks like the larvae of ordinary mosquitoes. It's just that they are much bigger."

"Look! There are also pupas there!" Under the light of fire, Litong saw a large number of orange chrysalis sticking to the stone wall deeper in the cave. Behind the chrysalis is the place where the eggs really gather. The front wall there has turned into a piece of white flowers.

"So many bugs!" Xue Yang finished reading it and wiped the sweat on his head in horror. It seems that the creatures on the island have been wiped out by these giant mosquitoes. Their nests are not well guarded, otherwise the two of them would not have seen this amazing scene.

"What should we do?" Litong glanced at the chaotic scene in the cave, and then looked at Xue Yang again.

"Burning! Burn them!" Xue Yang listened to Yutong's words and answered without hesitation. Now it has become a secondary matter to find Fengshenzhu. The first thing is to kill these eggs and larvae.

Litong listened to Xue Yang's words, closed her eyes and was lucky. Obviously, she wants to exercise her whole body's aura to launch fire spells in the cave. After a few minutes, Litong's hands popped forward, and the long tongue in her mouth spewed forward, and her body has now become red and bright. The flames continuously sprayed into the cave.

"!" The sound of chaos immediately returned from the cave. This is the screams of the larvae in the cave after they were burned. And the larvae that have not been burned by the fire are now desperately rushing deeper into the cave.

"Come on! Litong!" Xue Yang saw the tragic situation of the mosquito spirit larvae in the cave, and he shouted loudly for the dragonfly. Some newly formed giant mosquitoes flew out of the chrysalis, but they were also killed by lizard magic.

"Too much!" Litong's fire attack lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the fire spewing from her body gradually weakened. It seems that her aura has been exhausted.

"What can I do?" Xue Yang glanced anxiously into the cave. Although the attack of the lizard killed the eggs and larvae at the mouth of the cave, the eggs and larvae in the depths of the cave were not damaged at all. A large number of larvae that escaped for their lives are now gathering in front of the white egg wall and crying in pain.

Suddenly, Xue Yang felt a chilling cicada all over his body. It's not good! There may be powerful spirits behind it. Thinking of this, he quickly pulled the lizard beside him and retreated. At the same time, the white and heavy insect egg wall cracked! A huge mosquito spirit flew out of it. Its stomach looks very swollen, and it is obviously full of worm eggs. Therefore, she doesn't fly very fast.

"It's not good! Run quickly." Litong was shocked to see it and shouted, "It's the king of mosquito spirits!"

"Hum! What dares to disturb my spawning?" The mosquito king's body squeezed hard to the ground, and a large row of worm eggs were discharged from its body. "If you want to die, take your life!" It shouted wildly at the entrance of the cave. Then, a strong wind spewed out of its mouth!

Although Xue Yang and Litong have retreated from the mouth of the cave, they still can't avoid being directly hit by the wall dozens of meters away behind them by the strong wind sprayed by the mosquito king.

"What a strong wind!" Xue Yang got up from the ground in pain. He took a look at the lizard beside him, and she had fainted. Let's go!" Xue Yang grabbed Yutong's arm and threw her on his back. Then, he turned into a lizard and twisted his body to escape for his life.

Although the mosquito king in the cave is strong, it is surrounded by its eggs and larvae. Therefore, it is not easy to attack too much in the cave. Therefore, it moved its huge body and slowly flew out of the cave. By the time it came to the bottom hall, Xue Yang had a hard time escaping from the cave with a lizard on his back.

This time, Xue Yang did not choose to escape. He chose to run to the remote mackerel village. After all, there may be more potholed crypts in the buildings, so that those places can better avoid the pursuit of the mosquito king.

In the woods near the mackerel village, Tan Le found another pile of wild fruits. He put them in a pocket and prepared to return to his hiding cellar. At this time, he saw something moving on the ground along the mountain road from the cave in the middle of the island.

"Are there any living things on this island?" Tan Le looked at the fast-moving objects on the ground and thought curiously. However, he did not stand still in a daze. On this island, as long as he can't fly, he may be a friend. He rushed out of the woods with the fruit and blocked the mountain road waiting for the moving object to approach.

"Who is it?" Xue Yang ran to the village of the mackerel with Litong on his back, and now he found that someone was blocking his way on the road. Since the other party is not flying, maybe there is still hope of escape! Thinking so, he said, "Friend! Get out of the way. The mosquito king is coming out!"

"Xue Yang?" The person in the way heard his words and shouted in surprise, "I'm Tan Le!"

"Brother Tan?" Xue Yang also heard Tan Le's voice. He was surprised and said in a hurry, "This is not the place to talk. Run for your life!" The mosquito king is coming!"

"Come with me!" Tan Le listened to Xue Yang's words, and he did not dare to neglect it. He immediately led Xue Yang to escape to the cave where he and the wolf Qingqiu hid.

When the mosquito spirit king moved his heavy body and flew out of the cave, Tan Le and Xue Yang had fled back to the cellar where Tan Le was hiding. In the cellar, Wolf Qingqiu saw Xue Yang and Litong. She was both happy and worried. Happily, the four of them got together again, worried that Litong's injury was not bad. I'm afraid she won't wake up for a while. And there is no herb in the cellar, so she is worried that Litong will never wake up to help her husband find Fengshenzhu.

"What should we do now?" Tan Le helped Xue Yang arrange a place for Litong to sleep. He said in frustration, "I didn't expect to hurt Miss Litong for a bead."

"It doesn't matter to you, Brother Tan." Xue Yang waved his hand, "We were not careful. I think Tongtong will get better. Although he said so, his expression was extremely painful. He knew that it was not easy to wait for Li Tong to wake up on this island that lacks doctors and medicine.

"Why don't we go back to the mainland first!" Wolf Qingqiu moistened the lizard's lips with the juice of wild fruit. She turned around and suggested to Xue Yang and Tan Le. Although Xue Yang is a lizard in the water system, the water transformed by magic cannot be directly drunk by people or spiritual families. Because the water produced by spells is attached with murderous gas, and they are harder than the water of nature. If people or spirits drink it directly, it will hurt the spleen and stomach.

"It's okay!" Tan Le replied, "It's important for us to find a way to cure Miss Litong first." Xue Yang listened to the two of them and didn't say anything, but just made a heavy head.

"She will be fine. Don't worry!" Wolf Qingqiu looked at Xue Yang's expression. She felt uncomfortable and had to continue to persuade, "This is very close to the mainland. In a few days, a boat will come to take us back.

"Alas! I think we need to find another helper to come here. Xue Yang sighed, and his hand gently stroked the lizard's face, "She will get better! However, I'm afraid we can't get the beads.

At this time, there was already a strong wind outside the cellar. The wind blew things on the ground loudly. Is it windy? I'll go and have a look!" After saying that, Tan Le went to the entrance of the cellar. He grabbed the board at the entrance with both hands to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. Fortunately, after the wind blew for a short time, there was a loud noise from the top of the board. Then, Tan Le felt that a lot of heavy objects fell on the board. Obviously, the house near the cellar was blown down by the strong wind. Now the collapsed house is on the entrance of the cellar.

"The wind is so strong." Tan Le let go of his hand and walked back to the other three people. "The houses outside have fallen down."

"It's the mosquito king!" Xue Yang replied, "The wind god pearl must be in its hand."