Magic World

Chapter 71 Meet Qiao Yunting again

When Zhang Zhentian and his soldiers rushed to the northwest corner of the city, it had been turned into a mess by Qiao Yunting and her giant mosquitoes. Now the streets are so crooked that many original corpses have been killed, and the battle continues near a two-story building next to the street.

"Get ready for bows and arrows! Let's go there." Zhang Zhentian commanded his soldiers to rush to the place where the battle took place.

When they rushed outside the small building, Zhang Zhentian and his soldiers found that there were about 200 giant mosquitoes gathered here outside the small building. The original resistance in the small building was still very fierce, and feather arrows kept shooting out of the small building.

"Buzz!" At this time, Qiao Yunting also found that the original man came to the reinforcements. She turned around and blocked Zhang Zhentian's way, "Ha ha, humble original man, take your life!"

"Qiao Yunting?" Zhang Zhentian looked at Qiao Yunting, who had turned into a human figure, and he still recognized her. After all, this is not the first time they have met. During the battle of the island, the two of them had just met.

"Buzz, is that you?" Qiao Yunting heard Zhang Zhentian call her name. She looked at Zhang Zhentian carefully for a while, and now she also recognized Zhang Zhentian. However, she really recognized Zhang Zhentian, instead of only knowing that it was an original person like last time.

"It's me! Why did you attack the original man?" Zhang Zhentian has knotted a water ball in his hand and is ready to attack.

"Haha, Brother Zhang. You and I are not the original people of this world. Why should you work for them? Qiao Yunting listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and laughed, "Brother Zhang, come with me!" Maybe we can rule the world!"

"We?" Zhang Zhentian looked like Qiao Yunting in surprise. He knew that Qiao Yunting really had to recognize herself now, instead of guessing casually. After all, the level of mosquito wisdom is too low, so under the influence of Fengshenzhu, Qiao Yunting's consciousness has recovered more and more.

"Yes! Brother Zhang. Qiao Yunting replied coldly, "Think about it!" With the ability of the original people, they are not my opponents at all.

"Ha ha, I think you'd better think about your way out!" Zhang Zhentian listened to Qiao Yunting's words and answered disapprovingly. Then, he waved his hands and the water ball in his hand flew to Qiao Yunting.

Qiao Yunting's body danced in the air, and Zhang Zhentian shot at her and all the water balls fell empty. At this time, a mosquito spirit flew over from behind Qiao Yunting, "Queen, we have searched. There is no material worth capturing on the street. All the other materials have been hidden in the house.

"Well, let's go!" Qiao Yunting listened to the mosquito spirit's words and immediately issued an order to retreat. The purpose of leading her men here this time is not to kill the original man, but to catch the original man who can be transformed into mosquito spirits. So when they think the useful materials have been caught, there is no need for them to continue fighting.

Zhang Zhentian watched the giant mosquitoes in the town withdraw quickly out of the town, and he did not lead his soldiers to chase them. At this time, Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue, the two soldiers with them, also came out of the small building and merged with each other.

"Brother Zhang, thank you for coming to save me!" Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue walked to Zhang Zhentian and said together.

"You're welcome!" Zhang Zhentian listened to the two of them and waved his hand, "It's also my poor arrangement to let them enter the town from other places."

"Ha ha, that's why Brother Zhang." Su Wanyue heard Zhang Zhentian say this, and she answered with a smile, "They came so suddenly that we have been able to defend like this under the coordination of Brother Zhang."

While they were talking, Sun Mingxuan and Su Tianxing also brought people here. The two of them saw that Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue were all fine. The two of them calmed down.

"Mrs. Sun, I'm ashamed! Let so many people die in the town." Zhang Zhentian felt a little guilty when he saw Sun Mingxuan and said, "Alas! It's me who didn't think well.

"Earthquake, don't say that!" Sun Mingxuan listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and she shook her head and said, "Even if Wilder is here, he may not do better than you. Don't blame yourself. Let's discuss how to defend them against another attack!"

"Yes! Brother Zhang. I think the people in the town will be grateful to you." Su Tianxing was also talking aside at this time.

"Mrs. Sun, all the giant mosquitoes in the southeast have retreated?" Zhang Zhentian saw that everyone did not mean to blame him, so he was slightly at ease, and then he was concerned about the war in the southeast.

"It's all withdrawn." Sun Mingxuan replied, "In the open space outside the city, they lost six or seven bodies." Speaking of this, Sun Mingxuan turned her head and looked at Jiang Dongfang, "Dongfang, how about your loss here?"

"I'm still checking!" Jiang Dongfang replied, "I guess more than 20 giant mosquitoes have been killed here!"

"The record is very good!" Sun Mingxuan listened to Jiang Dongfang's words and answered with approval. Although she knew in her heart that the original people's losses were bound to be huge, it was not a big record to kill more than 20 giant mosquitoes.

Finally, after investigation, in the battle in the northwest of the city, the original people killed a total of 27 giant mosquitoes, but they lost 227 people, of whom 185 died and 322 were missing. On the southwest and road to the northwest of the city, the original man also lost 41 people, six of whom were missing. In the battle in the southeast corner of the city, the original man killed seven giant mosquitoes with no casualties. For Su Jiaji, this level of casualties is still very huge. After all, the whole Su family has only more than 500 households and a population of less than 3,000.

After the war, Sun Mingxuan and Zhang Zhentian gathered in the council chamber of Su Jiaji. They need to discuss countermeasures against giant mosquitoes. Everyone discussed it for a while and finally came to a conclusion. Although the silk net is very effective against giant mosquitoes, it is not foolproof. If their giant mosquitoes adopt the tactics of breaking through the southwest corner of the city, it will be difficult for them to defend against their attack. Moreover, the screen is also easy to damage and not easy to replenish. Finally, after discussion, they still decided that they should focus on using the barracks in the town.

"I think we should pull all these wire meshes to the vicinity of the military camp and the town square." Su Kui finally suggested, "In this way, our defense will be much more dense and the personnel will not be scattered. It is convenient for us to defend against their attack.

"Hmm! I think Su Kui's idea is good. Jiang Dongfang nodded after listening to Su Kui's words and said, "It would be better if we could dig some more bunkers such as cellars under the fortress of the barracks. And above the wall, we should also prepare the wire mesh. In yesterday's battle, I found that these giant mosquitoes are not good at flying high.

"It makes sense!" Zhang Zhentian listened to the two of them and said, "In this way, when they attack us again, we can quickly gather the residents of the town. In addition, effective defense can be organized on the wall.

"Does anyone else have any other suggestions?" Sun Mingxuan listened to their words, and she looked at the people in the council chamber. Now, the people in the council room nodded one after another, and they both agreed to Jiang Dongfang and Su Kui's proposal. In this case, let's follow your advice!" Seeing that everyone had no other suggestions, Sun Mingxuan finally made a final say.

"Good!" The people in the council chamber listened to her and stood up one after another, "Madam, in this case, we will follow the agreed guidelines."

"Good! Go ahead!" Sun Mingxuan nodded in agreement. However, when the crowd dispersed, she left Jiang Dongfang and Zhang Zhentian alone, "Zhentian and Dongfang, have you found a problem!"

"Question?" Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang listened to Sun Mingxuan's words, looked at each other, and then turned to Sun Mingxuan together.

"Yes! The attack of these giant mosquitoes yesterday seemed to be tentative or purposeful. Sun Mingxuan motioned the two of them to sit down, and then said quietly, "Moreover, they did not use spells to attack in the attack. Have you noticed?"

"This..." Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang listened and thought carefully for a while. As Sun Mingxuan said. The two of them had to admire Sun Mingxuan's insight into things.

"I think we still need to prevent them from having other plans!" Sun Mingxuan looked at the expressions of the two of them and said slowly, "They are very orderly this attack, not like the work of low-level spirits at all. I think their offensive dispatch is no less than our original army.

"Madam said that." Zhang Zhentian nodded after hearing this, "We really need to guard against whether they will gather us and annihilate us."

Yes! These giant mosquitoes are indeed very well attacked. After hearing this, Jiang Dongfang also agreed, "I think they are all under the command of that... the woman named Qiao Yunting."

"It makes sense!" Zhang Zhentian said, "According to my observation, Qiao Yunting may have replaced the dead mosquito king and become the new leader of the giant mosquitoes."

"Zhe Tian, do you mean that the woman named Qiao Yunting is their new mosquito king?" Sun Mingxuan listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and thought, "Will the lost Fengshenzhu also be in her hand?"

"It's hard to say!" Zhang Zhentian listened to Sun Mingxuan's words and said, "It was Qiao Yunting who took away the remains of the mosquito king that day."

"If so, we really need to consider whether the purpose of their visit this time will be annihilated or not." Sun Mingxuan's body leaned against the back of the chair and said, "If they have wind beads, then we gather together, and they can just blow down the house and blow away the silk net, then we will be in danger."

"Madam! I think we'd better arrange more people to dig the cellar!" Zhang Zhentian listened to Sun Mingxuan's words, thought for a while and then replied, "In the island, the cellar can still resist the attack of wind spells very well."

"In this case, it's up to you two!" Sun Mingxuan listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and her nervous heart calmed down a little. Now what she is most worried about is Su Huade, who has not returned.

At this time, Su Huaide had arrived in Ink City, and he hurriedly met Tian Zheng. Then, he changed his horse and hurriedly left the city guard's residence in Moshui City to prepare to return to Su Jiaji.

"Brother Su, be careful on the road!" Tian Zheng sent Su Huaide out of the official residence and seriously told him, "For my brother, I can't go to Su's house to help you share your worries for the time being. Now the war in the north is tight. Most of the sergeants of Ink City have been transferred to the national capital and then to Luodu.

"So? Is this battle so difficult to fight?" Su Huaide listened to Tian Zheng's words. He stood still and looked at Tian Zheng with some surprise. In the past, orcs also invaded the Xia Empire, but most of them were looting. They often had to retreat early before the Xia army gathered.

"Yes!" Tian Zheng nodded, "I heard that Zhao Zhengfang, the national master, personally led the army to Luodu some time ago."

"Alas! Difficulties are everywhere. When Su Huaide heard this, he was melancholy, "Brother, take care! Be sure to take precautions so that you are not prepared when the giant mosquitoes attack you!"

Brother, don't worry! I will prepare it myself." Tian Zheng's sworn answer.

"Good! Then I'll go! Be more careful." After saying that, Su Huaide rushed to Su Jiaji.