Magic World

Chapter 77 Migrating Bat Spirit

As soon as the queen bee died, the world of wasps immediately became a mess. A fierce war broke out between several powerful Xuanfeng forces like human beings. This war seems to last for several months, and I'm afraid the war will not stop until the new King of the Bees is born.

This is undoubtedly good news for Qiao Yunting. She was unwilling to help the black bees drive away the lizards. You should know that whether it is wasps or giant mosquitoes, they have a natural fear of lizards. After all, lizards are their natural enemies. Even if their spiritual level is higher than their opponents, they are still unwilling to provoke lizards. It's like a human soldier on earth who doesn't want to easily provoke wolves, insects, tigers and leopards even if he has a gun in his hand.

"Buzz!" A mosquito spirit flew into Qiao Yunting's cave. Before it could speak, Qiao Yunting asked eagerly, "How are those newly born mosquito spirits now?"

"The Queen, they are making good progress now. Most of the new mosquitoes already have the ability to fly. The mosquito spirit who entered the cave replied, "We have also killed the fox spirit captured from the Huling Village and divided the inner elixir to these newcomers."

"Very good! We need to speed up." Qiao Yunting nodded and replied, "How's my hatchery?"

"It's almost done." The mosquito spirit replied, "We found a large and hidden cave nearby. It should serve as our incubation room.

"Is it safe?" Qiao Yunting stared into the mosquito's eyes and asked. She doesn't want the end of the previous mosquito king to fall on her again.

"Don't worry! Absolutely safe." The mosquito spirit replied, "But... Queen, in addition to us, there seems to be another blood-sucking spirit clan in the south of Wangyue Lake. When my men went to the Huling Village to look for food this morning, they found some newly dead animal bones, which were also drained.

"Is it?" Qiao Yunting listened to the mosquito spirit's words, and her mind worked quickly. In this world, she has indeed never seen any other race that sucks blood for a living except mosquitoes. However, in Qiao Yunting's consciousness as a human, the figure of a bat appeared in her mind, "Is it a bat?"

"Bat?" After listening to Qiao Yunting's words, the mosquito spirit was also confused. Although these mosquito spirits are also spirits, their lifespan is much shorter than that of other spirits such as wolves and lizard spirits. Therefore, most of them know little about the outside world. However, this also creates a feature of them, that is, there is a natural ** to the danger around them. It seems that in their subconscious, they will know which spirits are easy to deal with and which are not easy to deal with.

"All right! Go down!" Qiao Yunting saw that it was not good for her to talk to it any more, so she beat out the mosquito spirit beside her. "Tomorrow I will go with you to Hunan to see what happened there."

It is indeed as Qiao Yunting expected, and there are bats in this world. If there are bats, there will naturally be bat spirits. The bat spirit originally lived on the other side of the fog forest. Because there is a misty forest in the middle and the place where they live is rich in resources and food, they have never crossed the misty forest to the north of the forest.

But when the wolf spirit was driven away from their hometown by the original man and moved to the south of the fog forest, they seized the territory of the bat spirit. Therefore, under the attack of the wolf spirit, some of the bat spirits had to leave their homes and go elsewhere to find a suitable environment for them.

This is also the reason why the fox spirit on Langya Mountain has been unable to send people to help Hu Wumei. Now the fox spirit on Langya Mountain has been entangled by the bat spirit. They are busy fighting with the bat spirit, and there is no desire to support the sisters by Wangyue Lake. Hu Xiuer was blocked by bat spirits on the mountain road, so she couldn't go down the mountain alone. She had expected that the besiege of the fox would end in a short time, but contrary to her wishes, the bat had no intention to withdraw from Langya Mountain. And she had to stay on the mountain.

However, when Zhou Mengya and her clan went up the mountain, the road was still normal. Although they found a large number of dried animal carcasses on both sides of the road, the bat spirits did not take the initiative to attack them. In the eyes of the bat spirit, they are the reinforcements of the fox spirit on the mountain. The bat spirits knew that these fox spirits fled from the shore of Wangyue Lake.

However, in this way, the power of the fox spirit on the mountain has increased a lot. And the bat spirits have almost eaten up all the food around. Therefore, they also pushed the boat along the water and took advantage of Zhou Mengya's opportunity to go up the mountain. They withdrew the siege of the fox spirit on Langya Mountain and continued to go north.

In this way, these bat spirits, who used to live in the south of the fog forest, now appear in the north of the forest. And the lives of the original people and spirits who originally lived north of the fog forest will be disrupted. In the final analysis, it is not the original person who caused the disaster of the migration of this species. Just like all kinds of disasters on earth are caused by human beings themselves.

In Sujiaji, the original people who have always been aware of the things around them have now received the news of the disappearance of the foggy forest on the south side of Wangyue Lake. This is also no wonder that the more advanced and intelligent the life is, the more unfriendly the things around them are. The same is true of the close relatives of the original people on the earth. They can be the last creatures to know that an earthquake will occur in the area where they live, but they are definitely the first in this area to know that they are 2,000 kilometers away. Creatures that are going to have a tsunami.

Whether the original people knew first or last, in short, they now know that the misty forest on the shore of Wangyue Lake has disappeared. For this, Su Huaide, Sun Mingxuan, Zhang Zhentian and Su Huaide's relatives and friends will gather again to discuss the possible consequences of the disappearance of the foggy forest by Wangyue Lake.

"The patriarch, according to our original written records, the foggy forest in the area of Su Jiaji has never disappeared." The speaker is an old man named Su Quanzhong. He is a private school teacher of Su Jiaji. In Su Jiaji, he is also a learned person. After all, the disappearance of the fog forest is not only a military event, but also related to the lives of the townspeople, so Su Quanzhong and others joined the discussion.

"Ha ha, Mr. Su, don't be excited." Su Huaide saw that Su Quanzhong was extremely excited. He comforted, "The news can't be wrong!" It was our soldiers who found it on the wall, and then I sent a patrol to check the results in person.

"Natural disaster! Natural disaster!" Su Quanzhong listened to Su Huaide's words, and his mouth kept repeating. The people's representatives and rich businessmen in the council chamber listened to his words and whispered to each other. However, the officers of the army disapproved of his words. Scholars have been wrong since ancient times! They must be so agry in their hearts.

"Master of the clan, I think this must be done by some powerful mages, warriors, or spiritual clans." At this time, Su Kui got up and said respectfully to Su Huaide, "Although the fog forest near our Su Jiaji has not disappeared since ancient times, when I was studying in Ink City, I heard from Mr. Ou Ye that the fog forest in this world had been jointly broken by the masters of Dongyue."

"Hmm! This is not a lie." Su Huaide listened to Su Kui's words and nod with approval. Obviously, he is also not satisfied with Su Quanzhong's opinion. However, why did these people destroy the foggy forest by Wangyue Lake? It's a controlled place. There shouldn't be anything worth looking for, right?

"Is it related to the giant mosquito?" Zhang Zhentian listened to Su Huaide's words and stood up and said, "Maybe someone is also looking for giant mosquitoes and want to seize the treasures in their hands?" They don't know about Fengshenzhu except for soldiers, ordinary people and business travelers. That's why Zhang Zhentian's words need to be covered up.

"This is also possible." Su Huaide listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and nodded, "Now the giant mosquito is indeed in the area of Wangyue Lake. Maybe the people who destroy the forest have something to do with them.

Su Quanzhong and the literati in the town listened to the word giant mosquito, and their faces changed color. When they heard that those who destroyed the forest might be related to giant mosquitoes, they directly stopped their voices. This is the nature of literati. They can be disrespectful to soldiers and talk behind their backs; but when they really need to work hard, they will not rush to the front. They will only stand behind and watch, and they can wave their flags and shout as the leaders of the literati.

"I think about the war, Mr. Su, you are not good at it. Shall I discuss it with the officers?" Su Huaide looked at Su Quanzhong's face, and he seemed to be very concerned and said, "The old gentleman is not in good health, and he is not suitable for working for a long time!"

"Good! In this case, it depends on the leaders to protect the town and protect the people. After listening to Su Huaide's words, Su Quanzhong quickly borrowed a donkey and wiped oil on the soles of his feet. Behind him, other literati and representatives of rich businessmen also got up and said goodbye together after listening to Su Quanzhong's words. On the contrary, the representatives of the low-level people did not leave. They were originally uneducated rough people. They may not be good at fighting, but they will naturally die on the front line. Since Su Huaide did not drive them away, they are naturally willing to hear a result.

"So what do you guys think about the disappearance of the fog forest?" Su Huaide saw that the literati had gone away, and he did not shy away from the representatives of the poor. He asked the people in the hall directly.

"Patrior Su, I think we'd better send someone to the forest to check it." Zhang Zhentian listened to Su Huaide's words and said, "The people who can destroy the fog forest must be strong. We'd better figure out who they are."

"Yes, Wilder!" Sun Mingxuan also said at this time, "Some time ago, General Zukou mentioned that the foggy forest in the southwest of our town also showed signs of weakening. I don't know if this is also related to the disappearance of the fog forest?"

"Hmm! I'm a little impressed by what madam said. Su Huaide listened to Sun Mingxuan's words and muttered, "When the city was in ruins, General Zu Kou once told me about this. It's just that we were busy with the matter assigned by the national teacher at that time, so we put this matter aside.

"Father, do you think we will send someone to the forest in the southwest to investigate its current situation?" Su Tianxing listened to Su Huaide's words and got up and said.

"Such a word, old man!" Yang Yifu stayed in the council chamber as one of the representatives of the poor. After listening to Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan's words, he stood up respectfully and said, "The old house is close to the foggy forest in the southwest of our town. It did weaken a lot some time ago, and the forest retreated quickly. But when the giant mosquito attacked our village, the forest almost returned to its original appearance.

"Well, did you find anything wrong when you lived there?" Su Huaide listened to Yang Yifu's words, and he sat up straight and looked at him and asked.

"It's not appropriate to say it! That is, when our army passed by there, a large number of foxes gathered outside the forest. Yang Yifu replied while thinking, "It seems that those foxes have done something to make our original army lose a lot there. Later, our original army withdrew from the forest, and the foxes left.

"The patriarch! Yesterday, the soldiers of the patrol also reported that they found an abandoned village on the shore of Wangyue Lake, which looked like the residence of the fox spirit. Su Kui listened to Yang Yifu's words and got up and said.

"That's good to have such a thing! Then send two patrols to search the edge of the misty forest in the southwest of the town and the area south of Wangyue Lake respectively. Su Huaide listened to Su Kui's words and said, "Which of you would like to go?"

"Pear Su! I would like to go to Hunan!" Zhang Zhentian listened to Su Huaide's words and stood up.

"Father! Uncle! We are also willing to go!" Su Wanyue and Jiang Dongfang also got up together to answer.

"Good! Then the three of you will take ten soldiers to the south of Wangyue Lake. You must be more careful. Su Huaide was a little relieved when he saw that Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang were willing to go to the south of Wangyue Lake. He felt that that was the real danger. "Star, you and Su Kui also take ten soldiers to search in the southwest of the town!" If you leave early tomorrow morning, you must return to Su Jiaji in the evening, and there will be no further delay!"

"Yes!" Several people listened and answered together.