Magic World

Chapter 87 Night Attack on the Wasp

Xue Yang and his lizard spirit have been waiting in the hiding place for a long time, but the hornets have no intention of slacking. Now Xue Yang regrets that he should let Li Tong lead the team to guard the cave and let Tan Le come here with him to attack the wasp.

At night, the wasps are still patrolling their camp. Low-level creatures also have the advantages of low-level creatures, that is, obey commands, and never be lazy. When the time approached midnight, the giant mosquito flew out of the mosquito spirit's nest. Naturally, these giant mosquitoes on night patrol tasks will not be mosquitoes, but the most common giant mosquitoes without much spiritual power.

"Brother Xue, look! The giant mosquitoes are flying for food!" The lizard spirit next to Xue Yang saw the giant mosquito flying out, and he reminded Xue Yang in a low voice.

"This woman really has some tricks!" Xue Yang also saw the giant mosquito flying out of the nest, and his mouth muttered, "It seems that tonight's sneak attack plan is going to be ruined."

After the giant mosquitoes flew away from the nest, they did not go away, but lurked near the hive according to Qiao Yunting's order. When Xue Yang saw it, he naturally understood that this was Qiao Yunting's strategy. This arrangement was to prevent someone from sneaking on the wasps' camp at night. Of course, Xue Yang didn't expect that Qiao Yunting's arrangement was not aimed at them, but at bat spirits.

After midnight, several clusters of black clouds rose into the sky from the shore of Wangyue Lake. These are the bat spirits who came to explore the way. Like wolves, they are creatures used to night activities, and now is the most suitable time for them to move. The bat spirits were divided into four groups, and they pushed north side by side. Soon, they flew to the area where the mosquitoes were located. In the dark, the nest of mosquitoes and the hives of horse bees are clearly included in the eyes of the bat spirit. These scouting bat spirits circled in the mosquito area for a while, and then they divided a team to fly to the shore of the Moon Lake. The rest of the bat spirits continued to move north.

Xue Yang and the lizards who were hiding in the hidden place soon found the vision in the sky. They know that this is the Patrol of Bat Spirit, and they are exploring the right place for them to live and looking for a suitable path for them to move forward. It seems that they are coming for us!" Xue Yang stared at the bat spirits in the sky for a while. He found that every time they advanced, they would search around. They seemed to be searching for some small things or spirits, rather than looking for large caves to settle down.

"What should we do?" The lizard around Xue Yang listened to his words and asked in a low voice.

"We have three lizards in a group! Two fire lizards in each group, one water lizard!" Xue Yang surrounded the lizards beside him, and then he whispered, "Wait, we have to quietly climb to the bottom of the wasp's nest and then set fire to their nest."

"Good!" The lizards listened to Xue Yang's words and agreed in unison.

"Please be safe! Once the fire starts, evacuate quickly and don't fall in love!" After saying that, Xue Yang looked at the lizard spirits and said, "Wait back here, and then we will withdraw from here to the cave together."

"Okay!" The lizards answered, and then they divided into teams and dispersed. Xue Yang looked behind him, and now there are only two fire lizards behind him. He took the two of them and quietly climbed in the forward direction.

Although there are many wasps patrolling in the sky, it is not difficult for lizards to break through their defenses. After all, wasps' eyesight is not good at night. They are now just flying by feeling. For spirits close to their nests, their greatest effect is actually to deter. However, those giant mosquitoes hidden in hiding places are different. Giant mosquitoes have good night vision ability, so they stay near the hive, which is equivalent to putting eyes on the hive.

Unfortunate, giant mosquitoes are more afraid of bats in the sky than wasps. In their subconscious, they know that bats are more vicious enemies than lizards. So when bats appear in the sky, the giant mosquitoes outside these caves are inevitably a little nervous. Their eyes have been completely attracted by bats. This gave Xue Yang a chance to break through.

"Fu Jun, look!" A bat spirit pointed to the crawling lizard on the ground and said to another bat spirit beside him, "There! It looks like a lizard."

"Yes, it's them." The bat spirit called Fu Jun looked down for a while, and then searched the ground with an ultrasound and turned back to his ear as the ultrasound hit the target. He can fully confirm that the moving spirit on the ground is the lizard spirit they need to find. Whether it is bats in the earth world or bats here, their vision is not good. They rely on ultrasound to locate and identify organisms. However, the bats in this world are still much stronger than their earth relatives in vision, at least they are not blind!

"Fu Bo, take someone back to inform the prince and say that we have found the lizard spirit." Fu Jun said to the bat spirit beside him. He left a small team of bats for the bat spirit, and then he used ultrasound to gather other bats nearby. After that, they began to circle in the air and closely watched the activities of the lizards.

Xue Yang and the others have quietly approached the bottom of the hive, where the three of them first found a hidden place to lurk quietly. At the same time, they are quietly paying attention to the movements in several other directions. Although it was dark, the lizards naturally had their unique way to convey information. Xue Yang could feel that the other groups of lizards had not fully arrived where they should have reached.

Ten minutes later, a faint fluorescence flashed under several beehives not far away. Xue Yang knew that this was a signal sent by the other four water lizards. It turned out that before starting from the cave, Xue Yang made an agreement with the other four water lizards. As long as they reached the target, they would cause water mist, which seemed to be fluorescent from a distance.

The signal with four water lizards stopped, and Xue Yang also returned their signal with the technique of water mist. The other four groups of lizards saw it, and they immediately launched a fire attack on their chosen hive! Under the attack of Xue Yang and four other groups of lizard spirits, a total of five beehives ignited a raging fire from the low part. The wasps in the hive were attacked by fire and flew out of the hive one after another. In the night, the hornets flew randomly in the sky. The lizards hiding in the hidden place were so quiet that they lay on the ground motionless according to Xue Yang's request.

Because there are large groups of bats flying in the sky, the giant mosquitoes parked on tree trunks or other high places did not act rashly. After all, according to Qiao Yunting's arrangement, they were sent to mainly defend against bat attacks, not against lizard attacks. According to Qiao Yunting's request, as long as the bat spirit does not attack the hive, the giant mosquitoes can not move. Therefore, although the giant mosquitoes have found several beehives fires, they are afraid of bats in the air and do not have the source of the reconnaissance attack. This is the sadness of low-level creatures. They only obey orders, but they don't know how to beling huo at all.

However, Qiao Yunting is not a simple woman. Although what she arranged outside the cave were all giant mosquitoes and told them not to act rashly, at the same time, she also knew that giant mosquitoes are single-minded things, and once something happens, she can't expect them to respond randomly. Therefore, Qiao Yunting specially arranged for mosquito spirits to guard here at the entrance of the mosquito spirit nest.

Outside, the beehive was lit together, and the mosquito spirits guarding the mouth of the mosquito nest returned to Qiao Yunting. Qiao Yunting got the news from the mosquito spirit. She did not dare to neglect it at all. She directly vibrated her wings and flew to the entrance of the mosquito spirit nest.

"Queen! Look at it!" The mosquito spirit guarding at the entrance of the nest saw Qiao Yunting coming. They pointed outside and said, "Now many nests of the hornets are on fire!" What should we do? Bats are still in the sky.

"Alas!" Qiao Yunting looked at the bats in the sky, and then stared at the wasps outside, "I didn't expect these lizards to dare to attack them!"

"What should we do?" The mosquito spirit asked her, "If we attack, I'm afraid we won't be the opponent of the bats. I think we'd better wait until dawn!"

"Oh?" Qiao Yunting was a little surprised when she heard the words of the mosquito spirit beside her. Now the simple-minded mosquito spirit can also use their brains to think about problems?

"Yes! Queen. We can't act rashly." Another mosquito spirit also said, "Presumably the lizard spirits are just setting fire to make trouble. As for their number, they have no ability to destroy the hornets outside."

"What you said makes sense." Qiao Yunting listened to their words and slightly nod, "But have you ever thought that the lizard spirit set fire so much that the bats by the lake are likely to come to support. At that time, I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to escape.

"This..." The mosquito spirits were silent when they heard Qiao Yunting say so.

"Wait a minute, I'll take some sisters to support the swarm!" Qiao Yunting's eyes turned back to the cave, "You guys lead the rest of the sisters to the northeast!" There are many islands there. When you get there, you'd better find an island to settle down first. If I can break through, I will find you there. If I can't break through, don't provoke the original people easily, so as not to be destroyed by them.

"Female..." The mosquitoes listened to Qiao Yunting's words. They were speechless for a moment and didn't know how to say it. After all, they have just begun to learn to turn their minds, and they are not as smart as human beings.

"All right! Needless to say!" After Qiao Yunting finished speaking, she vibrated her wings and flew directly to the bee colony. When the giant mosquitoes staying outside saw Qiao Yunting flying, they immediately vibrated their wings and flew up.

"Fu Jun, look!" A bat flew to Fu Jun's side, "The mosquito spirits are coming!"

"Good! Fly down to help the lizard. Fu Jun glanced at the giant mosquitoes flying around under him, and immediately issued an order to attack his bats. The bats, who had been hovering in mid-air, took his order and dived together to tear up the giant mosquitoes near the bee's nest.

These mosquitoes at the mouth of the mosquito cave have all been attracted by Qiao Yunting and the giant mosquitoes outside the cave. They immediately greeted other mosquitoes in the cave and sneaked to the northeast.