Magic World

Chapter 100 A trip to northern Xinjiang

The Baiyue front army arrived at Su Jiaji a day later, and Su Huaide naturally warmly received Gu Susheng and his army. The Baiyue front army stayed in Sujiaji for two days. On the morning of the third day, Gu Su Shengtong led his army and continued to march north under the guidance of the guide sent by Su Huade. Fang Kun was naturally left behind by Gu Susheng and entrusted to Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan to take care of him.

When Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan sent the Baiyue army away, they returned to the council chamber. Su Huaide looked at Sun Mingxuan with a little doubt and asked, "Minxuan, do you think the legend of Gu Susheng's about 'poor' is credible?"

"I guess 70% is sure!" Sun Mingxuan sat next to Su Huaide. She pondered and replied, "The things about 'poor strange' were told to Gu Su Sheng after Fang Kun woke up. And according to Gu Susheng, this 'poor' family has been exterminated since ancient times. Moreover, it is not a monster here, but now it is a little suspicious to appear here.

"I think so too." Seeing that Sun Mingxuan did not fully believe Su Sheng's words, Su Huaide nodded with a smile, "I think if Tian Zheng doesn't write to us to help us investigate this matter, we will have the right to leave it alone."

"It's okay!" Sun Mingxuan nodded, "However, Gu Susheng and others swept through the wolf village on the road. Unfortunately, they couldn't find the whereabouts of Fengshenzhu.

"Is it?" Su Huaide listened thoughtfully and said, "That's good too! If the wind god pearl falls into the hands of Baiyue people, we can't escape.

"You said the same." Sun Mingxuan replied with a smile, "Anyway, Fang Kun is seriously injured, and he will not leave us for a moment. When his injury is better, we can naturally ask him.

"Good! Everything depends on your wife!" Su Huaide listened to Sun Mingxuan's words and nodded and agreed, but he immediately looked up at Sun Mingxuan's discussion, "Minxuan, in the past few days, a letter came from the ink city Tian Zheng! Now the war in the north is tight, and the troops transferred to the north in the south lack experience in fighting in the cold areas, so Tian Zheng wants to transfer some personnel here to assist the troops in the south.

"Oh! This is what should be done." Sun Mingxuan nodded and recognized it. She hesitated and then stared at Su Huaide and said, "Wide, you don't want to go to northern Xinjiang in person, do you?"

"Hehe, no!" Su Huaide shook his head, "I'm old, and it's not much good to go again. I'm thinking of letting Tianxing and the young talents in the town go to practice with the army.

"Did you tell Tianxing about this?" Sun Mingxuan listened to Su Huaide's words, and she frowned. There is no mother in the world who doesn't feel sorry for her children. Although Su Tianxing has grown up, Sun Mingxuan does not expect Su Tianxing to fight in the distant northern Xinjiang.

"Not yet!" Su Huaide shook his head and said, "That's what I thought. It's an eventful time, and I think it may be useful for him to have more skills in the future.

"Alas! What you said also makes sense." Sun Mingxuan finally sighed, "Let's think about the matter of Wilder again!" I can't bear to part with the stars, but I don't want to break his future.

"Good! You are also tired these days. You also have to take care of Fang Kun. Go back to rest today! I'll patrol the city defense later and go home to rest. After Su Huaide finished speaking, he got up and said goodbye to Sun Mingxuan, and then he went to the wall of the Su family.

Time flies, and the rest of the month has passed. In the Langling Village, Tan Le's body has fully recovered. During this period, Su Qi sent fox spirits to the Langling Village and Yinzhu Mountain many times to find the remaining wolf spirits, but nothing was found. The wolf spirit that stayed in the Yinzhu Mountain Pass on the night when Lang Lie and Tan Le returned to Langling Village have disappeared. However, Fortunately, the fox spirit sent by Su Qi did not find the body of the wolf spirit, and perhaps those injured wolf spirits have gone to other places. Su Qi comforted Tan Le so many times, and Tan Le gradually accepted Su Qi's statement.

In the past month, Lang Xueyun's body has not improved at all. She is still in a coma. Fortunately, the most indispensable one in Huling Village is the female sisters. On the day Tan Le was rescued from Huling Village, Zhou Mengya also returned to Huling Village from outside. Since Zhou Mengya and Tan Le are old acquaintances, in order to make Tan Le recover from his illness, Su Qi naturally arranged Zhou Mengya to take care of Lang Xueyun. Zhou Mengya is also willing to return Tan Le's favor. After all, when Tan Le became a wolf spirit, Zhou Mengya could not get rid of it.

Early that morning, Tan Le saw that the fox spirit who was out returned to the village. When he waited for these fox spirits to leave Su Qi's room, he immediately stood in front of Su Qi's door and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa Jiuwei! Can I come close?"

"Come on! "Child." Su Qi's voice came from the room. In the whole Huling Village, except for Zhou Mengya, that is, Tan Le, can talk about Su Qi without advance. The two of them are treated like this. Naturally, Su Qi likes the two young people for no other reason.

"Grandpa Jiuwei, my body has recovered now. I want to go to northern Xinjiang to find ice beads!" Tan Le said to Su Qi with a little apology. Although this is what Tan Le should do, Su Qi takes good care of Tan Le, so he always feels a little embarrassed when he wants to leave.

"Well!" Su Qi listened to Tan Le's words, he nodded, and then sighed again, "Okay! Son, you should go to northern Xinjiang! It's just that there is a long way to go. You can go by yourself. I really can't rest assured about the old fox.

"Grandpa Jiuwei, don't worry! I will be careful along the way." After listening to Su Qi's words, Tan Le replied with a smile, "You also said that I am now poor and strange. I think I can also experience this trip."

"You also make sense." Su Qi thought for a moment and nodded and promised, "Then I'll help you prepare some belongings recently. You can go on the road as soon as possible!" Just on the way, don't get entangled with the original person! The fox spirit in the village and I will do our best to take care of Miss Xueyun's body. I think with our care, her body will have no problem within three years.

"Thank you very much, Grandpa Jiuwei." After listening to Su Qi's words, Tan Le quickly thanked him, "Xue Yun, please take care of him all the time!" You should always pay more attention to your health. If possible, I want to leave Huling Village early tomorrow morning and go north.

"It's okay!" Su Qi listened to Tan Le's words and waved to him, "Go down and get ready!" Have a good trip." Tan Le listened to Su Qi's words, thanked him again, and then withdrew from Su Qi's room.

The next morning, Tan Le went to Lang Xueyun's room to see Lang Xueyun and said goodbye to Zhou Mengya. After saying goodbye to Su Qi, he went to Su Qi. Su Qi also prepared some gold and silver for Tan Le on the road. Although their spiritual clan does not need to live in a shop, Tan Le always has the opportunity to deal with the original people on the road, and gold and silver will come in handy at that time.

Tan Le and Su Qi thanked him again, and then he left Langya Mountain and hurried north. In the evening, Tan Le rushed to Wangyue Lake, where he and Tan Le had made a great change when they left last time. Now this is the residence of the bat spirit, and the wasps have retreated to the northeast. Therefore, it is difficult to find insects flying here.

Tan Le stopped by the lake and thought for a while. Although he could go west from Wangyue Lake to northern Xinjiang faster, he had to pass through the original town, especially Sujiaji. For Tan Le, the originals are no longer cordial. Now Tan Le can't wait to avenge the originals of the wolf Qingqiu, Uncle Wolf and his own clan of wolves.

In the end, Tan Le chose to go east from Wangyue Lake. Although this would delay the journey for a day or two, and he may have to pass through the area of the wasp, but he did not have to meet the hateful original person, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Tan Le walked east along Wangyue Lake all night. The next morning, Tan Le, who was tired, planned to find a suitable cave to rest for half a day before continuing. But at this moment, the bushes in front of him swayed violently. Then, two spirits jumped out of the bushes, and as their bodies fell to the ground, they all turned into human forms.

"Who are you? Dare to come to our lizard's territory?" A woman in red in front of her directly blocked Tan Le's way with a long aura sword in her hand. Behind her, a young man also held a reverse blade knife in his hand and was ready to fight.

"Haha!" Tan Le saw the two and laughed loudly, "Miss Litong, Xue Yangxian, I haven't seen you for many days!" Do you two still like to do robbery so much? Haha."

"Are you...Tan Le? Brother Tan?" The two lizards opposite carefully looked at Tan Le for a long time, and then shouted with surprise.

"It's me!" Tan Le nodded and replied, "I haven't seen you for many days. You two are still so vigorous."

"Ha ha, my brother laughed." Xue Yang listened to Tan Le's words and smiled awkwardly, "You can have changed a lot recently. By the way, why didn't your sister-in-law follow you?

"This..." Tan Le couldn't help but feel sad when he heard Xue Yang ask about Lang Qingqiu. Then, he leaned under the bushes with Xue Yang and Li Tong to tell his story carefully between them. Finally, Xue Yang and Yutong heard that Tan Le was going to northern Xinjiang. They looked at each other, and then Litong said to Tan Le, "Brother Tan! It's really dangerous for you to go to northern Xinjiang alone. If you don't think it's a burden for Xue Yang and me, we are willing to follow you to the northern Xinjiang!"

"This... If there is a lizard girl and her younger brother, Tan will naturally ask for it!" Tan Le answered grateful after listening to Yu Tong's words. Xue Yang listened to Tan Le's words and immediately got up and said. Good! Brother, please follow us back to the Liling Village tonight. The two of us clean up the soft, and then go to say goodbye to Big Brother Liba. We will go to northern Xinjiang with you!"

On the same night, at the Su family. Fang Kun, who had recovered, came to Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan. He also applied to leave Su Jiaji and go to northern Xinjiang to find Baiyue's army. Su Huaide and Sun Mingxuan will not object when they hear it. According to Fang Kun's injury, he originally needed to raise it for at least a few months, but on the one hand, he was young and strong and recovered faster than ordinary people, and on the other hand, with Sun Mingxuan's careful care, his body recovered faster and faster.

"General Fang, sit down! I'll call a few people in the town to go with you!" After Su Huaide said this, he turned his head and looked at Sun Mingxuan. Sun Mingxuan nodded to Su Huaide, and then she left the room in person. After a long time, Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang, Su Tianxing and Su Wanyue returned to the room with Sun Mingxuan.

"General Tomorrow will leave the town to find Baiyue's army in northern Xinjiang. I want to ask you four what your plans are? When Su Huaide saw that his children, Zhang Zhentian and Jiang Dongfang had been seated, he had to ask directly.

"Father, Chief Su! We are willing to go to northern Xinjiang with General Fang. Zhang Zhentian and the other four listened to Su Huaide's words, and the four of them got up and answered together.

"That's the best!" Su Huaide was naturally very happy to see the four of them agree so happily. However, Sun Mingxuan was a little reluctant. She took her pair of children and told them a few more words, and then she turned to Su Wanyue and said, "Wanyue, I know you don't like medical skills! However, I still have a herb and ointment, and you can bring it on the way! I wrote in detail how to use these drugs in the package. If the general's wound on the road is repeated, you can also take care of him.

"Okay! Mother, don't worry!" Su Wanyue listened to Sun Mingxuan's words and nodded and agreed, "I will definitely take good care of General Fang's body!"

"That's good!" Sun Mingxuan then took another look at Jiang Dongfang, "Dongfang, I gave Wanyue to you!" You have to take good care of her for me along the way! Don't let her suffer."

"Hehe! Auntie, don't worry! I will." Jiang Dongfang agreed.

"Haha! You don't have to be uncles or aunts today, do you? Su Huaide stood behind Sun Mingxuan. He laughed and said, "Is it really difficult to call your father-in-law and mother-in-law? Haha!"

Jiang Dongfang and Su Wanyue listened to Su Huaide's words, and both of them blushed and lowered their heads together...

The next morning, Tan Le, Xue Yang and Yutong set out from Liling Village; Zhang Zhentian, Jiang Dongfang, Su Tianxing and Su Wanyue set out from Su Jiaji with Fang Kun; they embarked on the road to northern Xinjiang respectively. Although the purpose of their trip is different, what will happen to them in northern Xinjiang...