Magic World

Chapter 41 Prepare for War

The Capricorn received the letter from the orc's guard. When he finished reading it, his eyebrows were locked tighter. Although the Yuhuaide party in Yanzhou City has been cleaned up, this does not mean that there are no other orc agents in Yanzhou City. Naturally, this letter was written by the orc spy and transmitted by the carrier pigeon.

The content of the letter is no different from what Yu Qun said to Zhang Zhentian. He also told him that the army of Dongyi was on its way to support Yanzhou under the leadership of Shoutian Zheng in the ink city. However, the date of the military allocation and march of Dongyi Kingdom in the letter is more detailed than that mentioned by Yu Qun and Zhang Zhentian. It said that Tian Zheng brought about 10,000 Dongyi troops this time, including 500 merchant sheep cavalry. And what shocked me most was the 500-man merchant cavalry.

Although this merchant sheep cavalry has the word sheep in its name, it is actually not a sheep, but a bird. This is a huge bird that is good at using water spells. Moreover, this kind of bird is a specialty of Dongyi, which does not exist anywhere else. Moreover, it is gentle and can be domesticated by the original. In previous wars, the Orc Legion had suffered the losses of the merchant sheep cavalry, so they still remember this kind of bird cavalry.

"Go and find He Lanqing for me!" The letter was closed, and he issued an order directly to the guard, regardless of the time it was midnight. And after listening to the words of the soldier, he did not dare to delay and went straight to He Lanqing's tent.

After a while, He Lanqing appeared in the tent of the brocium. First, he motioned He Lanqing to sit down, and then he handed over two letters from Hu Yanping and Yanzhou to He Lanqing, "Come and have a look at these letters!"

He Lanqing received the letter, he read it carefully, and his face couldn't help but change. He thought for a moment, and then said to the Capricorn, "General, it seems that we are in a bad situation."

"Yes!" He answered bluntly, "It seems that we really have to hurt the original people of Yanyun Kingdom this time. They actually went to Dongyi to ask for rescue troops to deal with us.

"Although those bird soldiers of Dongyi are powerful, they are not without a way to deal with them." He Lanqing listened to Capricorn's words. Although he knew that the situation had become worse, he was still unconvinced and replied, "If we don't fight and deal with it with it with crossbows, they have nothing to fear!"

"I'm worried that they will attack our food lane with merchant cavalry." The Capricorn replied, "And this time, the Dongyi people actually sent 500 merchant sheep cavalry. It seems that they are also very urgent to save the heart of Yanyun Kingdom."

"That's natural. If we take Yanzhou and then advance from Yanzhou to the southeast, there will be no mountain or river barrier in Dongyi. Then the cavalry of our northern country can naturally step into their Zizhou. He Lanqing replied proudly, "It's just the general. If they really send the merchant sheep cavalry to cut off our food, we are indeed not prepared. If it really doesn't work, let's ask His Majesty for reinforcements!"

"Alas! That's good." He nodded, "Originally, I wanted to rely on our own strength to deal with these original people. At present, there is really nothing we can do. However, I heard that the war on the Western Front is also progressing smoothly. That's it! You go there in person and go to my father's camp. Let him send a hundred gale cavalry to assist us.

"Okay!" Hearing the words of He Lanqing, he immediately got up. The strong wind is the same as the commercial sheep, which is also the name of the bird. Unlike Shangyang, Dafeng is good at using wind spells and grows in the northwest border of the Xia Empire. However, this kind of bird likes orcs and hates the original. Therefore, orcs can drive them as mounts, but the originals will have disaster when they see them.

At noon the next day, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun received the latest information from Yanzhou. The army of Dongyi has arrived east of Yanzhou. It will take them about three days to arrive in Yanzhou smoothly. In this regard, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun are naturally extremely happy. Soon after, the original soldier in charge of monitoring the eight-sided slope road sent bad news to Zhang Zhentian. They found that the orc army had mobilized a large number of civilian husbands to reorganize the blocked passages and level the roads on eight slopes. It seems that these orcs will stay for a long time.

In this case, Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun had to discuss it again. Both of them think that waiting for reinforcements is a problem on the one hand, and on the other hand, they must put more pressure on the orcs. Now it is impossible to find another way to block the eight-sided slope. The orcs are bound to increase their defense. Finally, the two of them decided to lead the army out of the camp to fight against the orcs, and the orcs went out to fight with their own side. Anyway, there are more original soldiers than orcs now, and the originals also have a lot of long-range equipment. Even if the orcs are afraid of fighting, they can use the advantage of long-range weapons to kill some orcs or destroy their defense facilities.

Since Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun have unified their opinions, the preparations for the battle are also in full swing. In the afternoon, Yao Xiu came to see Zhang Zhentian again. What she cares about is that Zhang Zhentian's clothes don't fit. After a comparison, she took the clothes back to modify them.

And Zhang Zhentian is also happy that Yao Xiu looks like this. Otherwise, she pestered herself to go out hunting all day, or running around, which really made him feel helpless. Throughout the afternoon, Zhang Zhentian stayed in his tent. Except for Yao Xiu's time when he changed his clothes, no one else came to disturb him. After all, Yuqun would take care of the military affairs in the camp. He didn't need Zhang Zhentian to think about it, and he was happy to be free. He also used this time to practice his skills.

On the other side of the war, the orcs are also stepping up their preparations. Although the passage of the eight-sided slope was cut off by the original people. However, there are still nearly 10,000 troops in the orc battalion. It's just that the current orc army is not a typical nomadic army. Most of their soldiers are also infantry. This is determined by the terrain and road conditions of the eight-sided slope.

In the evening, Heliankun, the orc general responsible for guarding the camp, walked into the tent of the camp. He bowed to the camp and said, "General! Today, people who were sent to patrol the periphery of the camp and monitor the original camp came back and said that their original people were repairing their remote equipment. According to them, they should have put wheels on those instruments.

"Whires?" After listening to Heliankun's words, his face changed a little, "Can those people see it clearly? Is the original man really installing wheels on their remote equipment?

"Yes!" Heliankun replied.

"Their equipment should have been equipped with wheels, but now they are equipped with wheels?" The Capricorn muttered in his mouth. Although the orcs are not good at the manufacture and use of remote equipment, the war with the original man naturally saw the original man's equipment. He knew that the original man's equipment was usually equipped with wheels, which made it easier for them to move on the road. And it is indeed a puzzling thing to put the wheels on something that originally had wheels.

In fact, this matter is not worth thinking about. In the eyes of modern people in the world of the earth, this is the most normal thing. If a heavy instrument wants to travel well in the mountains, on the one hand, it has a large number of wheels, and on the other hand, it is better to have tracks outside its wheels. Naturally, people know about the former. They don't know about the latter, but Jiang Dongfang knows. Therefore, under the arrangement of Jiang Dongfang, the original people are actually placing leather tracks for remote equipment, not just the wheels that the orcs think.

After dark, Zhang Zhentian and the two generals in the camp gathered together again. They have studied tomorrow's battle plan in detail. After all, when attacking the orc camp, it is impossible for the orcs to not respond at all. If the original soldiers just lined up and shouted down. But the originals used long-range machinery, and the orcs did not have anything suitable to deal with, so they would inevitably send cavalry out of their camp to fight against the originals. Zhang Zhentian and Guiqun must consider the safety of remote equipment, otherwise, they will work together tomorrow.