Magic World

Chapter 57 Qiu Lin's Plan

The news that Shanbei Camp was lost and died in the battle soon spread to Shuozhou. Naturally, the war report of the cartel stationed in Shuozhou was naturally reported on the front line, and he couldn't help crying about the death of the cartel cartel. In any case, tachment is also his half-brother, and his family affection is still constantly cut. Of course, the death of carboxy is not a good thing for carboxy. On the one hand, he has one less opponent to compete for the succession to the throne in the future, and on the other hand, his father will also take his defeat and escape from the eight slopes alone. At least, his father will no longer blame him for his defeat. And he will be asked to rectify another army and come out to fight against the original army and avenge the carboxy.

Things are also as expected. On the fifth day when the news of the death of the battle spread to Shuozhou, the edict of the monarch of the northern country arrived in Shuozhou. In the imperial edict, it was nothing more than encouraging the ensignment, and at the same time allowing the ensignment to mobilize the army near Shuozhou to go with him. Let him take the crime and avenge his death.

After the person who conveyed the will of the dragonfly left, the dragonfly took the orc generals of Shuozhou, as well as Tan Le, Xue Yang and Yutong, all three of them to the council chamber. He wanted to discuss with everyone how to send troops to attack the original army and avenge the dragonfly.

"General, although this land of Shuozhou is a frontier, it is not a key area defended by our army. There are not many troops here." After listening to the words, He Lanqing stood up and said uneasily, "I have seen it these days. There are only 3,000 troops stationed in Shuozhou, and half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. Even if you take them all to Bamian slope, it's not enough to fight with the original army.

"General He Lan is right!" Gai Louluo, the general of Shuozhou, stood up and said, "Our Shuozhou faces the mountains. Although the opposite is Yunzhou, the important town of Yanyun, it is not conducive to the use of troops. Therefore, this has not always been the focus of my king's defense.

"Alas! It seems that my father still has some punishment for my previous defeat. After listening to the words of the two generals, he sighed and then whispered, "Generals, what can you do to recruit the right army to fight with us?"

"It's too difficult!" He Lanqing shook his head. These orcs are like the nomads in the earth world. They are straightforward and have few empty-headed people. Therefore, He Lanqing's words did not make the Capricorn feel much embarrassed.

"Unless all the cattle and sheep in Shuozhou can be turned into soldiers, we really have no soldiers." Zhu Lie, the deputy general of Shuozhou, also spoke.

"Turn cattle and sheep into soldiers?" Although he knew that the corpse Zhulie said an angry word, he still repeated the words of the corpse Zhulie, "If these cattle and sheep can really become our soldiers, it will also be a huge wealth for us!"

"Three princes, in fact, you don't have to worry too much." At this time, Qiu Linluo stood up with a smile and said, "After all, Your Majesty did not let the last general lead the gale cavalry back to his camp. This shows that Your Majesty is still very confident in the third prince. He said this and looked at Tan Le again. Then, he turned his eyes back to the Capricorn. "Third prince, do you remember what happened when you first met Hero Tan?"

"With Brother Tan?" After listening to Qiu Linluo's words, he also turned his eyes to Tan Le. He thought for a while, and then said, "Do you mean that Brother Tan saved me from the mouth of the saber-toothed tiger?"

"Yes!" Qiu Linluo looked at Tan Le and replied, "I just don't know if Hero Tan is willing to help the three princes share their worries..."

"Ha ha, General Qiu Lin. What are you talking about?" After listening to Qiu Linluo's words, Tan Le waved his hand and got up and said, "As long as I can help, I will definitely do my best!" What do you want me to do? Just say it directly!"

"That's good!" Qiu Linluo nodded, "I also saw Tan Hero's behavior that day. It must be true that you are a poor family."

"Yes!" Tan Le nodded.

"I also know this." Yuqi also replied, "Brother Tan has never concealed this matter."

"Ha ha, that's the problem." Qiu Linluo replied with a smile, "The wolves, tigers and leopards on the nearby ground were all controlled by the poor people in ancient times. Moreover, in detail, they are all directly related. I just don't know, Hero Tan, are you..." At this point, Qiu Linluo just looked at Tan Le and laughed, but he didn't go on.

"Do you mean that you want me to recruit those wolves, insects, tigers and leopards to join the army for the use of Brother Zhai?" Tan Le seemed to understand Qiu Linluo's words, and he blurted out the words, "However, I am poor and strange, but I have never been in touch with them. How can they believe me?"

"This is easy to do!" After Qiu Linluo finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at the Capricorn, "The third prince, you must also know that our Bei people's physique is not suitable for practicing spells. And these wolves, insects, tigers and leopards must cultivate their aura if they want to start. In this regard, the original people are much more helpful to them than us. However, to help them cultivate their aura, the original people have to give up their lives, which is what most of the original people are unwilling to do. Speaking of this, Qiu Linluo turned her eyes back to Tan Le, Xue Yang and Li Tong. When he saw the three people nodding together, he continued to say, "If you can give an order, as long as the wolf, insect, tiger and leopard family who participates in the war can catch the original people suitable for their cultivation. No matter the level of the original official rank belongs to them, I think they will be willing to participate in the war. If after the war, you promise to grant them the nearby mountains as their territory and allow them to become the nationality of the North, I think they must be willing. Now that there is Tan Hero to help you be a lobbyist, I don't think they have any reason to object.

"Ha ha, after listening to General Qiu Lin's words, it's a little meaningful." After listening to Qiu Linluo's words, he nodded. Then, he turned his eyes to Tan Le, "It's just that Brother Tan came from Dongyi. The wolf worm family here may not buy Brother Tan's account. In case something happens again, it's still not appropriate! Let's just talk about it. Let's think of another way."

"That's right!" He Lanqing also answered, "Let those wolves, insects, tigers and leopards be naturalized. What are we citizens in the north?" Are we really like that with the yellow monkey? What kind of orcs are we?

"Hehe! I think General Qiu Lin's words make sense. It's just a little difficult to operate!" Gai Louluo smiled and helped He Lanqing. After all, Qiu Linluo is the monarch of the Northern Kingdom. If he annoys Qiu Linluo, it will not be good for He Lanqing in the future.

"All right! Let's go back!" He waved his hand and said, "Think about it again, what can we do to recruit the army..."

"Brother Yu! Don't think about it." Tan Le interrupted at this time, "There are not many troops of the northern people near Shuozhou. What can you do? That's it! General Qiu Lin is right. I think I'll go there. Maybe those tigers and leopards are really willing to help us! Besides, it must be not easy for them to hurt me!"

"Brother Tan, if you are willing to go, we will go with you." Xue Yang and Li Tong looked at each other, and they also stood up.

"Well..." He looked at the three people with a smile, "If you are willing to go, it's naturally good! But if there are no generals from the north, I'm afraid these wolfworms won't believe it.

"Three Princes! I made the suggestion. I'll go with Hero Tan!" After listening to their words, Qiu Linluo stood up again and bened for his life loudly.

"Good! Since General Qiu Lin is willing to join me, I believe we will definitely achieve success!" Seeing Qiu Linluo standing upright beside him, Tan Le patted Qiu Linluo on the shoulder warmly, and then answered loudly.

"That's good! Since Brother Tan and General Qiu Lin are willing to sacrifice their lives to avenge their brothers, I will no longer be polite. He stood up and saluted Tan Le and Qiu Linluo, as well as Xue Yang and Yutong, "Tonight, I will host a banquet for the heroes and generals! Tomorrow, you will start to help me persuade the nearby spiritual clans to join us, and we will complete this great cause of eliminating the original people together!"

"Good!" Everyone in the hall listened to the words and shouted together, "The people of the north must rise!" The original man will be destroyed!"