Magic World

Chapter 72 Camp Battle 1

At sunset, the Yan Yun soldiers guarding the camp wall naturally reported the news that the cattle and sheep in the distance returned to the periphery of the camp to Zhang Zhentian and the concubines. Although the two of them did not know what was going on outside the camp, the cattle and sheep that had turned north turned back to the direction of the camp, which could not help but alert them.

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun each took their own soldiers to inspect the camp. Then, the two of them met on the wall of the camp and exchanged information about the direction of their respective inspection. It seems that these migrating cattle and sheep are very regular. They only appear on the west side of Yanyun Camp, and there are no cattle and sheep in other areas.

"Mr. Zhang, it looks like they were driven over." After the two exchanged the situation, the group pondered and said to Zhang Zhentian, "It doesn't look good to be able to drive away such a large area of cattle and sheep."

"Some time ago, I heard Lord Tian and General Tao Zhu say that they met three spiritual people when chasing the Capricorn, and it is said that all three of them are very powerful." After listening to the words of the concubine, Zhang Zhentian thought and said, "According to Lord Tian, they should have come from the Su family."

"Yes!" Yu Qun answered, "At that time, Lord Tian Zheng said so. However, he is not exactly what he said. Therefore, we didn't pursue it too much."

"Actually, if Lord Tian is right, then I may really know these people." After Zhang Zhentian finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the concubine, "I guess they are my old acquaintances, Langling Tan Le, Li Ling Xue Yang and Li Tong. According to Fang Kun and others, Tan Le may have become poor.

"Poor Qi?" Yuqun smiled and said, "Ha ha, that's what Lord Tian Zheng said, but I don't think it's credible!" That thing has not been seen for thousands of years. If there is really poverty in the world, will there be seven other gods? After saying that, he put his arm on the wall and said, "Mr. Zhang, according to the ancient book, they Baiyue people have the skill of summoning Xuanniao. If there is really poverty in the world, then can't Baiyue people summon Xuanniao?

"Xuanniao..." Zhang Zhentian listened to the words of the concubine group, and repeated it in a low voice, but did not say more. He knew in his heart that there were not only poverty in the world, but also mysterious birds. But Zhang Zhentian knows this poor strange and mysterious bird. They all come from the earth world. Maybe it's not just a coincidence, is it?

"Mr. Zhang and General Xiang, they are no longer moving forward." Following the soldiers next to Zhang Zhentian and the concubine, they found that the cattle and sheep outside the camp had stopped moving forward. They pointed to the cattle and sheep in the distance and said loudly.

"It seems that they don't mean to hit our camp today." Zhang Zhentian looked out in the direction of his own soldiers' fingers, and the cattle and sheep had stopped moving forward. They are stranded about three miles away from Yanyun Camp to rest.

"I guess they are tired." The group looked at the cattle and sheep and said, "Mr. Zhang, I don't think it's their intention to hit our camp."

"Yes!" Zhang Zhentian nodded, "Let Dongfang prepare more!" Let the infantry in the camp prepare bows and arrows. I think there will be a fierce battle tomorrow.

"Yes! Mr. Zhang. Hearing this, Yu Qun immediately nodded, "I'll do it right away!" After saying that, he immediately turned around and left to find Jiang Dongfang.

The night is still as quiet as before. It's just that Yan Yun's camp looks so calm that it's actually not calm. Yan Yun's soldiers were nervously preparing for the battle under the command of Yuqun, Jiang Dongfang and the generals in the battalion. Although this battle looks ridiculous to them. Because their opponents are not the army of orcs, but a large number of cattle and sheep.

The next day, as soon as it was dawn, the cattle and sheep outside the camp began to move. They moved slowly towards the Yanyun camp, and then rushed up quickly. Seeing this, the soldiers guarding the battalion immediately reported the movements of cattle and sheep outside the battalion to Zhang Zhentian and Xiang Qun.

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun listened to the movements of the cattle and sheep outside the camp. They did not dare to delay at all. They immediately took the generals in the camp to the camp wall. As soon as Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun stood on the wall, the cattle and sheep outside the camp launched a fierce attack on the original camp!

"launch!" Behind the wall, Jiang Dongfang issued the order to attack according to Zhang Zhentian's order. The crossbows and catapults stationed on the bull chariot behind the wall attacked the cattle and sheep outside the camp. Similarly, heavy crossbows and catapers placed behind the wall also opened fire on the cattle and sheep outside the camp!

Under the attack of the original man's crossbow cannon and catapult, the cattle and sheep rushed to the original camp and were immediately knocked down. Although they suffered a slam attack from the original people in the front, this did not stop them from moving forward. They are still desperate to charge the original camp.

"Arche and arrow ready!" Seeing that the cattle and sheep were not afraid of the original crossbow attack, he immediately issued an order to the infantry generals behind him. The infantry generals got the order of the group, and they immediately prepared to go separately. As the cattle and sheep continued to approach, the infantry on the wall and behind the wall immediately cast bows and arrows on the cattle and sheep outside the camp. The cattle and sheep fell another large area under the attack of infantry bows and arrows. However, this still failed to stop their footsteps, and they were still desperate to rush to the original camp.

"Firearm!" Seeing this, the group issued a new order. The original soldiers on the wall obeyed his order and threw items such as torches and boiling oil outside the camp. At the same time, Jiang Dongfang's equipment troops and infantry archers also began to fire crossbows or * outside the camp. The reason why there are so many firearms in Yanyun Camp is also due to the Baiyue army that came to support them. After all, the Baiyue army is good at using firearms and fire spells, so they also have a large number of fire objects in their camp.

The cattle and sheep finally showed fear under the fire attack of the original people. Their attack also stopped, and then they began to move to both sides of the camp. Ha ha! General Sun, it seems that your firearms still work for these cattle and sheep. Seeing that the cattle and sheep rushed wildly and were intercepted by firearms, Zhang Zhentian turned around and cast a grateful look at the Baiyue Lord beside him.

"Haha!" Sun Yue, the leader of Baiyue's support for Yanyun Camp, listened to Zhang Zhentian's words. He laughed and replied, "Mr. Zhang is too modest! Our Yanyun and Dongyi troops are still brave, otherwise they can't resist the attacks of the orcs. We Baiyue people are just fighting beasts! Haha."

"Ha ha, after this war, I don't think there will be a shortage of beef and mutton in our camp." Qian Junyi, the general of Baiyue, also joked, "Mr. Zhang, after this war, you should prepare more wine to treat everyone to have a good meal."

"Haha! That's natural." Zhang Zhentian answered happily after hearing this. But at this time, there was a strong wind from behind the cattle and sheep. Then, under the strong wind, the fire outside the original camp burned to the original camp.

"It's not good! Water!" Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun found that the fire outside the camp was burning towards their camp, and the two of them immediately woke up. The generals standing beside them listened to their words and immediately moved and prepared to go separately.

After Zhang Zhentian shouted, he immediately stood on the wall of the fortress and cast a water curtain out to prevent the fire from hitting the camp. At this time, a bird appeared in the sky. As they chirped, they flapped their wings and rushed to the original camp.

"Wind Cavalry!" The concubine narrowed his eyes and looked at the birds in the sky for a while. He shouted loudly to Zhang Zhentian beside him, "Mr. Zhang! It's an orc! Orc's gale cavalry!"

"Prepare!" Zhang Zhentian continued to release water spells out and shouted, "Be careful to resist! Pay attention to resist the gale cavalry in the air! Notify Jiang Dongfang! The crossbow is ready!"

In the sky, the gale cavalry, under the command of Qiu Linluo, launched a raid on the original camp. However, the crossbows in the original camp kept casting crossbows into the sky under the command of Jiang Dongfang! Under the attack of the original man's crossbow arrows, Qiu Linluo and his gale cavalry did not dare to fly close to the original man's camp at low altitude.

Outside the camp, the cattle and sheep began to attack the original camp again. Behind the cattle and sheep, the roar of tigers and wolves also came!