Magic World

Chapter 74 Camp Battle 3

After all, cattle and sheep are not regular armies. In the battle with the original army, they gradually blocked a new low wall at the gap of the wall with their corpses. At this time, the saber-toothed tigers and prairie wolves behind the cattle and sheep finally got a chance, and they stepped on the bodies of the cattle and sheep and appeared in front of the original soldiers.

For the original soldiers, the grassland wolf did not cause any psychological shock to them. After all, the guards at the gap of the wall are all from Yanyun, but the saber-toothed tiger is different. Even Yan Yun soldiers rarely see this kind of beast. To be more precise, people who have seen such beasts as saber-toothed tigers have basically died.

"Everyone hold on!" Xue Jin and Tao Zhu waved their blades to kill the rushing grassland wolves and saber-toothed tigers at the gap of the wall, while shouting to make the soldiers move forward. Although Yan Yun's soldiers were not afraid of death, their horses were still afraid of the sound and smell of the saber-toothed tiger, so the horses began to retreat.

"Gun array! Rush up." Ziqi pulled out the sword from his body, and he pointed to the gap of the wall, and the spear soldiers who followed him got orders. They rushed out from behind the shield wall composed of knives and shields, and then formed a gun array to attack the gap of the fortress wall. Ziwei knew that if these tigers and wolves were released into the camp, although the shield wall composed of knives and shield soldiers and spear soldiers could also block their attack. However, if there is an army of cattle, sheep or orcs behind it, his men will be unable to stop their attack. In this case, it's better to take the lead and lead the soldiers to attack the tigers and wolves together.

"orc soldiers! It's time to defend your honor!" The Capricorn waved the big shackle in his hand and issued an order to attack the orc army that followed him. This time, he attacked the Yanyun camp with Tan Le. He not only gathered 3,000 soldiers in Shuozhou, but also mobilized more than 2,000 people from his own territory. In addition, he spent a lot of money to buy 5,000 troops from other orc tribes. Therefore, this attack on Yanyun camp was also regarded as his own and ruined. .

The orc soldiers were ordered to follow the tiger and wolf clan, and they rushed to the gap of the Yanyun camp wall. At the gap of the wall, the two soldiers are now completely fighting in one place, and the corpses at the gap of the wall are almost as high as the wall.

Although Tan Le recruited the tigers and wolves and the orc army, the cattle and sheep who fought for them were forced to participate in the war. When the tigers, wolves and orcs fought with the original people, these uncontrollable cattle and sheep began to flee. Because of this, the original people in the camp got a respite. More original troops surrounded the gap of the wall from all directions of the camp. In particular, Baiyue Camp, which is not far from Yanyun Camp, also sent reinforcements to Yanyun Camp. The western battalion of the orcs is now removed and burned by the original people; their Peking battalion and the Yanyun battalion are separated by the Baiyue battalion, so the army of the orcs' Peking battalion cannot move even to support the Capricorn. The war stood together, but now it has become a situation where the orcs are powerful but have no military help. The original people are weak but have enough soldiers.

Two armies fought until dark. Although the orc army had penetrated into the original camp with the support of the tiger and wolf clan, they failed to control the original camp. Although Tan Le and the gale cavalry flying in the sky caused great chaos to the original army, they failed to disintegrate the original people's will to fight. Speaking of which, it's actually simple. Because the original army in the vicinity has won a series of victories, their morale is very high, and it is difficult for them to disintegrate their morale by a handful of elite troops.

In the battle, Tan Le was also slightly injured under the attack of the original crossbow cannon and bow and arrow, and Qiu Linluo's gale cavalry was also killed and injured. Seeing that the battle was too late, and although he had taken the initiative on the battlefield, he could never get reinforcements, and the original people's army seemed to be constantly replenishing, so he had to hesitate to order his troops to withdraw from the battle. After all, he also knew that if he fought again another day, he would not have cattle and sheep to help him attack the original camp, and if it was a death war today, it would be difficult for him to seize the original camp. Moreover, with the passage of time, it is unknown whether those tigers and wolves will collapse like cattle and sheep.

At midnight, the armies of the two sides were completely out of contact. The orc army withdrew from the Yanyun camp, and then they retreated to a position five miles away from the Yanyun camp. Under the leadership of Zhang Zhentian, Yuqun and Sun Yue, they strengthened the wall and dug a new defense ditch overnight. Similarly, they also sent letters of assistance to other original camps nearby and Yanzhou. After all, the greatest advantage of the original man in war is that there are many others, and they don't have to be as constrained as orcs.

After all this was done, the sun showed its head from the east. However, Zhang Zhentian, Yu Qun and Sun Yue were not sleepy at all. Under the arrangement of the three of them, the other generals in the camp went back to their tents to rest. The three of them gathered again in the tent of the concubine to study how to deal with the poor Tanle.

"General Sun! Do you think there is any way to deal with Qiongqi? The three of them drank tea for a while, and Zhang Zhentian looked at Sun Yue with expectation.

"This..." Sun Yue listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and his face showed embarrassment. "This poor strange opposite us is actually not an adult. Therefore, it is not very difficult to deal with him. It's just that we are now in the land of Yanyun, and we lack a lot of things to catch fire. Moreover, he is now helped by the big windbird. Between us, there is another situation of enemy attack and defense. If we attack with fire, I'm afraid it's really difficult to burn him to death!"

"General Sun, what else can you do?" After listening to Sun Yue's words, he couldn't help frowning. Just after World War I, their camp was almost burned by the strong wind blown by Qiqi and the windbird. If you still use fire to attack, I'm afraid you'll burn down all your camps!

"Ha ha!" Sun Yue smiled miserably, "There is a way! That's calling the blackbird.

"Call for the blackbird?" Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun looked at Sun Yue in surprise.

"Yes! Call for the blackbird. Sun Yue repeated. After saying that, he looked at Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun and shook his head again, "It's just that we are now in the land of Yanyun, and the black bird is our southern god bird. I'm afraid you can't hear them even if you call them. What's more, there is no mysterious bird in this world.

"No blackbird?" Zhang Zhentian listened to Sun Yue's words and asked rhetorical questions. He wanted to say, how can there be no blackbird? Kong Xiaoyin is not a black bird. However, he knew that Sun Yue and others did not know the existence of Kong Xiaoyin, so he still suppressed the following words.

"Yes! It is said that in the ancient wars, the ancient gods in these spiritual clans were sealed by our original mages. There are blackbirds in this sealed ancient gods. Sun Yue replied, "Although we Yue people and barbarians in the south will summon the magic of Xuannia. However, it is just to deceive the world. What is summoned is just the illusion of the blackbird.

"The illusion of the blackbird?" Zhang Zhentian continued to ask.

"Yes!" Sun Yue replied, "In the senior mages of our southern barbarian and Yue clan, they know how to summon the magic of Xuannia. Although the summoned blackbird is an illusion, it is said to have a certain attack ability. Therefore, it is said that in the eyes of you northerners, it is still very realistic.

"Is there such a thing?" After listening to Sun Yue's words, Zhang Zhentian turned his eyes to the group. When Yu Qun saw Zhang Zhentian looking at him, he replied with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, these strange theories are not enough to believe everything! After all, there are not many people who can do that kind of spells in their barbarians and Yue land, and it is said that people who can do that kind of spells are innately psychic characteristics, and it is not that deep spells can summon more powerful illusions.

"Yes!" Sun Yue listened to Yuqun's words and nodded and said, "General Yu is right! However, I know that one person in our camp has such ability. It's just that when the two of us are alone, we use it occasionally to relieve boredom.

"Real?" Zhang Zhentian heard what Sun Yue said, and he still felt excited for a while, "General Sun! Who is that man? How big can the blackbird he summons be?

"Hehe! It's just that big." Sun Yue smiled and measured an inch-sized range with his hand, "that is, it's funny when they get together. There is no practical use."

"Haha! Then can he make this bird bigger? After listening to this, Zhang Zhentian laughed, but he did not give up to continue to ask questions.

"If Mr. Zhang is interested, I will find someone to find him." After Sun Yue finished speaking, he shouted to the soldiers outside the tent, "Go! Go and invite General Qian Junyi."