Magic World

Chapter 97 Scouting the Valley

Let's not talk about how to defend their camp, but also Tao Zhu and Xue Jin have led their troops to the northernmost part of the mountain under the leadership of Qiu Linluo. Because Tao Zhu and Xue Jin's original cavalry were all armored with orcs, and their faces were painted green with dye before they appeared, coupled with Qiu Linluo and orc cavalry, they did not arouse the suspicion of the orc herdsmen on the way. Naturally, no one will report the original army going deep into the orc pastoral area.

At the northern end of the mountain, as Qiu Linluo said, there is a secret mountain road leading to the center of the mountain. Tao Zhu and Xue Jin led the soldiers into the mountains under the guidance of Qiu Linluo. At the same time, they also sent scouts to the original camp. They need to inform Zhang Zhentian, who is facing the convalence in front of the valley, that their army has reached the northernmost point of the mountain.

Outside the valley, Zhang Zhentian and Qiqun were not too difficult. As usual, the two armies went outside the valley every morning to fight against them. Han Tianhu naturally locked up and couldn't stick to it. Because Han Tianhu is the original man and he is familiar with the original man's tactics, so when the original man's bull chariot or heavy equipment are ready to make a long-range attack, Han Tianhu will command his orc soldiers to hide. When the original soldiers are ready to attack the fortress, he will command the soldiers to return to their respective combat positions. As a result, the two sides were glued outside the orcs' valley camp for several days, and neither of them could get any advantage from each other.

At this time, the Capricorn and his army had penetrated into the territory of the Southern King. Here, the Capricorn found a suitable place to rebuild the camp. Because the withdrawal of his army is not far from the time when the original army attacked the salam, the salamy also had to make a gesture for the orcs. That is, he is going to stop here and prepare to return to the army to rescue the man who is fighting in the valley.

After all, he is the son of Tuoqi. If the war is killed, but the war will not be saved. He will definitely leave a bad impression on the people of the king of the south. For the carricorn, this is not worth the loss. In the new camp, the Capricorn received a letter from the Western Front camp again. In the letter, it has been clearly stated that there is something wrong with the body. Now the orc army on the Western Front is negotiating with the originals. Therefore, the civil and military officials around the Western Front also hope that the Eastern Front will talk to the original people. They hope that the tattle can wait for the body to recover before leading troops to fight with the original people.

After reading the letter, he did not make a sound. After all, his goal has not been achieved, and it is too early to talk about a complete truce. He knew that as long as he was given a few days to half a month, the original army would definitely be able to take down the orc's camp in the valley and help him fulfill his wish to get the territory of the king of the South.

Time has passed a few days in procrastination. The two armies of Tao Zhu and Xue Jin have quietly approached the orc camp in the valley under the leadership of Qiu Linluo. They found a slightly wider location north of the orc camp and set up the camp. That night, Qiu Linluo led some of his soldiers to quietly leave the camp and groped for the orc camp. However, less than an hour later, Qiu Linluo returned to the camp with his soldiers. When Tao Zhu and Xue Jin saw that Qiu Linluo came back so quickly, they knew that the orc camp in front of them must have changed. After the two found Qiu Linluo, they asked with concern, "General Qiu Lin, how is the situation ahead?"

"Alas!" Qiu Linluo sighed first, then shook his head and said, "The sly fox is a cunning fox!" He has re-stationed the camp and repaired the camp wall and other things. Before I left the camp, the gaps and looseness deliberately reserved on the camp wall have been repaired by him.

"So, we can't easily pass through their wall?" Tao Zhu looked at Qiu Linluo and asked with concern.

"Yes!" Qiu Linluo looked at Tao Zhu with embarrassment and then nodded, "But General Tao, don't worry! I dug a tunnel near my previous tent, but I didn't find it! It's just that the tunnel is too narrow to pass through the army. If a few soldiers sneak in and out, there is no problem.

"That's good!" Xue Jin listened to Qiu Linluo's words and said, "Since there is already a defense in the camp, we might as well wait for Mr. Zhang and General Yu's army to fight with the army in front of Qiu Lin and send a few people in and find a way to destroy their wall."

"It's okay!" Qiu Linluo listened and had no choice but to agree. Then the three of them gathered together again and whispered to discuss. Before dawn, they dispersed and went back to their tents to rest.

The next night, in the mountains, a cluster of fires rushed to the sky. This is the signal agreed in advance by Tao Zhu and Zhang Zhentian. As long as Tao Zhu and Xue Jin arrive at the designated location and are properly placed, they will use letter bombs to inform the original People's Battalion that they can be ready to attack. The original soldier in charge of looking at the sky immediately reported the news to Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun immediately arranged for their generals to speed up the preparation for the war. At the same time, they also replied to Tao Zhu with letter bullets. This is equivalent to telling Tao Zhu that we have seen your signal, and at the same time, we also plan to launch a fierce attack on the orc camp recently.

Han Tianhu, who was responsible for inspecting the orc front camp, found the bullets in the original camp, but he did not find the bullets sent by Tao Zhu's camp. However, Han Tianhu still reported to the original man's use of bullets to communicate with the army in the distance. After listening to Han Tianhu's words, although he didn't know where the original ambush was, he knew that the original was ready to fight. Therefore, he put on his armor and defended the orc's wall all night, but the original army did not attack the orc's camp. At sunrise, he went back to the tent to sleep.

Shortly after the detachment, the Shang sheep cavalry of the Dongyi people appeared in the sky. When Han Tianhu saw the Shang sheep cavalry, he immediately ordered his soldiers to prepare bows and arrows. He knew that these Shang sheep cavalry were just spies sent by Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun before the attack. Their purpose is just to understand the distribution of troops in the orc camp. Without the support of infantry and cavalry, the Shang sheep cavalry will not attack their own camp.

The matter was also as Han Tianhu thought. The Shang sheep cavalry had to hover over the orc camp in batches, but they had no intention of attacking the orc camp. Therefore, in the towers and fortress walls of the orc camp, the orc soldiers could only shoot arrows randomly at the merchant sheep cavalry flying close to them; and the merchant sheep cavalry did not bother much when they saw the orcs from approaching their camp. In the evening, the merchant sheep cavalry flew away in three directions, and then they seemed to patrol in all directions and quietly returned to the camp.

Han Tianhu and the orc generals in the camp naturally reported the abnormal behavior of the sheep cavalry to the shackle. He listened to the report of Han Tianhu and the orc generals in the camp. He instinctively felt the danger. Combined with Han Tianhu telling him in the morning that he found that the original was transmitting the message with a letter bomb, he thought that the original people were likely to have set up an ambush beside his army. But where are these ambush soldiers? However, it has to be discussed in the long run.

After Tian Zheng and he led the Shang sheep cavalry back to the camp, he repeated everything he had seen in the sky during the day with Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun. At the same time, he also ordered people to draw a map of the valley where the orcs were trapped, and then put them in front of Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun.

Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun compared the difference between Tian Zheng's map and the previous map of Qiu Linluo, and then the two people couldn't help locking their eyebrows. It turned out that this man was not a simple-minded person. Now the orc's valley camp has become a hard bone that is easy to defend and difficult to attack under the management of the animal. But what he didn't know was that it was because of his shrewdness that he brought him more trouble. Because Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun will not reserve a difficult opponent for the original.