Magic World

Chapter 105 A trip to the North Sea 3

The next morning, Yao Guang ordered Yan Yun's army in the camp to pack up their tents and prepare to return to the North Sea. When Zhang Zhentian and Yu Qun saw Yao Guang's order, they also knew that Yao Guang had accepted their proposal. Therefore, the two of them also came to Yao Guang's tent and said goodbye to Yao Guang. After that, the three of them conspired again. Then, Zhang Zhentian and Qiqun returned to their camp.

"Go and invite General Sun and General Gusu!" After Zhang Zhentian returned to the camp, he immediately sent his own soldiers to find Sun Yue and Gu Susheng. When the latter heard that Zhang Zhentian was looking for the two of them, they naturally accepted the invitation and came to Zhang Zhentian's tent.

"General Sun, General Gusu, I see how fast your soldiers are moving! In just a little time, I think they have almost cleaned up the camp. Zhang Zhentian complimented as soon as he saw Sun Yue and Gu Susheng.

"Haha! What is this?" Sun Yue listened to Zhang Zhentian's words and replied with a smile, "We are here to fight, not for a vacation!" This march and war is an efficiency, and it is also a matter of them to act quickly.

"Hehe! General Sun said the same. Zhang Zhentian nodded with a smile, and then he said, "Yesterday, I went to the camp of Prince Yun Yao Guang. The prince also appreciates their talents, so he also wants you two to stay in his residence for a few days.

"This..." Sun Yue and Gu Susheng listened, and their faces were embarrassed. Finally, Sun Yue said, "Marquis, it's not that we don't want to go. However, when we go to Luoyi from here, we will not pass through the North Sea. If we delay for a few more days, I'm afraid my owner will ask us two questions.

"Hehe! I have already thought about this." After Zhang Zhentian finished speaking, he pointed casually on the map on the table, "This is our current location. This is Beihai!" At worst, we can just go there directly. He said, drawing a diagonal line on the map with his hand, "As long as we march like this, we can save a few days. When we arrive in the North Sea, we can also get supplies from the prince. If we go to Yanzhou, although it looks closer, I'm afraid that the troops of all countries are returning to the south on the road, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to go faster.

"Hmm. The marquis's words are very reasonable. After hearing this, Gu Susheng nodded, "It's just that if we go like this, we have to pass through the territory of Gaizhou. I'm afraid their orcs won't let us pass by, right?

"The orc? Presumably they don't want to be our enemy now!" Zhang Zhentian bounced casually on the map and said, "You and my army, plus the army of Prince Yun, and the army of the nearby Dongyi Kingdom, all marched in the southeast, and there are thousands of troops stationed in Gaizhou District. They certainly dare not do anything to us."

"This..." Sun Yue wanted to say something more. At this time, a Zhang Zhentian's personal soldier rushed in from the outside, "The marquis is not good! Our scouts reported that there was a collapse on both sides of the road directly back to Yanzhou. Our army can't return directly to Yanzhou now.

"What?" Zhang Zhentian's eyes widened with surprise, "What happened?"

"A few days ago, it rained heavily in the mountains. Therefore, the roads in the mountains are blocked by collapsed rocks. The soldiers answered respectfully.

"How did this happen?" Zhang Zhentian frowned after hearing this, "What about the eight-sided slope?"

"It's raining over there, and the road is still smooth. It's just that the road on eight slopes is narrow, and I'm afraid our army will move very slowly. The soldier replied.

"That's good! Go out." Zhang Zhentian retired his own soldiers, and then he shook his head and looked at Sun Yue and Gu Susheng. "Two generals, I'm afraid we can't go to the North Sea now."

"In that case, let's go back and prepare!" Sun Yue and Gu Susheng listened to Zhang Zhentian's words, and the two of them did not doubt. They immediately accepted Zhang Zhentian's request, and then left with Zhang Zhentian and went back to the camp.

In fact, the road from Yanbei River back to Yanzhou did collapse. But this collapse is far less serious than Zhang Zhentian's own soldiers said. And it was not others who caused this collapse, but Jiang Dongfang. After Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun led the army, Jiang Dongfang led another 30,000 troops. They rushed to the Yanbei River on the road from Yanzhou on a starry night. It's also God's beauty. After they got there, it rained heavily. Therefore, Jiang Dongfang and his bull chariots collapsed the mountains on both sides of the road without much effort. Then, they sent someone to pass the news to Zhang Zhentian, who was located in the Yanbeijiang camp. And Zhang Zhentian played a good play for Sun Yue and Gu Susheng.

After Sun Yue and Gu Susheng returned to the camp, they found that the road to Yanzhou in their camp had been blocked by mountains and rocks, and now their army is temporarily trapped in the northern border. Sun Yue and Gu Susheng, who knew that they could take advantage of the Beihai, naturally smiled at the rumor. Since everyone knew that the road back to Yanzhou was not clear, the two of them did not have to bother to send people to investigate. Anyway, in this way, it will not damage the kindness of Zhang Zhentian and Yao Guang, and they are naturally happy to accept the status quo.

Soon, Baiyue's main business sent scouts to Sun Yue and Gu Susheng. They are also asking about the Yanzhou road. Sun Yue and Gu Susheng directly replied to Baiyue's main business. Now that the road to Yanzhou has been cut off, the army can only return to China by Beihai. Baiyue got the news of the two of them and saw that their camp was ready to be pulled out. They did not continue to go south to check the situation of Yanzhou Road, and went straight back to the camp. In this way, soon, the nearby Huaiyi army and Dongyi army also got similar news. They saw that Yanyun and Baiyue's army had made plans to return to Yanyun from Beihai, so they did not investigate whether the road in Yanzhou was smooth, but also planned to take the North Sea and return home.

In this way, the army of more than 200,000 original people gathered around the Yanbei River was mobilized by Zhang Zhentian and Yuqun. After each battalion made plans to return from Beihai, they set off at the same time. Under the guidance of Yao Guang's Beihai elite, more than 200,000 original troops entered the Gaizhou territory. Gaizhou City is the only place where they march. Of course, for most of the original soldiers, they don't know this fact.

In Gaizhou City, an orc cavalry rushed to the Gaizhou government office. He turned over and got off his horse, and then quickly ran to the back of the government office. When he entered the back door of the government office, the guard guard in front of the door stopped him, "Who is it? What's the matter?"

"Quick! Go and find His Royal Highness!" The scout said breathlessly in the last period, "It's not good! The big deal is not good! The original army is ready to attack Gaizhou.

The lazy guard listened to him and pointed to the scout, "Wait here, I'll go!" After saying that, he asked the other guards to watch the scouts, and then he had to take three steps and two steps to run to the back hall. Soon, the ricket was rewarded by the guards, and then turned out from the back room.

"What did you say?" When he came to the back door, he looked at the scouts in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Prince! Your Highness, they... their original army is coming." The scout replied in horror.

"The original army?" It feels a little strange. For more than 100 years, only the orcs have attacked the original towns, but the original people rarely attacked the orcs' cities.

"Yes! Your Highness." The scout nodded, "I have read it carefully. Their army is overwhelming. It is estimated that there are at least 150,000 or 60,000 people.

"So much?" After listening to the words of the scouts, he was also shocked. Although the original man got the news that there are 80,000 orc troops in Gaizhou, in fact, there are less than 40,000 defenders in Gaizhou now. Because, since the Xia Emperor and the orc army on the western line have signed a peace treaty, the army of Yanyun will no longer compete with him on the east line. Therefore, after he collected back the orc troops stationed on the border, he also dismissed half of them home. The military system of the orcs is similar to that of the nomadic peoples of the earth world. Although their adult men can be soldiers, most of them are temporarily recruited, rather than the original country, where they will have a large number of standing troops.

"Yes! Your Highness." At this time, the scout stabilized his mind and nodded and said, "Now the original army is close to the Black Tiger Mountain. They are less than two days away from our state.

"Gun my order and gather the generals to prepare to meet the enemy!" After listening to the scout's words, he waved his hand and immediately issued an order.