Doomsday world

ESC130 is back safely

Looking at the approaching tentacle Yan Hucheng, he suddenly had an idea, "Go to death!" IELTS instantly accelerated the wave of the tentacles. Yan Hucheng began to half squat down and watched the approaching tentacles squat down and rush forward. What?" In IELTS, I was stunned when I saw Yan Hucheng's movements, but at that moment, Yan Hucheng had come to her. A long gun was inserted into the body of IELTS, and then it began to freeze from the part where the long gun was inserted, and then slowly began to spread to all parts of the body in IELTS.

"Why..." IELTS asked, "Why can you avoid such a perfect attack?" IELTS asked intermittently. The most perfect attack also has perfect loopholes, but ordinary people can't see it. Yan Hucheng said. Ha ha, right? ...You are really awesome." IELTS said that the whole body was frozen into ice, and then the ice sculpture began to slowly break and wither into ice slag. It's your turn next." Yan Hucheng said to face Zhang Siming and Gefir. You have won, and we don't need to fight now. Gfield said.

"Why are you scared?" Yan Hucheng said. Oh, do you think I will be afraid of you? Now I don't want my companions to die like this, and we are not in a complete state at all. Do you think it's really happy that victory even if you win in this state? Gefir said. Is it?" Yan Hucheng said and began to use spiritual power to detect their depth. Sure enough, but I want to save those people now, so don't stop me or I will kill you." Yan Hucheng looked at them and said angrily. Please do it yourself." Gefer flew to the broken body of IELTS and looked at the fragments. The broken ice pieces wrapped the fragments of the body of IELTS lay on the ground reflecting light in the dark sun. Without saying a word, Gefield silently put the fragments and put them in the energy mask and left with Zhang Siming.

During that period, Yan Hucheng kept watching the two of them until they left. After making sure that they both left, Yan Hucheng flew to the building and found that those people had just come out of it. Yan Xuanming, Tianxin and Zhang Yunxin look a little embarrassed, but they are in a good state. "Is it just a little monster? What makes you so tired?" Yan Hucheng asked. There are not only a large number of monsters, but also a lot of species. More importantly, the manipulating the corpse has really come back, and there is more than one. Zhang Yunxin said seriously. So is it really better this time than last time? Yan Hucheng said. I don't know, but we have to go back quickly now. This is not the place to talk. Zhang Yunxin said.

"Ye." Yan Hucheng opened the magic array and everyone came in. A strong light flashed them back to the Tibetan headquarters. This is the second basement floor. Their position is in the hall. There is a ready-made built magic array here, but it has been in the probation period and has not been put into use. This time, Yan Hu has become convenient and direct He flew here. At this time, Tiancheng came over and scolded Yan Hucheng, "Hey... What's wrong with you?" Yan Hucheng stopped Tiancheng's behavior and asked. Do you know that if you fly directly into this base, you will break the stable boundary that has not yet been built!!" Tiancheng shouted loudly. Ah... Well... Hahaha... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yan Hucheng smiled and was a little embarrassed after he understood. Do you know that it took me three days to build the boundary? Tiancheng said loudly. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. How about I finish it for you later? Yan Hucheng said.

"Good to say, do you know how many days are left?" Tiancheng asked anxiously. ...Sorry, I know, but there's nothing I can do... Well, I can speed up the construction of the boundary by taking the ice crystal." Yan Hucheng said. Why didn't you take it out earlier? Tiancheng asked. Ha... I've never remembered because I've been too busy with too many things. Yan Hucheng said. Forget it...ah... I also forgot that our Tianshi family was also forgotten by the crystal of the tears of the gods. Tiancheng patted his head and said. Do you think you are qualified to talk about me just now?" Yan Hucheng finally found a chance to fight back. Well, well, I'm going to find the tears of God. You can also find the ice crystal quickly. There is no time for us to waste now. Tiancheng said.

"Forget it, I'll report my work to the Prime Minister. Chairman, let's go." Yan Hucheng said. Uh-huh." Saying that Tiancheng left. That boundary doesn't matter." The chairman asked with concern. Haha, don't worry, it's okay." Yan Hucheng said with a smile. Oh, that's good. Where is the Prime Minister? The chairman asked. Well, come with me on the lower floor. Where are those people? Yan Hucheng asked. Let's keep up with it, and then assign it. Huafeng said. Well, that's it." Yan Hucheng took the lead and walked in front. Yan Xuanming, Tianxin and Zhang Yunxin followed Yan Hucheng. Behind them were the chairman, Hua Feng and Li Yunfei. Behind them were the surviving soldiers. They walked to the first floor vastly, because there were too many people to take the elevator, it was not a wise choice to take the central energy column. That is to say, the elevators on the right are all elevators for ordinary people, and those on the left are those that transport large lifts, tanks, soldiers and large weapons. This time, there were too many people, so I walked to the position of the elevator on the left. Yan Hucheng took out a card and swiped the door on it.

Everyone went in and said, "Why don't I have that card?" Yan Xuanming saw the card in Yan Hucheng's hand and asked. At present, these devices have not been officially put into use during the probation period, and they will not be equipped for you until they are officially put into use. Yan Hucheng said. Oh." Yan Xuanming didn't say much for a while. The space in the whole elevator is very large enough to accommodate five tanks at the same time. There are also many emergency facilities in the lifting device. Oxygen cylinders and food generate magic arrays. That is to put food in a different dimension and take out food from that phalanx in an emergency. Come on, emergency defense defense array, emergency attack array, emergency energy supply array. And the garbage discharge channel "is really comprehensive." Tianxin looked around and said.

"That's not to see who came up with it." Zhang Yun said with a proud smile. Did Aunt Tianxin come up with it? Tianxin said in surprise. Haha, of course." Zhang Yunxin said with a smile. You are really smart." Yan Hucheng said with a smile. Who said that there was a part of me." At this time, Phyllis's voice came from somewhere. That fox spirit!" Hearing that sound, Zhang Yunxin's face became very ugly and looked around. I'm here." At this time, Phyllis climbed out of the food production array. Oh, it turns out that you eat in it. Where can't you eat? You can't eat there. Zhang Yunxin said contemptuously.

"No... Because the alien space inside is a little abnormal, we just go in and have a look." At this time, Yan Xincheng's voice also came out of the inside, and Yan Xincheng also crawled out of the two people. Their bodies may be stuck there because they were too crowded and half of their bodies were exposed. "I said that you two actually took advantage of me working outside..." Zhang Yunxin became more and more angry. think too much..." Yan Xuanming was a little helpless when he saw Zhang Yunxin about to take him away. At the same time, he sighed helplessly when he saw the corners of his father's mouth twitching. Yes, yes, you think too much. Yan Xincheng said. You don't think too much. You're right. At this time, Phyllis hugged Yan Xincheng and kissed him.

"Don't...what are you doing..." Yan Xincheng grabbed Phyllis' body and pushed it out. Haven't you thought too much about it?" Zhang Yunxin clenched his fist to restrain his emotions. You really think too much. It's not what you think, and Phyllis, please pay attention to my image!" Yan Xincheng said. I don't care. I only like you. I don't care what other people think. Phyllis said. Ha... It's really troublesome. Can you let me come out first?" Yan Xincheng said. I want to, too," Phyllis said. The two of them got stuck there like that. I have a good idea. Do you want to try it? Zhang Yunxin said gloomly and slowly walked to the two of them, and grabbed their heads one by one and took them out. Wow..." Yan Xincheng and Phyllis shouted in pain.

Blood stains appeared from both sides of the waist. You want to kill me..." Yan Xincheng whispered. This is a punishment. I'll deal with you two later. After saying that, Zhang Yunxin threw the two of them out of the garbage discharge channel. Everyone's faces turned blue when they saw that scene. No one dares to speak in the lifting device for fear of throwing himself out rudely. Finally, after a 'long' rise, they finally rose from the second basement to the first basement. The Prime Minister's Office is not far ahead and I'll go there for you. Yan Hucheng said. Sorry to bother you." The chairman said.

Yan Hucheng walked to the front and walked through the luxurious walkway. In the aisle, many people in black stood aside to greet him. Within a few minutes, they walked to the Prime Minister's Office. The Prime Minister and the Chairman are here. Yan Hucheng knocked on the door and said. The chairman is back. Please come in. As soon as the prime minister heard that the chairman was coming, he quickly ran to the door and opened it to invite them. More people have been rescued this time than last time." The Prime Minister said and let them walk into the Prime Minister's room. Please sit down quickly. The Prime Minister walked to the chairman and said.