Doomsday world

ESC133 Snow

Huafeng, who has been observing Tianming, has seen the performance of Tianming clearly. What's wrong? Ming Dynasty?" Huafeng asked Tianming. No... nothing." Tianming shook his head and said, 'It's so strange... Did I guess right?' Huafeng felt a chill and hurriedly distance away from Tianming. Seeing Huafeng's reaction, Feng Xin covered his mouth and smiled very little, but Huafeng still noticed that Tianming was thinking about his thoughts and didn't notice the changes between the two of them at all. All right, I won't tease you. He wants me to help him recover the people he likes. Feng Xin, who didn't want Tianming to be treated as a homosexual by Huafeng, explained it to Huafeng. Such a thing, you scared me." Huafeng said. Ha ha, right? I don't know what's in your head. Although you are very smart and can't find anyone to surpass you, why are you so obsessed with those improper relationships? Feng Xin said.

"Who said I was interested in that," Hua Feng said. If you are not interested, how can you think of it at once? Feng Xin said with a smile. I'm just a little more imaginative. You see, you think too much. Huafeng said. What are you talking about?" At this time, Tianming came from one side and asked, because Tianming was thinking about something just now, so Tianming didn't know what they were talking about. Oh, we are talking about the attributes and usage of these staffs. Feng Xin said. Oh, this." Tianming didn't notice the strange expression of Huafeng and Feng Xin. On their right side, there is a very large thing like a long bar in the bar, and there are purple neon lights shining on all sides of the bar.

Huafeng looked at the bar in order to change the topic. Well, I know that I have such a device in Beijing. But it's useless for you to install neon lights around you. Hua Feng asked. Although this is very similar to yours, it is not exactly the same. There are too many things here that we didn't have when we were there, so I rely on those to improve a lot. Feng Xin waved his hand over the bar, and a huge electronic screen emerged from the bar in an instant. There is no difference." Huafeng said. Take a look." Feng Xin put his hand on the top of the electronic screen and dragged the electronic screen back and moved back with her. Such a thing... Awesome, I wanted to improve it so much at that time in Beijing, but I failed and never succeeded. Hua Feng said with exclamation.

"Well, you are almost familiar with this place." Feng Xin asked. Well, I'm familiar with it. But is that what you have achieved?" Hua Feng asked. You don't count how long I've been here. Do you think I'm a god? Feng Xin asked. ...Oh, it's not even a week." Huafeng said. It seems that your brain is not broken yet. Feng Xin said. What, my brain is not broken yet... Hey, how do you talk?" Huafeng is a little unhappy. Just kidding, okay, let's start working quickly. There are less than five days left. Feng Xin said. Yes, tell me where the current research work has gone?" Huafeng said. Um, okay." Feng Xin said and took them to the center of the room, that is, the room as a large table, which was full of small light-emitting instruments with various parts and drawings that had been used to fill energy.

"What we are doing now is strengthening armor and armor that can be used without mental strength to support." I don't know when Tianming walked to the front and explained to the two of them. Now I'm starting to study armor. I'm very interested, so we can start now. Huafeng said. No problem, you can do it at any time. Tianming said. What about you?" Seeing that Feng Xin did not speak, Hua Feng asked again. Well... you can start." Feng Xin was stunned and said, " What are you thinking about? Hua Feng said with some complaints. I'm sorry." Feng Xin said shyly...

'Tianming likes Tianxin and comes here to work for Tianxin... And Feng Xin likes Tianming. In order to lead Tianming here, Feng Xin, you are really smart, but... are you really confident that you can get his heart?' Huafeng is thinking about Feng Xin while working. What's wrong?" Feng Xin asked strangely. Nothing, let's get to work." Hua Feng picked up the design drawing and began to look at it. Feng Xin and Tianming have also begun to work.

When they were working, they were in a hurry outside. In order to welcome the arrival of the end of the world, cities around the world entered a state of high alert at this moment, and all citizens were forbidden to go out of their homes. The streets, which were originally desolate enough, became extremely lively today, but it was not civilians but the army. People, soldiers, tanks, warships, planes and even nuclear weapons from various countries were taken out without hesitation. Stationed at various important gates in the city. Each soldier stared at the front with high vigilance, observing that if there was black gas, he would report it immediately, and planned to prepare for the battle. One or two planes fly in the air from time to time, and tanks on the ground have become as common as private cars. Military vehicles and military trucks are no longer rare and can be seen everywhere.

December 8, 2012. Snow

The world has begun to snow. No matter which corner of the earth, it begins to snow. Even in places as hot as Africa, it begins to snow. After the crystal snowflakes fall on the ground, there is no trace of melting. Even if snowflakes fall everywhere on the exhaust pipe in a high temperature state, it will not melt. This phenomenon was so strange that the soldiers on guard in the city had to put down their guns and pick up the brooms to clean up the accumulated snow. As the end of the prophecy is getting closer and closer, people are already unable to sleep and eat. The protected civilians in the room lie on the windows and look outside every day. Some take out everything that can strengthen the doors and windows at home to strengthen their doors and windows. Some desperate couples and couples choose crazy sex and love to be together before they die. It doesn't matter if you die.

Citizens who have not lost hope are trying to survive at that moment. Lin Ming is such a girl, with long black vertical hair on her shoulders. She looks slender and slender. Her white cheeks have red lips, and her big black jewel-like eyes are full of despair. Because of the doomsday, her parents were killed by evil people when they went shopping together, and she Knowing that they suffered outside the house and could not do anything at all, they were very painful. In the first few days, they almost washed their faces with tears, and sometimes even wanted to commit suicide, but Lin Ming still hoped that he could survive and find a power to beg him to avenge him. She is willing to give anything as long as she can take revenge. Life in the room is so scared that she dares not take a step out of the house every day. When she goes to bed at night, the lights in the room are turned off, the doors, windows and curtains are dead, and the little noise is enough to scare her. Lin Ming has been at ease since the 7th, when the army came to protect this block, at least his life safety has been guaranteed.

In people's opinion, the army used to protect themselves is much more reassuring, and they are grateful to the government in their hearts. Every day, as long as Lin Ming sees the soldiers patrolling outside from the window, she can sleep at ease. At this moment, the soldier became the spiritual pillar in Lin Ming's heart. As long as the soldiers were there, Lin Ming was not afraid of anything. Lin Ming, who lay in front of the window and looked at the patrol soldiers, suddenly shouted, 'Ah, I forgot to eat.' Thinking that Lin Ming ran to the basement, where there was a lot of food left by her parents, which was enough for her to eat for three months. Lin Ming took out instant noodles and a bottle of drink. Because he was afraid, Lin Ming had always eaten very little. Every meal is sometimes so nervous that you can't swallow it even if you eat it in your mouth. But gradually got used to it, and now there is an army patrolling, so Lin Ming can also eat.

Lin Ming lay on the window sill and looked at the soldiers patrolling below. Only then could she eat at ease. There are still four days left, but I don't want to die.' Lin Ming thought that a faint sadness surrounded her. Why...why...why did this happen? I obviously didn't do anything. Why... Why should I bear this kind of evil punishment? Mom... Dad... I'm so painful...' Lin Ming, who was lying on the window sill, couldn't help crying.

December 9, 2012. Snow

It's still snowing, and the flying snow is swaying in the wind. The unmelt snow has accumulated about half a meter deep on the ground. Tanks and cars have to stop, and the plane has disappeared. All that's left is the walking soldiers. Although the conditions have become very difficult, the soldiers and people still do not stop patrolling. Every day in the community, on the streets, as long as there are people living, they go back to patrol. Even if the patrol is not very useful, they still persist.

'The snow hasn't stopped yet.' Lin Ming lay on the glass in his home and looked at the scenery outside and thought that since his parents died, Lin Ming had been in a state of a doll for a long time. He didn't want to do anything and did nothing. She became a numb monster. Originally, she planned to commit suicide, but she thought that her parents could not die in vain. If she If she dies the same, her parents will die in vain, precisely because Lin Ming survived because of that hatred. Live in hatred every day.' The snow is so beautiful.' Lin Ming looked at the falling snowflakes and said.