Doomsday world

The change of the era of ESC142 2

"Magic Age?" Li Yunfei muttered those words and felt that he had really entered another era. And it is an era that has always existed only in science fiction and cartoons. Military commander?" Seeing that Li Yunfei was a little dazed, Huafeng called Li Yunfei. Ah? What's wrong? Oh... Well, you can continue to introduce weapons." Li Yunfei said. En." Hua Feng said that he took out something like a bracelet again, which can be completely understood as a wrist guard, but the appearance is really good, which can also be said to be a bracelet.

"What's the use of this?" Li Yunfei asked. He is equivalent to a walkie-talkie, and when your life is seriously threatened, he will open an energy mask to resist the C-level attack. Huafeng said. Can you explain the concept of C-level attack power? Li Yunfei asked. Let me explain the level of combat effectiveness to you now. 10~100 belongs to the F-level combat effectiveness. 100~300 belongs to E-level combat effectiveness, 300~450 belongs to D-level combat effectiveness, 450~650 belongs to C-level combat effectiveness, and 650~800 belongs to B-level combat effectiveness. 800~1000 belongs to A-level combat effectiveness. Huafeng explained. Oh, so this bracelet's defense ability is really strong, but you just said the approximate value, we can't understand it very well. What kind of attack power is to be regarded as the level of F, E.D. Li Yunfei said.

"Actually, it's very simple for me to introduce it to you. First of all, 10 combat effectiveness, that is, the combat effectiveness that others punch you and can make you fall is 10. 100 combat effectiveness is equivalent to the lethality of a sniper rifle. 300 is the lethality of the tank, 450 is equivalent to the lethality of *, and 650 is equivalent to the lethality of rockets. Huafeng said. So what is the lethality of the nuclear bomb? A-level, right?" Li Yunfei said.

"The nuclear bomb can only be regarded as the lowest level 850 combat effectiveness of Class A by my level." Huafeng said. What?" Li Yunfei opened his eyes in surprise. Don't be so surprised. It's not the era of science and technology, but the era of magic. Huafeng said. Well..." Slowly Li Yunfei calmed down. Well, now the weapons to be distributed to you have been introduced, and I will send them to you next. There is also a volume of instructions for each person to read the instructions if they don't understand. If you really don't understand, you can come to my research institute to ask. Huafeng said. Of course, I don't want you to come and disturb me." The last sentence was a little low and was not noticed.

"Well, now that the introduction has been completed, let's all come up and get the equipment." Li Yunfei said. Now the regiment comes up to collect it, and the head of each regiment comes up with his battalion commander to collect the supplies and distribute them in turn. Yes." The soldiers below replied excitedly that they were looking forward to this batch of new weapons. How to divide the division between mages and warriors? How does it count? Li Yunfei asked. According to their personal preferences, the rest after they choose will automatically disappear and return to my research institute. Huafeng said. Really?" Li Yunfei looked at Hua Feng incredulously.

"There is nothing we can do to avoid wasting materials." Huafeng said with a little embarrassment. This is a good thing." Li Yunfei said with a smile. It's really a good thing in some way, but not a good thing in some way. Huafeng said meaningfully. What do you mean by this? Li Yunfei didn't understand the meaning of Huafeng dialect. There's nothing to talk about." Hua Feng said with a smile, and then they were busy. Although only the regimental commander and battalion commander were asked to collect supplies, the number is still huge.

Looking at the vast crowd Li Yunfei and Hua Feng, Tianming and Feng Xin feel powerless. If I had known, I wouldn't have come." Tianming said. I said we don't have to come, but you still have to come. You still have to pull me up. Aren't you looking for yourself? Feng Xin complained that although he was complaining, the work at hand did not stop. Well, I didn't know it would be so troublesome." Tianming said. I told you that you didn't listen to me. Feng Xin said. Ha..." Tianming sighed helplessly. If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer losses in front of you. Now you understand. Feng Xin said. Ha...I see." Tianming had nothing to say and had no choice but to accept Feng Xin's teaching.

"What are you two doing? Hurry up and work for me if you still want to have dinner." Hua Feng said in a threatening tone. Yes, yes... I know." The two of them spoke helplessly and accelerated their hands. At the top of the venue, Phyllis and Tiancheng saw that the following weapons had been introduced. When they were about to leave, Tiancheng seemed to see something. Look at whether it is Yan Xincheng and his wife over there. Tiancheng said. It's really strange why you can't come to us..." Before Tiancheng finished speaking, his heart rain pinched Tiancheng. When Tiancheng just wanted to say something, he found that Phyllis had looked over there eager to try, and Tiancheng found that he had made such a stupid mistake. We have almost enough rest." Yan Xincheng found that Phyllis hurriedly said to Zhang Yunxin beside him when he was looking at himself. What's wrong? Unexpectedly, I have to work so consciously." Zhang Yunxin looked at Yan Xincheng strangely.

"Haha... Because I always feel very uneasy when I think of the fortunate human beings struggling under the attack of monsters." Yan Xincheng said with sweat. Oh, for the suffering human beings, let's go." With that, Zhang Yunxin opened the magic array and the two disappeared in place. Phyllis looked in that direction unwillingly. Well, now is not the time to play. Let's go quickly. Yan Hucheng said and released the magic array to send them out.

December 12, 2012**.

The sun has disappeared in the sky, and the human world has ushered in the first night after entering the end. Although the world has lost the sun, the whole city is still shrouded in dark red light, and the dark red is not very strong. It is a special night scene. Howling~" The roar of monsters comes from the air from time to time, and sometimes strange creatures fly over the air. The whole world has changed and become a paradise for monsters. There is no trace of human beings in the world. Only strange creatures and monsters are wandering around.

More than a dozen surviving humans are hiding in a secret basement. The whole basement is quite spacious, with 60 square meters of rooms. Fortunately, it is full of food and there is also a toilet, so that they don't have to worry about how to solve the physiological problems trapped here.

"Sari, are you all right?" Sally curled up in a small corner and asked her with concern about a little girl saved by Sally. It's okay. I'm just a little sleepy, so I want to take a break. Sally gave the little girl a smile. You should pay attention to your health." The little girl said with concern. Well, thank you for your concern." Sally said and lay on the floor with a 'bed' covered with straw and weeds. The rest of the survivors are the same. They just hid together temporarily and didn't say a few more words to anyone. Each of them would only have some disputes or verbal communication when they needed to eat, and they didn't want to talk much except for the first time.

To ask why, it is because they no longer trust anyone, and if they can, they don't even want to believe the air. At the moment of the outbreak of extinction, Yingxi Oliver released a strong spiritual attack. He is like a devil lurking in the hearts of human beings, tempting people to change people. If you are not smart enough, if you can't resist **, then you will fail. The damage of spiritual corrosion is very powerful, that is, If your body is not hurt and your spirit is corroded, then you will become a wooden man. It's just an unconscious vegetable. People who are mentally injured begin to be afraid of being hurt again. However, those who are hurt attribute all their mistakes to the people around them. In their opinion, their injuries are caused by their existence, and the existence of others will only hold them back.

Unity has lost its original meaning this time, and unity will only appear when interests are involved. If it's not profitable, no one wants to work with you. At this time, there were 35 survivors in the basement. Everyone can keep a certain distance from others. The little girl around Sally's respective 'territoriality of each guard looked at the situation around her and didn't know much, but when she saw Sally in a sleeping state, she was embarrassed to disturb her and had no choice but to give up her inner doubts. Ask to sit against the wall.

Sally, who was lying there at this time, was in a state of confusion, 'Why did you save the little girl? Can she bring me any benefits? It will only cause me trouble.' Dark Sally said. Can't you save people without benefits? If you think anything is troublesome, just put all the internal organs there, because it's also troublesome to use it. The kind Sally retorted loudly. Oh, the mouth is very talkative." Dark Sally looked at the kind Sally. Are you the real Sally? You are not dead yet." At this time, the dark Sally suddenly reacted and looked at the Sally in front of her.