Doomsday world

ESC156 Please believe it once

"Our parents were killed." Lin Ming's eyes seemed to tell other people's stories. Yan Xuanming listened quietly. Before the end of the world, Lin Ming's parents took out all their savings to buy the necessities of life in order to let their family pass the end of the world, because they were worried that Lin Ming was alone at home with a family of three. After leaving home, they went to the large wholesale market. There were a lot of people in the large wholesale market because of the influence of the doomsday. They queued for more than 50 hours before it was their turn.

After consultation, they bought a large number of materials with all the money they had, but they really felt a strong sense of powerlessness when they saw a large number of materials because they had no car and could not take them back. At this time, one person spoke to them. Hi, brother, how can you buy supplies for the end of the day? A man with a scum face asked Lin Ming's father. Um, yes, but although I bought this feeling, I can't take it back, because I don't have a car. Lin Ming's father, Lin Feng, said helplessly. Hello, my name is Fengnan. I have a car but I don't have materials for the end of the world, because I don't have money to buy materials. If you are willing to pay for some of my materials, I am willing to help you transport the materials to your home. Fengnan proposed.

Fengnan is a wanderer who is nearly 40 years old but still has no wife and has achieved nothing in his career. He has been working hard for nearly 30 years. Because he is honest, he is bullied and deceived wherever he goes. Gradually, Fengnan realized that if he keeps being honest, he will not live in this doomsday. He survived, so he had to turn himself cunning, so he focused on Lin Feng's family.

Lin Feng agreed after thinking for a moment. In this way, after they reached an agreement, Fengnan drove his van over. After more than 20 minutes of transportation with the help of Fengnan, they finally transported all the supplies to the van. Just after moving, Lin Feng's family sat on the ground and took a rest, but At this time, Fengnan quietly climbed into the car and plugged in the key. Suddenly, he increased the accelerator and wanted to drive away. Lin Feng rushed desperately to the cab and pulled Hua Feng's arm and pulled him out of the car. Lin Ming's mother looked nervously at Lin Feng, who was struggling with Fengnan. "Wait here for a moment. I'll be back right away." Wang Xi said and rushed up to pick up an iron bar and rushed up to hit Fengnan. All right, stop. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. Please stop. I'm also doing this to survive. Fengnan received a blow from two people and begged for mercy.

"Are you really begging for mercy?" Lin Feng asked. I'm really begging for mercy. I'm wrong. Fengnan cried and said. It's good to know what's wrong. Now transport our things to my home or I'll kill you!" Lin Feng said fiercely and picked up a fruit knife from the ground and stroked it on Fengnan's neck. Uh-huh." Fengnan nodded honestly. After they packed up their things again, Fengnan sat in the cab. Lin Feng walked as the co-pilot. Lin Ming and Wang Xi sat behind him. Behind him were supplies for the end of the world.

The car slowly started. Under Lin Feng's command, Fengnan finally sent them home, and then moved down the supplies. When he was moving the supplies, Fengnan looked at the less and less leftover things in his car and said, "What about my share?" Fengnan asked. Without you!" Lin Feng said fiercely. What!! We didn't say that we would give me a supply and I would help you transport things!!" Fengnan shouted loudly. That's what you said at the beginning, but you didn't blame me for being ruthless when you broke the contract!" Lin Feng said and took out his knife and stood there. Fengnan looked at Lin Feng angrily. Why do you want to grab it?" Lin Feng looked at Fengnan with caution.

Fengnan gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Feng for a while. Let's give him some. Don't do it too much." Wang Xi looked at Fengnan with an iron bar and slowly moved to Lin Feng's side and said. I only need a little supplies, and I'll leave when I get the supplies I deserve. Fengnan said without hesitation. Now Fengnan has nothing left with the broken car all over his body. If he doesn't get supplies here, he will die, and no one will pity him.

"Get out of here if you take your share." Lin Feng said and divided one. Fengnan took the supplies and got into the car and drove away. Lin Feng watched Fengnan leave before he was relieved and planned to take the supplies back to the room, but at this time, a man suddenly appeared in front of them very miserablely, and there was no complete clothes on his face and dirty dust everywhere. Please give me a bite of food." Ma Ping said pitifully. Lin Feng looked at Ma Pingyuan and didn't want to care about it, but when he saw Ma Ping's miserable appearance, he couldn't bear to take out a bag of instant noodles and threw it to him. Take it and get out of here." Lin Feng said cruelly.

But at that moment, Ma Ping walked forward and instantly threw Lin Feng to the ground when he was about to get to instant noodles, and then two people rushed to the materials crazily. Let's be fooled. Haha, what a real guy." Ma Ping laughed crazily. Lin Feng pushed Ma Ping away with a knife and waved the people who would be in front of the supplies and blocked them in front of the supplies. "Lin Ming!!! Mother of the child!! Hurry up and take the supplies home and lock them up!!!" Lin Feng shouted and waved the knife in his hand to stop Ma Ping and the three of them. You need to buy the materials by yourself!! Why did you rob me!!" Lin Feng shouted loudly. If you have money, I don't have to rob you. I can't help being in the world. Ma Ping said with a smile and saw the knife in Lin Feng's hand and the three of them stopped. They had done such things many times with rich experience. When the three people began to wander back and forth to confuse Lin Feng's sight.

"Quick!!" Lin Feng cut a person with a knife and shouted loudly. Lin Ming watched his father besieged by three people with tears. He had no choice but to send supplies home with his mother. The wounds on Lin Feng's body continued to increase, and a large amount of blood flowed out and dyed Lin Feng's clothes red. Many times, Lin Feng felt that he was about to collapse at any time, but whenever Lin Feng turned around and found that Lin Xi and Wang Xi were still struggling to carry supplies, they could not fall down. ' Thinking like this, Lin Feng stood up again and again and took the struggle to cut Ma Ping in his hand. At the same time, he moved his tired body to block their way forward. Gradually, the supplies were slowly moved out. Lin Feng's body was full of bright red blood, which dyed all his clothes red and turned into a bloody coat. On his body, Lin Feng slowly looked behind him and found that Lin Ming and Wang Xi ran towards the door with the last batch of supplies, with a smile on their faces and slowly fell down. What a difficult guy!" Ma Ping said and stepped on Lin Feng's body.

The three rushed up to catch Lin Ming and Wang Xi as fast as possible. At this time, Lin Ming and Wang Xi were about to reach their door, but Ma Ping and the three of them had caught up. At this critical moment, Wang Xi threw the supplies in her hand at Ma Ping and the three of them, and then pushed Lin Xi into the room and closed the door to block the door. In front of the house. Lin Ming!! Lock the door quickly!!!" Wang Xi shouted heartbreakingly and blocked the door with his body. Bitch!! Get out of the way!!!" Ma Ping scolded Wang Xi with an iron bar in his hand, and Wang Xi, who was hit by Ma Ping, gritted her teeth and didn't say a word. Get out of the way, bitch!! Get out of the way, you bitch!!" The other two also scolded and looked at Wang Xi with a knife in their hands, but Wang Xi had many wounds on his body, but he always stood in front of the gate and grabbed the edge of the door frame with both hands to block there.

"Mom!!! Dad!!!!" In the room, Lin Ming locked the door with his trembling hands and leaned against the gate and cried bitterly. He curled up there in fear. When he was tired of crying, he fainted on the ground. Outside, Ma Ping found that Wang Xi was dead but still looked at the front of the gate, which made Ma Ping a little afraid. They left one after another.

After Lin Ming finished speaking to Yan Xuanming, he sat there quietly and didn't say anything. After listening to Lin Ming's words, Yan Xuanming stopped talking. He felt very uncomfortable and didn't know how to comfort Lin Ming. You don't have to be afraid here. The people here are very good. They have similar encounters to you. They are also afraid, so please try to believe it once. Just once, please don't give up hope. Although the world has become extremely dirty, I still hope you can believe in the world once, because it has not completely fallen. Yan Xuanming took a deep breath and said.

After listening to Yan Xuanming's words, Lin Ming wiped the tears on his face and thought for a while. Can you really believe it? Won't you be hurt?" Lin Ming was silent for a long time before saying such a sentence. Because he was rescued by Yan Xuanming, he could still listen to Yan Xuanming's words. I can really trust you, I promise you." Yan Xuanming said with certainty, "Don't you notice it? Many people care about you since you came here." I thought they came to kill me." Lin Ming said timidly. Why do you think so? Yan Xuanming said helplessly. Because..." Lin Ming didn't finish saying that Yan Xuanming already knew why.

"Don't worry, no one here will hurt you, so please believe in the world." Yan Xuanming said. Uh-huh." Lin Ming nodded, "There is already a lot of food in the food storage space at your door. They care about you very much, so don't be afraid to know?" Yan Xuanming said with a smile. Uh-huh." Lin Ming was gradually enlightened by Yan Xuanming and slowly gained confidence to believe in the world again. After many days of enlightenment, Lin Ming's personality has gradually become cheerful. After Yan Xuanming's introduction, Lin Ming went to the power school, which is constantly developing in a good direction. The whole base is no longer cold, but full of human feelings. People living in it feel very happy.

As people gradually become cheerful and implement new policies in underground cities, in order to increase communication between people and have nothing to do when they are full, the monetary system has emerged again. Of course, it will also give people work. It is just a simple sweeping and sorting out the environment of the city and maintaining the safety of underground cities. At the same time, the system will also teach them to repair high-tech items so that they have jobs to do. At the same time, stores and market policies can open their own stores and do business and other occupations. At the same time, they can also volunteer to participate in the school of power to study, otherwise the survivors will only eat and sleep for a short time. Have you become a pig?