Doomsday world

ESC223 transfer

After saying that, Tiancheng didn't give them a chance to pull them to fly in the direction of the temporary base. On the way, they encountered a lot of obstacles from monsters, but it was smooth to open the road with a heart rain. In the temporary base, Yan Hucheng, Li Yunfei, Meng Hu and other soldiers stood on the edge of the boundary and waited. You finally came back. I thought you..." Yan Hucheng came up and said anxiously. I'm sorry to worry you." Yan Xuanming said apologetically. That's nothing, as long as you come back safely." Yan Hucheng patted Yan Xuanming on the shoulder and said. Well, since we're back, let's take a break first, and then we'll have a group meeting. Li Yunfei said with a grim look. Yes." After saying that, people went back to the room to rest. I'll rest here, and the Kingdom of Field will be handed over to Field. Yan Yuxiang said to Li Yunfei.

"Well, it's convenient to connect like this. The rest station was not built when you came over there. Now it's all finished. I'll take you there. Just choose any one over there." Li Yunfei said. Uh-huh." After saying that, Yan Yuxiang followed Li Yunfei to the rest station of the temporary base. At the rest station, Yan Yuxiang chose a single room not very far from Li Yunfei for convenience. The overall layout of the room is quite spacious. There is only one room in the room, and there is a chair, a table and a bed on the ceiling. Fang has magic utensils used for lighting. There is a food storage array and garbage transmission array on the wall, which is very simple. Yan Yuxiang went straight to the chair and sat on the chair and leaned there to rest. At this time, he found that there was a link on the table and pressed the information connected to the Kingdom of Field. Slow The slow image of Field appeared in front of Yan Yuxiang. How was the battle? Are you hurt?" Field asked with concern. It's nothing serious, but the war is not as simple as I thought. Yan Yuxiang frowned and said. What's wrong?" Field asked with concern. Do you know the character Fislan? Yan Yuxiang asked.

"Fasilan... seems to have heard such a name, let me think about it." Field said in thought, and Yan Yuxiang sat quietly on the chair waiting for Field to think. I remember it! Fislan is the leader of the Gaia clan, which can compete with Yingxi Oliver. I heard that she is the first to be demonized, so as long as she has her, the strength of the Gaia clan will double, but she was killed by human beings during the last extinction. Have you met Feathlan? Field asked. Yes, we met that we had a chance to kill her, but... I misjudged and failed to kill her. Yan Yuxiang lowered his head with regret and clenched his fists tightly. It doesn't matter. Fislan's strength can't be dealt with by one or two people. I don't blame you. Field comforted. Thank you, Field. Yan Yuxiang smiled and looked at Field's clenched hands loosening. When the man failed, he could only relax in front of the person closest to him.

"It doesn't matter. You just need to work hard with all your heart." Field looked at Yan Yuxiang with a smile. Why don't you come back and stay in the temporary base?" Field asked. Because the power of Fei Silan's suddenly awakened monsters increased in an instant, we didn't expect this situation, and we were surrounded when we went to the raid, so we suffered heavy losses. After resting here, we have to hold a discussion, so we won't go back. Yan Yuxiang said. Um, I know. Don't work too hard. Pay attention to your health. I will manage the Field Kingdom first. Ah, by the way, how about the casualties of our soldiers? Field asked. It's been less than an hour since I came back, so the data hasn't come out yet, but this time it is estimated that the casualties are heavy. Yan Yuxiang said sadly.

"Hmm..." Field was silent. Field was silent for a long time and looked up at Yan Yuxiang several times, but found that Yan Yuxiang didn't say anything. He just sat there and looked straight ahead. He said helplessly, "Then take more rest. I'll go first." Uh-huh." Yan Yuxiang answered in a daze, and Field looked at Yan Yuxiang a few more times before turning off the link. Yan Yuxiang didn't react until two minutes after Field left. Ahfield?" But Field has turned off the lianc. Ah... I'd better take a break." Yan Yuxiang held his head and walked to the bedside and lay down.

The medical station is full of soldiers, and the priests are already very busy. The soldiers are already full of soldiers in each medical station. For example, some soldiers who are not very seriously injured have been given several medical crystals by the priest to take back to their lounge for self-treatment. The serious injuries are treated in the medical station. At the same time, the research institute in the underground city has been full of damaged weapons and equipment. Huafeng, Feng Xin, Tianming and some researchers all looked solemnly at the seriously damaged machines in front of them. In the Kingdom of Field, Field was sitting on the palace chair with a sad face, looking at the data sent by the temporary base, which showed the results of the battle and the number of people lost. In the Kingdom of Field, 50,000 people were sent, 15,000 survived, 9,000 were disabled, and the rest were slightly injured. 60% of the tanks were lost, 20% could no longer be used, and 5,000 humanoid machines were damaged in the war. 50,000 people were sent to the temporary base, 10,000 survived, 6,000 were disabled, 65 percent of the tanks were lost, 10% could not be used, 8,000 humanoid machines participated in the war, and 49,000 were damaged.

Field couldn't bear to look at such amazing loss information, but in order to fully understand the information, Field endured and continued to look at the results achieved, eliminating 150,000 magic monkeys, 300,000 saw beasts, 3,000 ave worms, and advancing zero kilometers. Field was shocked to see the last message 'battle advance zero kilometers', and the front that killed so many monsters did not advance at all? This shocked Field. In the research room of the Field Kingdom, there is no difference between the research room of the Field Kingdom and the underground city. In the same busy scene, Duran is the chief researcher of the Field Kingdom Research Office, shouldering the major mission of the development of Field Kingdom science and technology. At this time, the information desk of the laboratory suddenly lit up. In order not to hinder the research, Duran turned off the voice prompt. As a result, Field and Yan Yuxiang could not contact Dulan most of the time. Only when Dulan obtained the research results of the letter and then released them could they contact Duran, which also formed a unilateral relationship.

This time, Duran had just finished her research and rested on the chair. Duran was wearing a white coat and long brown hair straight to her waist. Her white cheeks were sweating because she was too tired. Her left hand fanned the wind on her face and her right hand was resting with a cup of coffee. A large group of staff were busy next to her resting. Sth. Seeing the message, Duran went to the information desk and connected the message. I don't know who it is?" Duran asked.