The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 5 Nuclear Energy Evolution

Zheng Yonghao turned on all the lights and quickly threw away the little unbearance in his mind in some dazzling brightness.

Those things are bound to happen, and no one can control them.

He would rather enjoy the last light than thinking nonsense.

It won't be long before all the running machines will completely stop running for a long time, and the city's power supply will only last for a few more hours.

After that, due to the destruction of various reasons and its own failure, the representative of this industrial revolution will gradually move away until it is completely lost.

The power will disappear soon, which is also the main reason why Zheng Yonghao is eager to occupy the radiation room.

With his strength, even if his body is very weak now, it is not difficult to deal with a large number of zombies that have not yet gathered in the early stage.

But he has to consume S energy first, which he can't do. He can only use the hospital's radiation equipment.

And the whole process takes about three hours, and he can only race against time to ensure that it will be completed before the power disappears.

Three hours seems to be extremely long in this situation.

Zheng Yonghao even felt that he had been waiting for 30 or even 300 hours until the ding sounded and he suddenly stood up.

Thanks to high technology, 20 minutes ahead of his expectations, the total amount of S energy has been reduced to the extent he needs.

Zheng Yonghao controlled the instrument, reloaded the energy block into the lead box, and waited until the radiation value of the radiation room dropped to the normal level, and then opened the door and rushed in.

The small lead box carries S energy that can change his fate.

Even if he had got it before, after all, S energy was unusable at that time, and he didn't dare to be excited.

But now it's different. All the conditions are ready, and his fate is in his own hands.

Zheng Yonghao retreated to the small room, and only here was within the scope of space radiation.

And because of the all-metal closure, the radiation room not only isolated the impact of S energy on him, but also completely blocked the space radiation he needed.

He carefully opened the lead box, and the real appearance of S Energy finally appeared in front of him for the first time.

This is a small dark blue cylinder with metallic luster, which reflects the light and looks beautiful.

However, Zheng Yonghao will not be intoxicated by its beauty. All beauty in the end of the world is luxury goods, and luxury goods can only be equated with waste products.

He is waiting for the change of S Energy. If that change occurs, it means that he has been half successful.


A few hours later, Zheng Yonghao kept staring at the lead box in front of him without blinking.

The chaos outside has gradually subsided, but even if he doesn't look at it, he knows that what replaces the chaos is not calm, but the real gloomy horror.

The corpses will gradually come together and then be swallowed up by every living person they find.

This mutation has brought them far more power than normal people, and most people will have no resistance in front of them.

And they also have an unimaginable sense of smell. No matter where people hide, it is difficult to escape their pursuit.

Fortunately, the mutation does not bring them all advantages, otherwise there will be no survivors.

First of all, the speed of zombies is not fast. Of course, this unhappiness is relative to their power, which is only equivalent to the level of an ordinary adult man.

Secondly, zombies basically have no vision. If there is a way to avoid smell or cover it with a stronger smell, they may also avoid the hunting of zombies.

The last one is that ordinary zombies do not have the wisdom of human beings. They are so stupid that they can't even climb ladders.

So hiding high and cutting off all the stairs is also a good way to avoid zombies.

"Now they should have done what I said, and she... huh?"

Zheng Yonghao was thinking about his family he had warned, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The small cylinder in the lead box suddenly shook, and now there is absolutely no earthquake or anything like that.

Zheng Yonghao opened his eyes wide and looked carefully, and finally became excited.

Where S energy is shaking, it is clearly changing the state of things. From the original solid, it is gradually changing to **.

That means this thing... it melted!

Zheng Yonghao and others are like this. Future scientists have speculated based on the phenomena they observed - if the environment at the time of the catastrophe can be reproduced, then S energy will be transformed into liquid energy under the action of space radiation.

This liquid energy will have the role of both evolutionary factors and superpower particles, and the effect of direct use is likely to be much better than the evolutionary serum they have developed.

Of course, this is just a conjecture, because no one can replicate the space radiation of the catastrophe, and no one can reproduce the past.

Even then, human beings still did not understand where the catastrophe came about and where it came from.

But now, Zheng Yonghao has seen with his own eyes that he wants to become a reality.

And faster than those scientists guessed, S energy has completely changed from jitter to ** form, which is just in the blink of an eye.

Zheng Yonghao almost stopped breathing. At this point, he did not need to risk implanting energy blocks into his body to gamble on luck, but could directly inject the current liquid energy.

If the other half predicted by those scientists is also correct, the probability of his successful evolution will increase again, infinitely close to 100%!

He took out the syringe that had been prepared for a long time and pumped S energy into it. Zheng Yonghao took a deep breath and resolutely pierced his arm.


Just as soon as it was injected, Zheng Yonghao felt a buzzing sound in his head.

He felt the first change in the blood in his arm, as if it was boiling, and then the feeling spread all over his body.

His heartbeat, breathing and blood flow are growing at an extremely terrible rate. His body temperature is rising, as if he is going to be burned the next moment.

However, in this state, Zheng Yonghao was not only not panicked, but also happy. Because of the same situation, it is being described in the future.

The only S-energy mutant in the world abroad has the same experience. Those foreigners not only did not take it as a secret, but also proudly told the whole process.

Of course, it's not how selfless they are, but it's too difficult to successfully evolve an S-energy mutant, and they are not afraid of anyone mastering anything from it.

And in addition to his early preparation, the current situation just proves that his judgment is correct.

If it had been the original S energy, it would have been injected into the body 10,000 times.

But now, although he is suffering, he is still alive and has begun to gradually adapt to this pain.

one hour, two hours, three hours!

The fourth hour has passed, and the electric lights that used to broadcast light have long been useless, and the room and the whole city, including the whole city, are shrouded in darkness.

But in this darkness, Zheng Yonghao suddenly stood up.

His eyes were very bright, emitting a faint purple light in the dark.

He lowered his head and looked at his hand. It was obviously dark, but even the lines of his palm were clear.

And his eyes are very different from usual. He can still see a circle of energy fluctuations outside his palm.

"Secondary level of evolution!"

Zheng Yonghao spoke in shock.