The End of the World Nuclear King

Chapter 15 Transfer

It's not completely dawn yet. If it's completely for insurance, Zheng Yonghao doesn't want to transfer at this time, but there is nothing he can do.

Just a day later, more than 50 zombies have gathered outside the study room.

The obstacles they set are about to be unbearable, and disgusting arms have stretched out through the cracks in the door.

So they can only leave early, and if they delay for a while, they are likely to lose the opportunity to leave.

"Are you ready?"

Zheng Yonghao looked at Qin Ming, who was holding the curtains tightly, and asked.

"No problem."

Qin Ming made an OK gesture. Zheng Yonghao nodded slightly and flew out of the air.

At the beginning, he dared to jump on the fourth floor, but his strength has increased in recent days. How can the height of the second floor be taken seriously by him?

In the eyes of the three people, Zheng Yonghao landed steadily. At the same time, with a wave of a machete in his hand, a zombie head rose to the sky.

Zombies have an extremely sensitive sense of smell, but it is this sensitive sense that makes them gather outside the door of the study room, and there are only one or two wandering downstairs.

Zheng Yonghao killed the zombies with a knife, looked up and shouted, "Come down."

The second one is not Qin Ming's brother and sister, but Tao Ying.

Tao Ying also did not use the curtains tied into ropes and slid down the drainage pipe.

Next, Qin Xue's little body finally poked out of the window. Qin Ming was grabbing the curtain around her waist and putting it down little by little.

Looking at this scene, Zheng Yonghao frowned slightly.

In fact, when Qin Xue woke up, her physical fitness was far from comparable to ordinary people.

205's energy value is not comparable to Zheng Yonghao's own, but it is more than twice that of Qin Ming and Tao Ying. The height of the second floor should not be a problem at all.

But Qin Xue's age is too young, and her psychology can't keep up with the evolution of her body.

Even her ability to control the ice and cold cannot be exerted for the time being for the same reason.

Zheng Yonghao clearly understands this, but there is nothing he can do to help.

Psychological problems cannot be solved overnight. After all, the future ice and snow goddess is still just a young child, and she still needs to grow up.

Qin Xue landed smoothly, and Qin Ming upstairs breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was getting out of the window and climbing down the water pipe, he suddenly heard Zheng Yonghao shouting: "Jump!"

Qin Ming was slightly stunned. Although he still listened to Zheng Yonghao's instructions and jumped out of the window, the moment's hesitation still slowed him down by half.

And behind him, I don't know when a zombie has broken through, and the disgusting palm has caught him!


Qin Ming felt a chill in mid-air. When the severe pain came, he had been caught by Zheng Yonghao below.


Qin Xue shouted anxiously, and Tao Ying's face turned pale.

They saw that the clothes on Qin Ming's reserve had been completely cut open, and the flesh and blood on their backs were blurred, which turned out to be a bloody scratch.

Zheng Yonghao frowned, and this bloody scene gave him some bad memories.

But this kind of memory is only for a moment, which can only make him frown today, and his mood will not be affected at all.

"No muscle and bone injury, plan to continue!"

In his light words, Zheng Yonghao just glanced at Qin Ming's wound and turned his attention to the front again, not even looking at the zombies upstairs who were spreading their teeth and claws.

What he saw was in the northeast, where several zombies were wandering. But behind the zombies, it was their destination - the experimental building of the sports institute.

Since he followed Qin Ming to the sports hospital, he was already paying attention to where it was more suitable for temporary hiding.

That place should first be high enough to avoid a large group of zombies. Secondly, there should be easy-to-get food, at least closer. Most importantly, there must be enough clean water.

Ordinary people can persist for a week or even longer without eating, but if they don't drink water, they may not be able to do it for three days.

Even Zheng Yonghao, who has a current energy value of 351, dares not say that he can not touch it for three days.

It may not endanger their lives, but his ability to move will decline countless times.

In today's environment, losing the ability to act is equivalent to losing life.

In this way, the experimental building of the sports institute near the canteen and has a huge water tower fell into his eyes and has now become their destination.

"How are you?"

It's surprising that Tao Ying, who has always been unable to see Zheng Yonghao, did not investigate him and just stared at the zombies in front of him regardless of Qin Ming.

Obviously, even she understands that the current situation is not as good as it seems.

No one knows whether the zombies gathered upstairs will surge down, and they don't know whether the ones in front of them will attract a more terrible group!

"I can still hold on, it's okay!"

Qin Ming gritted his teeth and stood up, clenching his fists to Tao Ying to signal that he was fine.

Tao Ying's face was ugly. She didn't say anything but pushed Qin Ming in front of her, behind Zheng Yonghao.

According to the original plan, Zheng Yonghao opened the road in the front during the transfer process, Tao Ying protected Qin Xue in the middle, and Qin Ming walked behind and was responsible for the break.

But now Qin Ming is injured, and his position can only be replaced by Tao Ying.

Seeing that they had finished adjusting, Zheng Yonghao suppressed his voice and followed me and rushed out first.

The purpose of lowering the voice is not to disturb the zombies, while the quick action is to minimize the risk.

There is a distance of about 300 meters between the library and the experimental building, of which more than 100 meters are within sight, and only the first three or two zombies are wandering.

If they are lucky enough, if the later journey is so "clean", then their transfer will be more smooth than expected.

However, their luck is obviously not good enough!

Just as several people relaxed because they were about to arrive at their destination, Zheng Yonghao, who was walking in the front, suddenly shouted, "Don't move!"

At the same time, the machete in his hand left his hand in an instant, and the direction turned out to be Qin Ming, who was helping his sister.

Seeing the white light flashed, Qin Ming even forgot the pain, and his whole body was tense and did not dare to move at the same time.

Not only did he not move, but he also grasped Qin Xue in an instant to prevent his sister from being accidentally injured because of nervousness.


The voice came to his ears, and Qin Ming hurriedly turned around. Just beside him and Qin Xue, a zombie whose head was cut off was falling down!

This scene scared him into a cold sweat.

He didn't realize when the zombie appeared and how it approached.

But he understood that if Zheng Yonghao hadn't immediately tosslash the machete, he and Qin Xue would not have been able to avoid the attack of zombies.

"Don't be happy too early, be careful!"

Zheng Yonghao, who had regained the machete, narrowed his eyes slightly and looked grim.

Qin Ming and others don't know where this zombie came from. He can see it clearly.

Just above their heads, the zombie climbed out of the balcony on the third floor and jumped down.

The key to the problem is that in his memory, zombies in the early days of the world can only act mechanically.

Zombies who can have a certain consciousness and will actively climb over obstacles such as walls will not appear until at least a few months later.

The process of the end of the world seems to have accelerated!

"Let's go!"

Zheng Yonghao continued to lead the team forward with a cold face.

This time, they finally saw the destination experimental building, but they stepped down at the same time.

Qin Ming's palm holding the axe has turned cyan because of force, and Tao Ying's face turned pale and subconsciously exclaimed, "The corpse... group!"